Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 727 I will remember you forever!

This is a machine that spreads death!

It is a machine that burns life and intelligence in exchange for strength and retains all combat experience!

Witte thought as he looked at the Angel of Death who slowly turned around in the water ball.

He could clearly see that every time the blood-red flames on his body tumbled, the cost was that his body would become more and more dry. Although he was still talking, he had no trace of reason.

Although he didn't know whether this trick against him was the talent of the angel or the method of Cyclops Zachary, Witte knew very well that the angel of death could not last too long.

Not to mention that his momentum began to gradually decline after a few waves. The physical changes alone already meant that the opponent's time was limited.

Of course, the angel of death at this time is obviously not enough for him to deal with.

Moreover, the top priority was to kill him. Like a machine, he executed it efficiently. All Witte could do was delay him. He didn't even have a chance to escape!

The lasting effect of time acceleration is too short, and it is only used to save lives when the situation is critical.

Time pause is useless, he doesn't have enough effective kills. As long as the time paused Death Angel can't kill the opponent, it's just a useless attack.

You can use it to turn back time, but you need to pay attention to the timing of using it, and it has no lethality.

In addition, what Witt is most worried about is Zachary's side.

It is obvious that 뀘껥 has completely given up controlling the Angel of Death, which is why 뀘's combat skills are so proficient.

So, since you can control a fallen angel at the Amethyst level, it shouldn't be difficult to control another Abyss believer at the Amethyst level.

Therefore, he must now consume the Death Angel in front of him to a certain extent, otherwise, even if another controlled abyss believer is also suppressed by the world, it will be difficult for him to survive the siege of the two.

Sooner or later, these thoughts flashed through Werther's mind.

After clarifying the current situation, Werther made the best choice he could think of.

Stop the blazing white breath and put all the power of the elements into the lungs of the elements. With the unconditional support of the power of the elements, the blazing white divine flames spread to the whole body in an instant.

Not having spiritual intelligence and having spiritual intelligence are two completely different situations.

The angel of death without intelligence, facing Werther whose whole body was wrapped in blazing white divine flames, still had only one goal in mind, and that was to kill Werther.

As for the blazing white divine flames on Witte's body, in his judgment, it can be carried with force.

The water ball surrounding it disappeared.

Also disappearing with him was the Angel of Death, who reappeared. He came to Werther and slashed again with his long sword.

The power of the abyss and water element wrapped in it actually suppressed the blazing white divine flame for a time.

However, this repression does not come without costs.

The blood-red flames on the Death Angel's body surged at a speed visible to the naked eye, while the breath of its body weakened.

But the Death Angel will not stop its actions because of such changes.

On the contrary, the bloody flames made him stronger and more decisive in wielding the sword against Werther.

Faced with such an attack, Werther could only dodge.

Ordinary evasion didn't work. The difference in realm made him more like actively hitting the opponent's sword edge when avoiding the opponent's attack.

Only when the distance between the two sides is really wide, can Werther be able to dodge the attack through conventional means.

Therefore, Werther only used time acceleration again and again.

Only the power of time is enough to close the gap between the two, allowing Werther to truly dodge the attack on him.

Although it is not a long-term solution, it is the only solution for Witt at the moment.

Werther's current behavior is more like gambling.

The limited number of time accelerations of the Blazing White Divine Flame can consume the opponent's strong period.

Time accelerated and evaded again and again, the Death Angel's momentum became weaker and weaker, and its offensive began to gradually slow down.

Werther was counting silently on his 뀞꿗.


And with the appearance of numbers one after another in 뀞꿗, the power stored in Werther's 뀞dirty 꿗's time symbol 뀗꿗 is constantly being consumed.

Suddenly, Werther's eyes lit up!

A silver hourglass appeared in front of his eyes. Unlike before, the quicksand between the hourglass was flowing backwards.

At the same time, changes occurred in Werther accordingly.

The injuries are disappearing, the broken tail and claws are recovering, and the exhausted elemental power is being restored.


With a loud noise, both of them flew upside down, and the situation changed again.

The strength of the Death Angel dropped to the platinum level for once.

Moreover, this time it is different from before. Before, the world's restraint force forced it to the platinum level, but this time, it is the Death Angel who is almost burning out.

And the fact is that the platinum level is not the bottom line.

As Witte began to confront him head-on, the effect of the blazing white flame became stronger and stronger, and the death angel's realm fell faster and faster.

The offense and defense between the two sides was completely reversed.

Finally, with Witte's unremitting efforts, the blazing white divine flame ignited on the body of the angel of death.

The blazing white flame and the blood-red flame collided fiercely on the body of the angel of death. For a while, the angel of death could only stay in place and provide enough fuel for the blood-red flame.

But this fuel was his body, and his body was about to burn out.

On the contrary, the blazing white divine flame had the help of Witt, and soon overwhelmed the blood-red flame and completely ignited the angel of death.

However, Witt did not watch the angel of death die in the blazing white divine flame.

On the contrary, after seeing that the blazing white divine flame had completely ignited the opponent, he hurriedly put away the blazing white divine flame.

Witt did not forget Zachli's goal because of the fierce battle.

The angel of death was no longer a threat, but his condition was not very good. On the time symbol, there was only enough power left to use a time reversal.

Once used, things would develop to the point where Witt himself could not control it.

However, Zachli could control another puppet to jump out at any time. In this case, he must put all the power related to the Blazing White Divine Flame under his control.

And it turns out that Witt's worry is not redundant.

Before he could retract all the Blazing White Divine Flame, a thick gray beam of light shot towards Witt.

A figure more than five meters tall emerged between the sand dunes in the distance.

Witt gritted his teeth and rushed directly to the Angel of Death. While dodging the attack, he swallowed the Angel of Death into his stomach and turned around and fled without hesitation.

The opponent obviously realized that Witt would not be able to leave after this choice, so he stopped.

"I will always remember you!"


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