Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 655: Surviving a disaster, but no future happiness?

Fortunately, his potion was refined well, otherwise, this would have ruined his appearance.

Although it is said that scars are the honor of a dragon, Witte does not want to live with a half-dragon horn.

With these thoughts in mind, Werther looked around.

Soon, he found Winters.

Flying in front of Winters, Werther noticed Winters' eyes looking at the wound on his waist, and said with a smile: "Magic has been used.

You also know that although the recovery of water element magic is a bit slower, the effect is still quite good.


You see, at least I am now..."

As he said this, Werther was suddenly stunned for a moment.

Because Winters flew to his head without saying a word.

After coming back to his senses, Werther chuckled.

"Why, are you going to be moved to tears when you see me protecting you so desperately?"

"You're the one who's crying!"

Hearing Winters' words, Werther felt slightly relieved.

It’s good that you weren’t scared.

But, to be honest, Werther himself was also frightened.

This is the closest he has been to death since he was born. Even after serving as bait for Boredia and attracting the legend of the abyss, he has never been so afraid.

After all, at that time, although he didn't know what Boredia had prepared for the abyss believers, Witte believed that Boredia would definitely be able to arrive in time.

But this time it's different.

What we encountered this time was the power of nature. Whether we could survive or not really depended on luck.

The horn that pierced his waist was the one that pierced him directly in the waterspout. With such huge force, the dragon scales were easily pierced as if they were made of paper.

Most of the injuries on the body were caused by debris picked up by the waterspout, including broken bones of limbs.

The wings on his back were torn off directly by the force of the waterspout.

Fortunately, he was lucky. Not only did he survive, but he also protected Winters.

I just don’t know where they were taken by the waterspout.

I just hope I won't be led too far.

Returning to Fast Continent is not a problem, after all, the direction is still easy to identify.

What Witt was worried about was that if they were led off the business road, they would encounter some terrifying sea dragon beasts, or encounter a giant dragon that was hunting for treasure.

The latter is the most troublesome.

If you happen to encounter the other party and find the treasure, then pray that the other party cannot fly over him, otherwise, it will really be a fight to the death.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

Winters' words brought back Werther's wandering thoughts.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking. We don't know if we are still on the trade road between Desert City and Scorching City. If not, we will be very worried."

As he said that, Werther suddenly remembered the mechanical puppet from before.

"By the way, speaking of which, where did the mechanical puppet that you fought with come from? Why did the mechanical puppet appear here? Are there any ruins?"

Hearing Werther talk about the mechanical puppet, Winters' eyes dimmed again as he lay on Werter's head.

She could never forget the way Werther risked his life to protect her during the waterspout.

She also couldn't forget how when she was struggling with how to deal with the mechanical puppet, Werther, who had just woken up, exhausted his strength, froze the mechanical puppet, and lost consciousness again.

Too weak!

She is too weak!

Following Werther is just a burden.

Without her, Werther would have been able to protect himself with magic. Without her, Werther wouldn't have had to do his best to help her when she just woke up.

Sure enough, returning to Dragon's Nest is the wisest choice!


Hearing Werther's voice, Winters pretended to be calm and said: "It's nothing, I just organized the language a little bit."

After a pause, Winters continued: "I don't know if it's a ruin or not, but in the west of this island, there is a dense forest, and there are many mechanical puppets wandering in it, including elemental puppets.

As for the mechanical puppet, it suddenly appeared here when I crawled out of your bed and tried to wake you up.

I don't know what's going on. "

"He ran here on his own initiative..."

Witte muttered to himself, and then said while thinking: "Whether it is a mechanical puppet or an elemental puppet, all their reactions are based on instructions.

Wandering represents the patrol guide.

Coming here means that the core magic circle contains the ability to view what is happening in the outside world.

By the way, who attacked first, you or the mechanical puppet? "

"Mechanical puppet!"

Hearing this, Witte's eyes darkened.

"It's not that if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later. Our luck isn't very good either!

Patrolling, checking for movement, attacking outsiders...

This is basically the standard alchemy puppet in the laboratory.

And the laboratory..."

Compared to the laboratory, Werther definitely liked the ruins more.

There are too many uncertainties in the things in the laboratory. Some may be empty, some may leave behind knowledge, and some may be treasures.

But the latter has the greatest potential, and the former has the greatest potential, that is, the laboratory is empty.

Even if there is knowledge left in it, there are different types of knowledge. Some knowledge attracts Wanlong to pursue, while some knowledge is useless.

Moreover, the latter is more certain.

After all, valuable knowledge will basically be taken away.

Unless the dragon who built the laboratory doesn't care about these.

Hearing what Witt said, Winters couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"What have you become? You're still thinking about the treasure!"

Witt chuckled.

"The journey is boring, I'll find some fun for myself. Besides, we can't leave now. At least we have to wait until I recover completely.

As for now, I can only use this laboratory to comfort the depressed mood after the injury."


Winters refused directly.

"You are injured, it's not suitable for you to continue adventures, explorations, etc., wait until your injuries are healed."

Hearing Winters' firm words, Witt hesitated for a while, and then nodded.

"Also... okay, but it should be no problem to make a mechanical puppet!"

The previous one had been frozen into ice slag by the permafrost and absorbed by Witt, otherwise, he wouldn't have to say so.

"What do you want that thing for?"

Hearing this, Witt raised his eyebrows.

"You don't know this. Alchemy puppets appeared when alchemy first appeared.

Different periods have different puppet core technologies.

Even different dragons will refine different cores. Of course, this is limited to famous dragons. Who knows what the cores of unknown dragons are.

I don't need to be specific about a certain dragon. I just need to look at the technology and style of the puppet core to roughly figure out when this laboratory was left behind."


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