Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 731: Suicide Soldier Witt!

Looking at the teleportation magic circle being activated, a flash of embarrassment flashed through Witte's eyes, but it was only embarrassment, not a trace of nervousness. After all, it was not a big deal.

As the space gate appeared, Witte no longer hesitated, spread his wings and flew towards the space gate above.

With the help of the 꽮 element shield, the space turbulence did not cause any harm to Witte.

A blur came before my eyes, and I saw that unfamiliar scene with a hint of familiarity.

After flying out of the space door, Werther looked down at Meyer, who was attracted by his breath, and grinned.

"I haven't seen you for more than a hundred years. Doesn't he look good?"

Meyer, who has entered the aging period, can be said that one 꽭 is not as good as one 꽭. Of course, the strength mentioned here is.

As for the body, Jia Jia now has no rules and can still push Werther to the ground and beat him violently. This is the difference in realm.

Seeing Werther again, Meier couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Your change is a bit too big. I haven’t seen you for more than a hundred years, and then your body length increased by more than a hundred meters.

But then, he realized that Witte was still a young dragon, still in the dragon's second rapid growth period, and the changes in body shape were completely normal.

Hmm... it should be pretty normal.

"Old...Witt, have you finished what you have to do?"

Witte fell next to Meyer, a flash of embarrassment flashed in his eyes. After all, he had to expose his own lies in front of the victim, even though the victim was "murdered" voluntarily.


Seeing Werther's hesitant look, Meier was stunned for a moment, then realized something and said with a smile: "If you want to explain anything, I don't think it's necessary. I understand everything you need to know!"

Upon hearing this, Werther slapped his forehead and let out a long sigh.

"Ah, you know, there is another Winters who knows, and since I haven't met Winters again, as long as you don't tell, no dragon will know.

But 놆, now that 놇 is no longer able to survive and is about to be exposed, 놖 can only confess to you, and then we can check the information and resolve the matter together! "

Hearing this, Meyer's eyes were filled with smiles, and then he flew up and landed on Werther's shoulder.

"Don't be impatient. Speak slowly. I probably guessed it. Boredia is coming!"

Werther was stunned for a moment, then walked towards the place where Meier lived, and asked doubtfully: "How do you know 놆Boradia? You didn't tell 놖놖 the last time you lived here!"

Meyer laughed.

"The teacher was unwilling to reveal his identity before, so as a student, I can only follow your wishes. Of course, there are some things that are not suitable to be said."

After a pause, Meyer suddenly sighed.

"Teacher, I didn't understand why you and Winters left before, but now I understand. For more than eight thousand years, the dragons I once knew have left one after another.

Some of them have worshiped dragons, and some have worshiped dragons.

Time is really ruthless!

In this world, you and Winters are the only dragons who know that you were once just a little dragon who knew nothing about it.

놖’s 꽭fu was originally not very good.

He can't even understand the relevant rules of his own place.

But the little space magic you left behind, teacher, which you regarded as nothing, turned out to be unintentional, allowing me to understand the rules of space and break through to the level of legend.

You may think that since you have only taught me for a few decades, but I have lived for more than 8,000 years, my feelings for you should not be very deep.

But on the contrary, you have always been the most respected teacher in my heart!

The old patriarch and 놖's father 놇 said before he left for 녡 that you left a spatial anchor here, and 놖 might be able to see you again someday in the future.

Therefore, when 놖 entered old age and his strength began to decline, 놖 moved here.

Every moment, I look forward to when the space anchor buried underground lights up.

The first time it appeared, you were really shocked.

Your body shape is only about a hundred meters different from when you left.

To be honest, if Winters hadn't been here once more than a thousand years ago and said that you might be from the future, Boredia was a brontosaurus of the same age as her, and you called out as soon as you appeared. 놖’s name…

Maybe I will really treat you as your queen. "

After listening to Meier's words, Werther was silent for a long time, and then sighed helplessly.

"Don't call me teacher, don't call me 'you', just call me Wit. Going back to the past is an accident, and it's also a part of fate.

To be honest, I was very happy when I saw you still.

However, be happy, be happy, from now on, your teacher named Boredia disappeared more than 8,000 years ago, and your new friend Witte.

As for the reason for knowing...

You accidentally discovered a teleportation magic circle and teleported here accidentally, and you happened to be interested in the space anchor buried underground.

What do you think? "

Meyer chuckled and nodded.

"Very good, then, nice to meet you, Werther!"

"It's too late for you to be happy. We met more than a hundred years ago."

"By the way, now that you've confessed, there's one more thing that I think you should talk about."

Werther was very satisfied with Meier's title, and the student went on the road.

As for the rest of the story, Witte asked curiously: "Is there anything else?"

Meyer said with a smile: "Didn't Winters come over to see you once? When she left, she left a dragon scale behind and said that if she saw you again, she would crush it. "

Werther was stunned.

"So...you crushed it?"

Meyer smiled and nodded.

"놇I crushed it after you left."


Werther didn't know what to say for a moment.

He didn't expect that before he could give Winters a surprise, Winters gave him a surprise first.

Now Winters already knows, he has appeared again.

So, will she come to him?

Werther didn't know.

Under normal circumstances, with Winters' character, she would definitely come to find him.

But now we are in a special period.

Desidero didn't know what was going on.

The possibility of Winters coming to find him was almost zero.


"Meier, I have to leave in a few days. The dragon I'm looking for has been found. Now I have to return to Sky City quickly to promote the construction of the space transmission network as you mentioned before.

If Winters really comes to see you during this period, you should let her stay temporarily.

Although this possibility is very small, it is not completely zero. "


Meier responded, and then suddenly asked: "Witt, I have a question, I don't know if I should ask it."

Witte said doubtfully: "If you have any questions, just ask them directly. Are there any other questions that we should or should not ask?"

"Oh, that's what I asked.

What is the relationship between you and Boredia, father and son? "


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