Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 685 Another day without a title girl!


You are face-blind, so there are some things you may not know. In fact, just like you see us and other golden dragons the same way, we see flying dragons the same way.

In unfamiliar situations, we can't tell them apart at all!"


Witt looked at Ao in astonishment.

No way, why haven't dragons told me about this for so many years?

Seeing this, Ao glanced at Ivy.

"If you don't believe me, ask her. If we don't talk, she definitely can't tell who's who between me and Isa."

Hearing this, Witt turned to look at Ivy.

Isa sniffed, then asked in confusion: "Isn't this common sense?"


Witt was speechless again. It turned out that he was the only one who didn't know.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little awkward, Ao said: "Let's go, let's talk somewhere else. There are too many dragons here, and some things are not convenient to talk about."

Hearing this, Witt nodded consciously.

But when he caught up with Ao and Isa, he reacted and looked at Ao in astonishment.

Is this really the one from childhood, the one who was very talkative and challenged you whenever he opened his mouth?

And Isa!

You are too obedient!

It feels like a completely different dragon!

On the other hand, Ao and Isa also felt that the experience of the day was like a dream.

They just came out to stroll around the street, and then saw a golden dragon staring at them with a proud temperament. They were just about to argue with the other party, and then they found out that this dragon was actually the companion of the other party.

A completely unfamiliar figure, if it weren't for the familiar breath on the body, they would not dare to recognize it, just like they didn't recognize it at the beginning.

As for fighting...

As a golden dragon, war is instinctive, but it is not rational.

He thought before that when he saw Witt and the others again, he must have a good fight.

But now...

What the hell is the fight!

A one-meter difference in body length, pay attention, it is body length!

As for the size, it is not something that can be simply described by a number.

The difference in the physical body is crushing.

Moreover, when he approached Witt, he had already sensed Witt's strength, high gold level!

And he and Isa were only at the middle gold level, or the beginner level, and it would take at least a few years to break through the high gold level.

The most important thing is that he sensed the active energy breath from Witt's surroundings.

This means that Witt's body no longer devours the energy around him, and he is likely to be able to use magic.

When in Desidero, although Witt didn't know magic, everyone knew that Witt's magic attainment was the highest, even stronger than Celine.

Witt without magic could have pressed them to the ground and beat them. If they had mastered magic, even if they agreed not to use mental magic, they would not be Witt's opponent.

As for Isa, her thoughts were similar to Ao's, and she did not try to challenge Witt's thoughts at all.

The gap was too obvious!

The two dragons thought about this in their hearts, but they were leading the way seriously.

They had just returned to the City of Life and were just out shopping, so they were not far from where they lived.

A few minutes later, the dragons stood in front of a wooden house.

"This is it!"

As he spoke, Ao opened the door and invited Witt to come in.

Entering the house, Witt looked up and looked around, and then couldn't help but looked at the two dragons strangely.

What is a bare house? This is it!

In addition, Witt knew that eating meat was prohibited in the City of Life.

It is not difficult to imagine what kind of life Ao and Isa lived here, and as for the changes in their personalities, it is actually not difficult to understand.

Witt had thought before that it would be best for Ao and them to be together, without any separation.

But this is basically impossible.

If they were to separate, it would be best for Ao to be with Billy, Isa with Dinnet, and Moses could follow anyone.

Although Ao was arrogant, he was also rational. Billy had super alchemy skills. If the two dragons were together, Ao could control Billy, and Billy could provide material security for their lives.

Isa had a bad temper, but she didn't dare to provoke Dinnet. If the two dragons were together, they would live in harmony. Moreover, Dinnet's alchemy skills were pretty good.

Moses was honest and simple, and he could live well with anyone. He was young and the only child, so Witt and the others would take care of him a little more.

The worst situation was the current situation.

Ao and Isa, two golden dragons who had no life skills at all and were all focused on martial arts, were combined together.

That would be fine.

In terms of the overall environment, it was still a city-state like the City of Life, where meat was not allowed.

Tsk tsk!

Witt couldn't imagine what kind of hard life these two guys had before they left the dragon stage.

Ao is not stupid!

When he noticed the compassionate eyes of Vitt, although he felt sad, the pride of the golden dragon drove him to pick up the self-esteem that had fallen to the ground.

"Why are you looking at us like that? We are not as miserable as you think.

Although the City of Life does not allow meat, it takes good care of young dragons. Every once in a while, the manager will send enough fruit.

The nutrition is absolutely sufficient, which can be seen from our body size."

Isa looked at Ao and nodded with approval.

Although it was miserable, as long as they were tough enough, they lived well.

"Let's not talk about us, how come you suddenly appeared here? You should be in Fast Continent, right!"

After hearing what Isa said, a hint of surprise flashed in Witt's eyes.

Seeing this, Ao rolled his eyes.

"We are not doing nothing. Although the City of Life is not like..."

As he said this, Ao suddenly turned his head and looked at Ivy, who was no longer wiping tears, but her eyes were still red.

Seeing this, Ivy

"If you want to talk about something, I can avoid it."

Witt shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not a big secret. If you like to listen, just treat it as a story."

Hearing this, Ao nodded and continued: "Although the City of Life does not have a library like Desidero, there are many chambers of commerce here, and the most abundant thing is news.

As long as you are willing to listen, you can always get some information you want. For example, the location of the City of Life is the Endless Sand Sea, and the Endless Sand Sea occupies almost 99% of the area of ​​​​the Sekent Continent.

It is not difficult to understand that this is not the continent we used to live on.

For example , the relationship between the Desert City and the Scorching City on another continent. Of course, at this time, we didn't know that the continent where the Scorching City was located was the Fast Continent.

After all, each place has a different name for each place. In the mouths of some dragons in the Desert City, the Fast Continent is the Second Continent.

We accidentally heard that there was a dragon gathering called the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons on the Second Continent, and then we realized that it was the continent where we used to live.

In this way, although the news was complicated and wrong, we still found some clues. "


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