Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 675 He appears again!

Lila stood behind the counter, looking at the familiar magic crystal coin on the counter...

Trivia: When making magic crystal coins, giant dragons like to add their own images on them, and flying dragons will add their race names in addition to their own images.


Muttering Witt's name softly, Leila's eyes were full of excitement.

"Although it's not the dragon you're waiting for, it's likely to be his descendant. This will be considered as fulfilling the promise with you. I should have been excited to pack up and leave this hellhole immediately.

But now...


Sleep, sleep, too lazy to move!"

While saying this, Leila turned and walked towards his room, and a dark red dragon scale appeared in his claws.


Sighing again, the dragon scale in Leila's claws shattered.

The gray sky was shaking, the black “earth” was wriggling, the gray grass and trees were crumbling, and the black breath was rising.

This was a world that had completely lost its vitality!

Chaos, madness, and killing filled the wriggling black “earth”. Looking closely, there were strange beasts with red eyes and bodies that looked like they were rotten.

Rotten wolves!

The rotten wolves were crowded in the small gray world, fighting, devouring, and becoming stronger.

The black flesh and blood that could not be swallowed in time melted into the earth below. The black breath rose, and the black light and shadow kept changing, as if the elements were struggling in pain.

Suddenly, a fire lit up on the horizon.

The next moment, a red ball of light lit up on this dead land. The dazzling red light was like a sun, spreading its brilliance in all directions.

The rotten wolf in the center of the light ball turned into ashes in an instant, and the one a little further away froze. Then, the originally black and rotten body became brighter and brighter like a red-hot charcoal fire until it disappeared.

In the gray sky with thick clouds, a pair of huge, shining golden eyes quietly watched the scene below, without any emotion in their eyes.

Just when everything on the ground was about to burn out, and the shining golden eyes were about to look away, her pupils suddenly shrank.

Then, a hideous dark red dragon head poked out from the clouds, followed by a huge body of more than a thousand meters.

Although her body was very huge, her speed was quite fast.

In an instant, it appeared above the ground, and its thick dragon tail slammed fiercely on the ground. At that moment, it seemed as if the whole world was shaken.

On the ground, cracks first appeared, spreading rapidly in all directions, and then collapsed and shattered like a biscuit dropped on the ground.

A black shadow of more than 800 meters jumped out from the collapsed ground, and then shot towards the distance. Looking at the back, it was so embarrassed and panic.

But the red dragon watched the opponent escape slowly, and the golden eyes were full of mockery.


The old and awkward words sounded from her mouth.

The originally gray world suddenly turned red, and the originally gray clouds burned red as if they were lit on fire.

The black ground, which was emitting a black aura, was like a piece of red-hot iron. It first emitted white smoke, and then began to melt slowly.

The ground was shaking more and more violently, and cracks with white steam began to appear.


Suddenly, accompanied by a loud bang, fiery red lava, accompanied by black ashes, erupted from the ground, erupting all the way, chasing the black giant figure.

Seeing this, the giant's huge one eye was full of madness and panic. Suddenly, he hugged his head, and the remaining wisdom in the one eye was instantly taken away by endless killing desire.

Then, he roared to the sky, twisted his body, and a black beam of light shot out from the one eye, aiming directly at the dragon in the distance.

But before the black beam of light flew far, it plunged into the lava that was rising into the sky and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the ground under the giant shook slightly, and a stream of fiery red lava sprayed out and hit him.

Then, although the giant avoided the lava, a red flame ignited on his body.

The giant turned into a shaped torch.

Black breath kept coming out of his body, trying to extinguish the red flame.

But the flame was extremely overbearing and tried to ignite the black breath.

Although it failed after some attempts, the black breath was firmly suppressed.

The flame wrapped around the giant's body and kept burning. The giant struggled violently and howled miserably.

Suddenly, a black breath gushed out of the giant's body, avoided the blockade of the flame, flew out, and condensed into a giant one-eyed man in the air.

"The glory of the abyss will eventually come, and this world will sing the praises of the abyss. Red Dragon, you are struggling in vain!"


He snorted disdainfully.

"I'm more looking forward to you appearing in front of me now!"

As soon as the words fell, a hot red breath instantly shattered the one-eye in the air.

Looking at the Cyclops who was struggling just now, he was already silent. The sound of the flame burning his flesh sizzled and soon burned to ashes.

Seeing this, the red dragon looked at the lava world he had just created. After making sure that there was nothing left, he was ready to flap his wings and leave.

But at this moment, the red dragon's eyes suddenly condensed, and then a burst of ecstasy emerged in his eyes.

"After a thousand years, I finally heard from you again!"

After saying that, the joy in the red dragon's eyes suddenly stagnated for a moment, and turned into regret.

"We will meet again!"

Muttering, the red dragon took off into the air and continued to wander in this lifeless world. Looking at the distance, the same dragon shadow flashed by.


Witt walked out of the store with a happy face.

Not only did he get the information he wanted without alerting Leila, but most importantly, in addition to this teleportation magic circle here, there are two teleportation magic circles in the remaining nine locations.

The most important one is that the one closest to him only takes eight hours to fly, and it is the only teleportation magic circle he has arranged in the sea.

After all, he has witnessed too many dangers in the endless sea.

Otherwise, because there is a ruin that has been explored there, and the ruins have existed for a long time, Witt would not waste materials there to place a teleportation magic circle.

Unexpectedly, this placement turned out to be a pleasant surprise.

As for the other remaining teleportation magic circle...

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