Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 739 The title lady is watching videos!

Chapter 739 The title lady is watching videos!

There is not much communication between the ten dragon nests. After all, the dragon's personality is there.

Therefore, there are not many books related to the ten dragon nests in the Desidero Library. It is amazing that Witt can finish reading the books arranged by Winters. Witt really doesn't read many other books.

Therefore, Witt knows some information, but most of it is unknown.

For example, he knows the name of a continent, but he only knows a name. He doesn't know the specific location of this continent, or even what is on it.

He doesn't know that the continent of the dragon world is not one, but eight.

Similarly, he knows the Frozen Abyss, Riupus, and Remiel, but he only knows the underwater world of Riupus, and doesn't know where the entrance to this underwater world is.

He knew Remiel, but only by name. Sorry, he didn't know which continent Remiel was in or which location!

In addition, he only knew these four names among the ten dragon nests, and he didn't know the names of the other six dragon nests.

The reason for this situation is that the records related to these places in Desidero are not really records of these places.

He read books for a purpose.

He knew the names of these continents because the book he read introduced the political situation of the Fast Continent. This was his preparation for leaving the Dragon Nest to travel after he became an adult.

The names of the other four continents only appeared in the book for a while, and Witt remembered them.

In the same way, Witt knew the names of those dragon nests not because he read books related to these dragon nests, but because he read the records related to the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons.

Whether it was Winters, the teacher, or Lofa, they all mentioned the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast in front of Witt and others, and said that when they came of age, it was the most suitable age to participate in the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast.

Dragons value honor, regardless of age.

Witt wanted to see the place where many dragons could show their cultivation results and win glory!

So, he occasionally looked for books related to the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast.

As the dragon nest on the Fast Continent, both Reupes and the Frozen Abyss would have dragons come to participate in the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast. Witt could naturally see information related to these two dragon nests from this type of books.

However, the records of the dragon clan are very casual. If they are interested in something, they can record it in great detail, even to the point of which dragon scale on your body is crooked.

When they are not interested, they really just pass it by.

This is why some of the information in Witt's mind is incomplete and even illogical.

Because when Witt got this information, they were like this!


However, Witt looked at the eight books beside Roger, and he seemed to have an extra opportunity to truly understand this world.

The customs and dragons of the eight continents, the relevant information of the ten dragon nests (this may not be complete, after all, people are looking at the scenery, not taking inventory of these), and the naturally formed teleportation space.

Of course, Witt dare not assert that Ignatz has really traveled to every corner of the dragon world.

After all, dragons can't fly, and the way he crosses the continent is through the teleportation space.

But what if there is one or several continents that cannot be reached by teleportation space?

Roy, or the dragons who admire "Traveling in the Dragon World" like Roy, is not because they know that there are only eight continents in the dragon world, but because the eight continents that Ignatz has traveled to cover the cognition of this type of dragon.

Let me give you an example!

There is a small pond in front of you. In the area you know, this small pond is the largest water area. For you, this small pond is the largest water area in the world.

But suddenly someone came to you and told you that there was a big lake in a faraway place, and he took you to see the big lake.

So, for you now, this big lake is the largest water area in the world.

But is it really so?

Therefore, Witt will only use "Traveling in the Dragon World" as a reference, and will not be stubborn and think that the eight continents are all the continents in the entire Dragon World.

Maybe there is really a dragon who knows how big the Dragon World is, but it is definitely not Ignatz.

It's not that he looks down on dragons, but dragons really have limitations.

They can't use magic, even if they reach the legend, they can't fly.

At least, Witt felt that the world's first skull dragon Os must know more than Ignatz, who had traveled to every corner of the world to find his kind.

As for how much the other party still remembered, it was unknown.

Of course, Witt thought so much, not to pull Ignatz down, that would be meaningless, he just warned himself that these books can be believed, but not all.

Besides, rivers are changeable, so what about those naturally formed teleportation spaces?

He is not a novice who does not understand space.

He knows very well that the biggest premise of all problems related to space teleportation is the instability of space, and the easier the teleportation is, the more unstable it is.

Of course, this is the instability of the internal space of the world. The abyss wants to invade the world through these parties, which is actually not much different from other parties.

Because if they want to enter the Dragon Realm, what they need to break is the Dragon Realm body.

But it is undeniable that this type of party is indeed a relatively weak party in terms of space from within the dragon world.

Therefore, these areas do have the possibility of being occupied by the abyss.

Even if there is no abyss, the instability of space is not permanent. If you deliberately look for these places, there is indeed a possibility of defeat.

Just when Werther thought of this, Roger watched Werther think for a long time and couldn't help but said: "Looking at you thinking for so long, do you know the location of the dark cave?"

Roger's words brought Werther back from his thoughts.

After 놇꿯 responded and Roger said something, Werther shook his head.

"I only know about the lower world of Rieps. As for the Dark Cave... is it your nickname for the lower world?"

Hearing this, Roger sighed, and then glanced at Werther faintly.

After thinking about it for a long time, I thought you could come up with some result, but now, you don’t even know what a dark cave is or where it is.

Then what were you thinking about just now?

Of course, Roger would not say this. In a sense, all dragons are made of glass, and there will always be some inexplicable ways to explode.

The key to communicating with 꾫龙 is to just answer whatever you ask and don't try to make friends...

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