Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 677 Leaving for a better reunion!

As a "criminal" who was about to return to the "crime scene", Witt did what he thought.

The next day, he walked towards the alchemy shop opposite like a dragon, entered the shop, took out the metal book as he did in the past, and went straight to Leila who was lying on the counter.

Seeing Witt, Leila was also stunned for a moment, and then he realized that Witt might not have noticed that he had done something to the small space that covered the space teleportation array.

Thinking of this, Leila couldn't help but look at Witt strangely.

Witt was always paying attention to Leila's expression. Seeing this, his heart skipped a beat, but he asked with a "confused" look on his face: "What's wrong, why are you looking at me like this?"

Leila shook her head, and then said: "Nothing, just something, I want to tell you, I've been exhausted by you in recent years, I'm going to have a good sleep.

If you are interested in the alchemical products in my room, please help to look after the store.

If you don't want to, you can't come in from tomorrow."

Witt was stunned for a moment.

"Are you going to sleep?"

"Of course not, just a simple sleep, sleep comfortably for hundreds of years. Speaking of it, I haven't slept like this for a long time, and I still miss it when I think about it."

Hearing this, Witt shook his head.

"I am interested, but in another five years, I am also ready to leave. I stayed here just to rest for a while."

While saying this, Witt couldn't help scolding Leila a few times.

I should have told you this earlier!

If I had known you were going to sleep, I would have told Neil yesterday that it would be great to leave for a while!

Now, I have to stay for another five years.

"Is that so? I wish you a safe journey!"

"I wish you a good dream too!"

As he said that, Witt put away the metal book and turned to walk towards the shelf.

"You won't ask anymore?"

Witt continued to walk towards the shelf without looking back.

"I'll study it myself. As for now, while you are still open, I will quickly buy all the alchemical items I can get."

As he said that, Witt searched around.

Over the years, he did some things deliberately for show, but some things really brought him benefits.

For example, the ancient dragon text of Leila's equivalent exchange system.

In the past, alchemy, potions and magic circles were a family, especially alchemy and magic circles.

The reason is that the existence of many alchemical items is part of the magic circle itself. Moreover, although the ancient dragon text is divided into the equivalent exchange system and the true name system, there is no doubt that they are all ancient dragon texts.

Even now, these systems are independent of each other, but there are still some connections between them.

With his alchemy level, he has only studied the ancient dragon text of the equivalent exchange system, which is in line with his alchemy level, and is definitely not comparable to Leila.

Therefore, after discovering that Leila's ancient dragon text operations are effective in improving his magic circle level, he must accept them all.

Looking at Witte's actions, Leila put his head on the counter indifferently.

Or, it would be best if Witte didn't bother him.

He was not talking nonsense just now. He was really tired of Witte, and the task she gave him had been completed, so he was ready to have a good sleep.

After one magic hour, Witt bought all the alchemical items in the store, which contained the ancient dragon script of the equivalent exchange system that he had never seen, or learned.

After another round of making magic crystal coins on the spot, Witt happily left the alchemy shop.

After another day, Witt went to see the alchemy shop across the street, and it was indeed closed.

Then he began a difficult five-year life.

Since knowing that Witt would leave in five years, eating spicy grilled Mazer dragon beasts and taking lava baths became Neil and Witt's daily life.

It was as if they wanted to make up for the future in these five years.

Time is like a bow and arrow, there is no turning back!

Five years passed in a flash!

This day, when Neil came to Witt's shop again, he only saw a dragon scale on the counter.

The moment he saw the dragon scale, Neil understood something, and the smile on his face gradually faded.

"It's been five years so fast!"

Mumbling, Neil walked to the counter and picked up the dragon scale, which was covered with words.

"I'm leaving!

Forgive me for not saying goodbye, although I said it five years ago.

I haven't sold the house, and there are still some stocks in the laboratory. You can help sell these goods for the time being, because you have nothing to do every day.

If the magic circle is sold out, then you can take down the sign and change it to a "pawn shop" as a new business, so that you can make magic crystal coins yourself.

In the city of scorching heat, there are many things that dragons can't make.

The so-called pawn, in simple terms, is to buy at a low price and sell at a high price, but there is a condition in the middle that it can be redeemed at the original price within a time limit.

For you, this is a no-cost business, and you can control the degree here.

Find something for you to do, it's better than doing nothing every day and thinking about things.

In addition, you need to hone your magic and combat skills.

I haven't agreed to your fight in these years. It's not for any other reason. It's just because you are too weak and it's boring to fight. I hope you can arouse my interest in fighting next time we meet.

I'll be back and bring you new friends! "


A gap opened in the dragon scales, and a strong fighting spirit burst out from Neil's body.

"How dare you say that? I'm waiting for you to come back!"

Flying in the air, Werther looked back at the big volcano with a smile in his eyes.

A special life experience creates a special character, so there is a special and interesting dragon. It is rare to encounter a dragon with a good character, and Werther will not forget it easily.

Withdrawing his gaze, Werther flew towards... the mountain forest!

There was no way, there was definitely no way around the space teleportation magic array at Laila's place. He could only set up a space anchor point here.

This can save years of traveling time.

As for why it is a space anchor and not a space teleportation magic circle...

Do things so that they are watertight.

The space anchor point can be made old, but the power of elements stored in the space teleportation magic circle cannot be made fake.

Whether it existed in the past or not can be seen at a glance.

Therefore, this magic circle can be built, but it cannot be built now, and it must be built bit by bit in front of Billy and the others.

Time isn't his biggest secret, his biggest secret is time travel.

Because time does not have to be the law of time, it can also be the rule of time, but time travel must be something that can only be achieved by the law of time.

Werther can still distinguish these clearly!

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