Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 68 Materials for the magic circle!

Chapter 68 Magic Array Materials!

"Semi-permanent magic arrays actually use some relatively advanced materials when carving them, which greatly extends the service life of the magic array, so they are called semi-permanent magic arrays!

However, the difficulty of carving semi-permanent magic arrays is too high. We only need to learn the basics of magic arrays and carve a one-time magic array!"

Jannis' words once again pulled Witt's thoughts back.

After calming down, Witt listened carefully again.

For him, the magic array is more important than shaping magic. It is his way to explore the mysteries of magic!

As for the authenticity of the world in his mind, or the traces of his parents, he needs to wait until his strength reaches a certain level before he is qualified to pursue things!

Now he obviously does not have this strength!

"The difference between a disposable magic circle and a semi-permanent magic circle lies mainly in the materials.

There are three main materials for engraving a magic circle: carrier, magic solution and magic core.

Using the magic core as a node, connecting it with magic solution, engraving it on the carrier, and gathering the elements in the air, this is the operating principle of the magic circle.

Doesn't it sound very similar to elemental magic?

In fact, this is also a very important reason why the magic circle is regarded as a magic derivative."

Speaking of this, Janice paused, leaving some time for Witt and others to digest.

Feeling that it was almost done, Janis continued, "Among the three materials, the magic core is the most important. If the magic elements contained in the magic core are not sufficient, then even if the magic array is drawn, it is difficult to gather enough magic elements to cast magic during operation!

The second most important thing is the carrier!

During the operation of the magic array, huge element fluctuations will be generated. If the carrier cannot withstand the element fluctuations, the magic array will explode!

And the magic solution, as a connection between the magic cores, also has the function of stabilizing element fluctuations.

Speaking of this, you should be wondering why I didn't use these three things when I just engraved the magic array!

In fact, what I just used was not a real magic array, but another way of casting elemental magic.

Compared with dragon language casting, this way of casting magic is The disadvantages are more complicated, the advantages are hidden, powerful, and the magic lasts for a long time!

How to use it specifically is up to Winters!

Let's go back to the magic circle.

These three materials have a common feature, that is, they all store a certain amount of magic elements.

However, the magic elements in these three materials have different properties.

The elemental power in the magic core is the most active, so in the moment When drawing the magic circle, it is also the most likely location for explosion.

And among the three materials, it has the largest element reserve, so once an explosion occurs, the power is also extremely strong.

Fortunately, both dragon scales and skin have considerable resistance to magic. Even if it explodes, at most it will only break your bones and tendons, and suffer some physical damage, but it will be more difficult to recover from magic damage! "

Hearing this, the dragons were horrified!

It turns out that broken bones and tendons can only be considered minor injuries in the magic circle class. No wonder Boco said yesterday that other courses are also full of dangers!

Seeing that Witt and the others were worried, Janis smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, I have asked Boco to prepare enough healing potions.

Even if the bones are broken, they can recover quickly!"

The dragons were speechless!

This is not a question of whether to release it or not, okay!

However, Janis didn't know what Witt and the others were thinking. After a simple consolation, he continued to teach!

"There are many reasons for the explosion of magic circles, among which the explosion of magic cores is the most common.

If the element nodes are not in the right position, the magic core will explode; if the lines of the magic circle drawn with magic solution are uneven in thickness, the magic core will explode; if the shape of the magic circle is not drawn correctly, causing the elements to not flow, the magic core will also explode!

The above three are the most likely explosions for beginners when engraving magic circles!

In addition to the magic core, In addition to explosion, the magic solution is the second most active material of the element and will also explode!

But unlike the magic core, the reason for the explosion of the magic solution is, in most cases, because the proportions are uneven when making the magic solution, and some defective products are produced.

When the defective products are used to carve the magic circle, the magic solution will explode! "

During Janis's explanation, the explosive content was too high, and Witt and the others were shocked!

But Janis didn't seem to notice this, or rather, she noticed it, but just ignored it!

"Okay, now that we've talked about the properties of these three materials, let's talk about the common raw materials of these three materials!

The magic core is the most troublesome!

It's not the trouble of making it, but the trouble of finding it.

It needs the crystal core of the dragon beast, and when drawing a magic circle, the closer the element content in the crystal core is, the better. If the difference in element content is too large, it will explode when drawing the magic circle!

The second is the magic solution!

This is the most troublesome to make. The magic solution is a mixture of dragon beast blood and the juice from the roots of Domia grass!"

Hearing this, Witte was stunned for a moment, and then asked curiously: "The root juice of Domia grass? I only knew that the juice of Domia grass can treat insomnia before!"

Hearing what Witte said, Janis smiled and said: "The Domia flower is actually a flower blooming from the Domia grass. Its juice can treat sleep, because the juice of the Domia flower contains substances that can stabilize the mind. force component.

눂Mian is 놆because the mental power is too active.

But in fact, this ingredient that can stabilize mental power is not only found in Domia flowers. The content of Domia grass juice is actually higher.

But 놆, Domia 놅 juice is relatively bitter, so we use flower 놅 juice.

The ingredient with the highest content is actually the root of Domia japonica, so the root juice is not used to treat sleep, because the content of that ingredient is too high.

Taking the juice of Domia root will put the mental power into a state of silence.

Of course, silence does not mean sleep.

It cannot cure insomnia, it will only make you unable to use your mental power and thus unable to use magic!

Of course, this is not true for young dragons.

The larger the body, the more juice from the roots of Domia grass is needed to make a giant dragon's mental power fall into a state of silence.

The special effect of Domia grass root juice makes it the best stabilizer!

When you make potions in the future, you will often come into contact with this juice.

Okay, let's move on to the magic circle materials.

The easiest thing to get is the dragon scales on the dragon beast.

At this point, I think you should understand.

Since the low-level formation materials are products of the dragon beast, I believe I don’t need to say more about the source of the high-level formation materials! "

After hearing this, Werther and the others' expressions changed drastically!

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