Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 674 Opportunity!

It was a very happy meal.

Especially Neil, his mouth was so wide open that it never closed.

After the meal, Neil immediately found a place to use his skills. Witt was not familiar with the Burning City, but Neil was familiar with it!

With Leila's name, Witt found Roger of the Heavy Scale Chamber of Commerce.

A very distinctive heavy-scale flying dragon, he has one eye like Redek.

However, unlike Redek's lost dragon thing, the story of this eye is so magnificent, uh... Although it can be summed up in one sentence, being beaten by a lone dragon.

But he is good at speaking, and there is also Redek as a comparison.

Leila is very face-saving!

Roger directly said that you can ask for anything, he has it here, and no matter what it is, it will be 10% lower than the market price when sold to Witt.

In order to verify the other party's statement, Witt directly swept away all the materials that Roger could use.

Space ore, dragon beast crystal core, crystal dragon crystal, magic plants, etc., if Witt could use them, they were all collected by Witt.

As for the magic crystal coins, it was enough... joke, Witt showed Roger and Neil on the spot what a dragon-shaped coin making machine is!

In the end, Roger guarded the empty warehouse, looking at the mountain of magic crystal coins just made in front of him, which was both painful and happy.

Happiness is that no matter how many are sold, he will get a dividend.

Pain is that the magic crystal coins are made in front of him, giving him a very cheap and very real feeling.

The materials are in place, and Witt is going to start working again.

As for the store, Neil happened to run to the store frequently, so Witt directly gave the store to him, and in return he received magic crystal coins, which he really didn't care about.


Time passed.

Witt's daily routine was to practice, study magic circles, soak in magma with Neil, and hang out in front of Leila.

Witt got some information about Leila from Neil.

There was little information, after all, Leila was really lazy, and he would not step out of the store until the water elements in the store were consumed.

Moreover, this situation has been like this since Neil was born.

Speaking of Neil's birth...

Yes, Neil is a dragon born and raised in the city of scorching heat.

However, he is still the kind without parents.

He knew that his mother was a red dragon. After giving birth to him in the Hot City, she left the Hot City and didn't know where she went.

The Hot City has a vacancy period for houses.

One hundred years!

If no dragon comes back to live in a house for more than a hundred years, the house will be taken back by the lava dragon that manages the Hot City.

But this place is too suitable for red dragons to live.

Neil's mother left for about 20 years, and Neil was born. That house naturally became his home.

This is also an important reason why Neil walked out of the Hot City.

The Hot City is his home!

In this regard, Witt felt that Neil was lucky.

At least, compared with some dragons, his living environment is much safer. Although no dragon will care about his growth, he still needs to fight for a bite of food.

Perhaps this is the reason why his personality is what it is now.

Neil lives far away.

His personality is curious about everything. Like Leila, who goes out and walks into the dragon at the second door, it is easy to attract his attention.

Therefore, he often patronizes Leila's store.

Leila is a lazy person, and he will also specifically drive away the dragons that run into the store to cause damage, basically just playing around.

It was not until Neil's strength gradually became stronger and the fire element in his body began to effectively repel the water element from the outside world that Neil gradually went to Leila's shop.

But this did not mean that he lost interest in Leila.

He began to learn about the mysterious Leila from the dragons around him, trying to uncover her "secrets".

This behavior did not stop until his character gradually matured and he understood that Leila was just an ordinary adult dragon who was lazy and motionless.

However, he also collected some information.

Although Leila lived in the Hot City as a young dragon, she did live here very early.

Neil once mentioned it when he met a flying dragon. He once heard his deceased grandfather say that his grandfather had come into contact with Leila when he was a child.

This shows that Leila had come to the Burning City at least six thousand years ago.

Of course, it is difficult to judge how much truth and falsehood this kind of news from a friend's grandfather is.

But this at least provides Witt with a possibility.

Leila may know Winters.

Witt will of course tell Leila directly that he also knows Winters.

After all, this is a guess.

However, if Leila took the initiative to say that he knew Winters, he would have the opportunity to use this relationship to easily gain Leila's trust.

But unfortunately, plans are plans after all.

Even though this plan sounds so feasible, it still did not have the opportunity to be implemented.

Because another opportunity came first!

It was the sixth year that Witt stayed in the Burning City.


This time, Witt once again left the shop to Neil, and he habitually ran to Leila's shop and searched through the shelves one by one.

Not to mention, Laila’s attainment in the system of equivalent exchange is very shallow.

Werther can always discover new things in his new works, create magic circles for him, and provide some unique ideas.

Today, as luck would have it, Werther discovered a new work that aroused his interest.

Later, when he walked to the counter to pay, he noticed a metal plate left on the counter.

"Sleep a little longer today. As usual, take whatever you like. Just put the magic crystal coins on the counter."

"Tsk, I'm so lazy!"

With a murmur, Witte threw a handful of magic crystal coins, and then walked towards the door while admiring the alchemy items in his paws.

On the surface, his behavior seemed to be the same as before, but in fact, Werther couldn't hide his excitement in his heart.

After more than three years (Witt slept for three years), he finally found a chance!

This is the first time Laila has done this, but in the previous times, Werther suppressed his excitement and did not move the teleportation array. Everything stood out with one word - stable!

After so many years of laying the groundwork, Witte believes that now is the time.

Walking to the location where the space magic array was hidden far away from the door of the store, Witte opened the reverse scale space with his claws as usual and threw the alchemy items into it.

But in fact, his spirit has passed through the space magic array that hides the teleportation array, and connected to the teleportation array.

Then, pieces of specific information appeared in his mind.

And Werther knew that at this time, Laila, who was sleeping in the room, suddenly opened her eyes...

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