Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 692 New traces!

Chapter 692 New Traces!

After wandering around the "oasis", Witt returned to the "oasis" and saw Isa and Ao who had returned earlier than him, so he cast an inquiring look.

Ao and Isa saw this, but both shook their heads.

"Nothing was found."

Hearing Ao's words, Witt said helplessly: "It's the same here. In the desert environment, if he really left after witnessing Ao's departure and burying this place, then he must have flown away.

Too conspicuous!

And if he flew, there would be no trace left, which shows that his survival skills in the wild are very superb."

Isa couldn't help but ask: "What I understand is why he buried this place."

Witt heard this and thought about it.

"It's actually hard to understand. Most of the dragons operating in the wild are lone dragons, so he probably didn't notice you and me, but just noticed that I came here to check the situation, thinking that he was alone.

The fact that a lone dragon left with the body shows that he is not very interested in what happened here, and he is more interested in the body.

In this case, it is very likely that he will return.

Although I know why he wanted to bury this place in the first place, he watched from the side and guessed that he would probably return soon, bury this place, and then live normally."

After a pause, Witt smiled bitterly.

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore. It's useless to think more. There is no trace. It seems that he really left. This may not be a good thing for us.

Well... Although I am more inclined to find the right person, help him if I can, and let him "free" after helping.

This is much better than finding an abyss dragon in the future.

What's more, he has shown some madness and bloodlust of the abyss dragon.


There is no way!"

In a place like the desert, it is very simple and difficult to chase a dragon!

The former can handle the traces and chase as much as he wants, while the latter is too good at handling the traces and easily disappears in the endless yellow sand.

Thinking this in his heart, Witt continued on the surface: "Okay, you guys don't seem to be in the mood to rest here anymore, let's just hurry on!

According to my estimation, this place should be far from the Endless Sea."

Ao and Isa nodded.

They really didn't want to rest.

The three dragons set off again, and this flight took two months, and they finally saw the same blue as the sky in the endless yellow sand.

It turns out that Witt is no exception. As long as he has a map in his mind, he can control the distance and travel time more accurately.

Seeing the sea, Isa's eyes suddenly lit up.

Although the golden dragon likes water, he is still a little excited when he sees the magnificent sea for the first time.

And Isa is an outlier among the golden dragons. She likes water more.

In the Dragon's Nest, before she met Witt and the others, she often slipped out of the dragon's cave like a dragon and went to the Moon Shadow River to play.

Now seeing the sea, she completely forgot about Witt and Ao behind her, and flew quickly towards the sea. After reaching the seashore, she dived into it, and then... she was straight!

Her body was nailed to the bottom of the sea like a nail, and her dragon tail pointed straight to the horizon.

Seeing this, Ao couldn't bear to watch.

"This guy must have forgotten the fact that he has grown up!"

As for helping...

Forget it!

Even if he had learned to swim later, he couldn't erase the painful memory of almost drowning that year.

Of course, he still dared to go into the water.

However, he was a serious golden dragon and had a great dislike for water.

Besides, Isa might drown like this.

Instead of going into the water, it’s better to enjoy the wind around...

Suddenly, Ao’s eyes fixed, and then he pointed to the distant coastline and said in a low voice: "Witt, look over there!"

Ao’s sudden shout scared Witt, and he turned his head to look, but saw Ao looking in a direction with a serious face.

Witt also looked in the direction where Ao was looking, and his pupils shrank.

"Isa, stop playing, something is going on!"

After that, Witt and Ao looked at each other, nodded, and the two dragons flew over there.

Isa was in the water, so naturally there was nothing wrong. Although she heard clearly what Witt and the others shouted, she still poked her head out of the water.

When she saw Witt and Ao flying in one direction, she also hurried out of the water and chased after them.

At this time, she noticed that Witt and his team were targeting.

It was a lighthouse built on the distant coastline.

At this time, only half of the lighthouse was left, with a strong black aura rushing straight to the horizon. Although the distance was far and it was difficult to feel what the aura was, the black color always gave the dragon some good associations.

Facts have proved that their ideas were not wrong.

When the three dragons gradually approached the destroyed lighthouse, a strong sense of disgust from the heart attacked the three dragons.

The power of the abyss!

When they got closer, the specific situation of the lighthouse was also presented in front of the three dragons.

The tower, originally made of a solid alloy, now looked like a half-burned candle, and it was not burning evenly.

The destroyed lighthouse contained a rich power of the abyss, which made Long frown at it just by looking at it.

After melting, the liquid metal has cooled and solidified again.

However, Werther and the others are all fire-friendly, and they can easily feel that the re-solidified metal is in harmony with the surrounding temperature.

The high temperature is enough to melt the alloy for building a lighthouse. If it is to be naturally cooled to this level, it will take at least two to three days.

In other words, the guy who destroyed the lighthouse passed by this place just before they came.

Ao's brows furrowed.

"It has the same smell as that 'oasis', but it's more intense."

Werther nodded.

"It seems we were lucky enough to meet him again."

Isa grinned.

"It should be said that he was lucky. He left the 놅 route just as we were going to take the 놅 route."

Saying that, Isa paused, and then asked with some explanation: "But why did he suddenly destroy the lighthouse? There is nothing good in it."

Hearing this, Werther shook his head.

"You need to figure out his thoughts. After being eroded by the power of the abyss, whatever behavior he does is normal. The power of the abyss itself represents chaos and madness."

Hearing this, Isa nodded.

"That's true."

"Look over there."

At this moment, Ao spoke again.

Werther and Isa looked in the direction he pointed, and saw an extremely obvious trace, extending in the distance along roughly the same direction as the coastline...

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