Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 689 The body of a flying dragon!

Feeling the disappearance of the gazes on them, the three dragons couldn't help but let out a long breath, then looked at each other and couldn't help grinning.

"To be honest, I almost didn't recognize you when I saw you again. You are so different from when we parted!"

Hearing Witt's sigh, Ao nodded.

"You are the same. If there is no problem with the breath, you, a research madman, have already studied dragon body alchemy and changed your body."

Hearing this, Witt smiled.

"Dragon body alchemy may be studied a little bit, but not now. There is no time to study those, magic array, spiritual magic, shaping magic, elemental magic, etc.

These are all time-consuming projects. If I come out to find you, I will probably lock myself in the laboratory and concentrate on studying these."

Ao pouted.

"This is the same as before."

After a pause, Ao asked curiously, "You said before that you found some good things, can you tell me more about it?"

As he spoke, Ao looked up at the rapidly retreating sand sea around him.

"It's boring to rush on the road. If you don't mind, just tell me what happened after you left Desidero. By the way, tell me about the things before that.

I still don't understand what you did until now.

Obviously, all the dragons fighting outside were brought back to the dragon's nest by Desidero. Why did he leave you behind?"

Isa echoed: "I don't understand it either!"

Hearing this, Witt said helplessly: "Why else, Desidero didn't wake up, and he was holding a dragon egg he picked up at the time.

As a result, he was beaten out during the battle and fell into a crack in the ground.

He went in to save the dragon egg, but when he came out, Desidero was ready to leave."

Speaking of this, Witt sighed.

If Desidero had woken up a little, he wouldn't have been left behind.

Ao and Isa suddenly realized, and then said in unison: "It's right!"

Witt looked at the two dragons speechlessly.

"Why do you have the same reaction as Celine? When she knew the reason, she also said so. Didn't she go out with him?"

"Let's not talk about this. Where is the dragon egg?"

Hearing Ao's words, Witt smiled.

"Although there were some twists and turns, it was hatched. It's named Agnar and is now in the Sky City."

Isa nodded.

"It's okay. At least the result is good. You don't regret it."

Witt raised his eyebrows.

"There is no word regret in the dragon's dictionary!"

Isa rolled her eyes.

I said you were fat, and you were panting.

"Then, what happened after we left? How did you get to the Sky City? Where is the Sky City?"

Listening to Isa's series of questions, Witt smiled and slowly narrated.

Although there is no scenery on the road, there are stories and companions who are willing to listen to stories, so the journey will at least not be lonely.

Moreover, not only Witt has stories, but also Ao and Isa.

Ao and Isa heard from Witt's story that they had a long journey, with encounters, partings, happiness, sadness, beautiful scenery along the way, and disasters and hardships full of thorns.

In comparison, their experience is much more boring.

However, Witt also got some information from Ao and Isa's narration.

For example, Desidero's new location is in an endless sea of ​​forests.

This is something that Celine has never mentioned.

For another example, in the dark catastrophe of the City of Life, no abyssal creatures appeared, at most there were fallen dragon beasts infected by the power of the abyss.

This means that, like Celine, Ao and Isa also brought some stones with the power of the abyss when they traveled through space.

Differently, there was a demon in the Sky City, and he had already come into contact with this power in advance and knew what consequences this power would bring, so he actively sought help from Boredia, and in the end, the abyss power did not cause any harm.

And on the City of Life side.

Ao and Isa did not know the abyss power at all, and because of the special environment, they rarely left the City of Life even before 20 years ago.

Even if they left, they would not move around the City of Life.

Therefore, there would be no dark disaster.

As for whether there would be abyss forces hiding in the Continent of Life... Witt's guess was no.

The Continent of Life is different from all the forests he has seen.

As soon as he stepped into the Continent of Life, Witt could feel the breath of the legendary dragon.

This means that the one who was protected by that person was not the City of Life at all, but the entire Continent of Life.

The Abyss Forces hiding in the Continent of Life is equivalent to the Abyss Forces hiding in the Sky City, which is completely impossible.

Of course, this information is not very useful, and Witt is just killing time in this way.

Time passed by little by little during the journey, and five years passed in the blink of an eye.


How long will it take for us to reach the Endless Sea!"

Isa lay on the sand dune, raised her head, and shouted loudly, with a touch of madness in her words.

After hearing this, Witt looked up at Isa, and then said calmly: "Calm down, how long will it take? It's only five years. It took you ten years to run from Hemerland to the Island of Life."

After a pause, Witt continued: "But it shouldn't take long. At least, on the map you have, the distance between the Island of Life and the Endless Sea is about half of that between the Island of Life and Hemerland.

The speed of travel is about the same. We should not be too far away from the Endless Sea at this time. At most, we will be able to see the Endless Sea in two or three months.

By the way, didn't you follow the caravan through the Endless Sea before?"

Isa lay weakly on the sand dune.

"I haven't walked there many times in total. Moreover, the existence of the desert lighthouse is at least a small destination. This kind of situation will not happen. I don't know how long it will take to walk in the future."

After a pause, Isa looked up and looked around.

"Why hasn't Ao come back yet? I'm hungry!"

Witt rolled his eyes.

The young dragon didn't need to eat for a long time. What's the point of hunger? He was just greedy.

Just when Witt was thinking this, a golden light flew over from a distance. Witt pointed with his chin.

"Then he's back!"

While speaking, the golden light had already come closer.

However, after Ao came back, he ran straight to Witt with a solemn look on his face.

"Witt, something happened!"

Before Witt could ask, the body of a flying dragon appeared in front of him...

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