Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 699 The pursuit continues!

"What do you think Kamal's goal is?

What does it mean to you that you still move in this direction even when you are attacked?

Or is it that you are stupid enough not to realize that we will not let you go?

It doesn't seem right!"

Obviously, Isa and Witt thought about it together.

However, compared to Witt's thinking in his heart, Isa was more straightforward and asked directly.

At this time, Sanlong was on the way to chase Kamal.

After hearing this, Witt, who was leading the way, had a flash of thought on his face.

"I've been thinking about this question, but I still have some guesses.

Before we took action, our target was that place.

Of course, this doesn't mean anything. After all, it's hard for us to figure out what an abyss dragon is thinking.

However, after being attacked, it still didn't change direction, which means that the direction it was originally moving in was not random, but had a purpose.

So, what kind of purpose would allow Kamal to ignore the pursuit that could come at any time behind him?

The appearance of the abyss dragon is the abyss that magnifies the greed in the hearts of the dragons, making them more unscrupulous and acting without considering the consequences.

So, why did Kamal take the initiative to throw himself into the abyss?"

Witter paused, and then continued: "My previous guess was that no matter how dangerous the abyss is, There is no doubt that it is a higher-level existence than the elements, and it can easily infect the elements.

It can make a dragon plunge into the abyss without hesitation, and there are two options: treasure and quantity.

But treasure...

To be honest, I don't really understand it. Even though I am very greedy for gold coins, I am sure that it is extremely stupid to plunge into the abyss for some gold coins.

A dragon who would choose to do this , it shouldn't be too much.

So, I still think that the reason for jumping into the abyss is to obtain a power more powerful than the elements.

Then, for Kamal, who fell into the abyss dragon for the power, what can attract him is either his past enemies, or the treasures that he has not obtained in the past, or..."

"It is the power that can take you one step closer!"

O continued with Vit's words and said in a deep voice.

Moreover, from the gradually solemn expressions of Vit and others, they obviously think the last one is the most likely.

"If it's an enemy, you won't run there. If it's a treasure, you should at least hesitate. After all, we will most likely continue to hunt you down.

There is a third reason. There are things over there that can make you stronger. So, you will go there without hesitation, regardless of us chasing you down."

Witt summed it up, then paused for a moment, and then said: "Since plunging into the abyss can make you stronger, then the one that you will regard as a way to become stronger is most likely the abyss.

If this is true, we need to consider whether we should continue to hunt you down."

After hearing what Witt said, Isha and O fell silent.

After a moment, Isa said, "Chase first, and then we'll see how things go. Improving strength is not something that can be done overnight. Even if it's the energy of the abyss, it needs a process of absorption.

Whether it's hunting, interrupting, or giving up, we'll know when we catch up.


After saying that, Isa thought for a while, and then said, "The rescue you mentioned is always based on the fact that the infected red dragon has normal intelligence.

But if you absorb the remaining energy of the abyss in the 'oasis', it is to improve your own strength.

And chasing Kamal was looking for an opportunity to kill him and take away the power of the abyss from him.

This explanation is a bit far-fetched, but it makes sense.

So, it is necessary for us to follow and take a look. "

"Of course!"

Vit nodded, then smiled and said: "I want to remind you that if you really encounter a bad situation, don't fight too much. Your personality is easy to get excited."

Hearing this, Oyisha looked at Witt's back speechlessly. What does it mean to get excited? It's obviously enjoying the fun of fighting.


Time passed little by little, and three months passed in a blink of an eye.

Vitt and his men have been chasing Kamal.

But Kamal's side has a problem. Those who chase him are not only Witt and his men, but also the red dragon infected by the abyss.

This is what the Wittes inferred from the traces left on the road.

Two months ago, Kamal stopped once, probably because his injuries had reached the point where he had to be treated.

After all, he was a red dragon, and he did not have the ability to heal himself. After being disemboweled by Witte, he could rely on his strong body to heal himself.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this method.

In fact, all healing magic basically stimulates the body to heal itself, but some are rough and directly stimulate the body, while others are gentle and provide energy for the body to heal itself.

The powerful body of the dragon race is still quite strong in self-healing unless it is broken. The most serious injury of disembowelment is the internal organs, and there is no problem with the bones.

As long as there is enough time and enough elements, there is no problem with self-healing.

So, when Witt noticed that the other party had stopped, he took Ishao and sped up, preparing to attack again before the other party's injuries healed.

In this way, the other party had no time to take care of his injuries and gradually weakened.

Even if it could add new injuries to the other party, it would be the best.

However, before Witt and his men arrived, Kamal left that place.

At first, they had some guesses.

However, when they arrived at that place and saw the scene after the fierce battle, they were sure that the red dragon infected by the abyss was indeed following Kamal.

The other party should not know that Witt and his men were still tracking Kamal, so this time they had fewer means of concealment.

However, this dragon seemed to use the same hunting method as the Wittes.

The battlefield had been cleaned up, and there was no trace of the Abyss left.

This meant that after Kamel escaped, the other party stayed here for quite a while.

But after thinking about it carefully, the Wittes understood the other party's approach.

From Witte's description, the other party's age and strength were similar. Even the injured Kamel was not easy to be hunted by such a dragon.

Therefore, it was normal for them to choose this hunting method.

Of course, it didn't mean that a weak dragon could hunt a strong dragon in this way. If they really did it, failure was certain.

There was even a high probability that they would become a prey...

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