Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 651 The Sea!

Of course, the lighthouse is not the only thing on the sea that indicates the route to cross the sea. Dragons that often cross the sea can determine the direction of travel by ocean currents and seasons.

They can even find the right way through the dragon beasts in the sea.

Henry and Roy have systematically learned this.

It is also because of this that Henry and Roy patted their chests and promised that they would definitely bring Witt to the hot city.

But unfortunately, Witt could not wait for them.

However, during the journey before departure, Henry and Roy taught Witt a few simple ways to determine which direction the route deviated.

With the powerful memory of the dragon, Witt remembered all of these in his mind.

The only shortcoming is that Witt has not been tested in practice.

In addition, this knowledge is only for reference and is not 100% trustworthy.

Dragons who often cross the sea can easily judge what method should be used in what situation, and what method can be slightly changed in what situation.

Therefore, Witt is now like a nerd who is familiar with all kinds of ocean knowledge.

When encountering special situations, he can only respond one by one according to the original knowledge, but he is not flexible enough to use it.

Although this is not a good description, at least, Witt at this time still has a little understanding of the ocean.

It is not to the point that when something really happens, he will not know what to do at all.


When entering the ocean, Witt and Winters were so excited at the beginning.

The boundless water, the magical scene of the water and sky connecting but not clear, all kinds of strange sea dragons, the strange scene of the stars reflected on the boundless sea under the night sky...

While giving Witt new cognition, it also gave Witt a new reason to fight against the abyss unconsciously. He did not want such a beautiful world to become a broken scene.

Of course, the sea showed its beauty, and naturally would not be stingy with its danger.

Witt and Winters saw with their own eyes that a Muetdramon flying at the same height as them was directly jumped out of the sea by a Tenydramon with a body size of more than a kilometer, and then swallowed it all at once.

Muetdramon, a kind of predatory dragon beast similar to Elkindramon (eagle) on the seashore, is covered with feathers. Different species have different elemental affinities and different feather colors.

There are big and small ones, the small one is only about three meters, and the big one is nearly a hundred meters.

Small Muetosaurus is a social dragon beast. They usually call friends and form a group of more than fifty dragon beasts, with no upper limit, to hunt Persosaurus (fish) or Lypusosaurus (shrimp) near the water surface in the sea.

Large Muetosaurus usually travels alone, but it is still a powerful predator in the sea.

As for the Tenylon that swallowed it, it is not to mention that it is a powerful dragon beast ranked in the sea. It is about the same size as a giant dragon and its strength is enough to compete with the giant dragon.

Witt is not unfamiliar with Tenylon. He first saw it on Redek's menu, but unfortunately, Redek said that this kind of dragon beast in his store has been sold out, and you need to rely on luck if you want to eat it.

But later, Lei caught a Tenylon and left two large pieces of meat for Witt. Witt ate one piece himself, and he took the other piece with the dragons in the store.

Not to mention, this thing tastes really good.

If that guy hadn't just swallowed a Muetlon about 100 meters in size, and it exuded a breath that Witt couldn't afford to provoke, he would have to give Winters some to taste.

As for how unprovoked it was...

Witt smelled a breath on the Tenylon that was not weaker than Antashya's, and it was the breath of Antashya when she was about to break through.

Lower Legend!

However, what is more peculiar is that whether the Sea Dragon Beast breaks through the legend or not, they only have animal nature and no intelligence.

Therefore, their power is not rule-based, but pure elements and powerful flesh.

The name of the Endless Sea is Endless, not only because it is big, but also because it represents its unknown.

The unknown that even dragons cannot fully explore.

When Witt was looking for the Stroka Alchemy Site, he read a lot of travel notes, some of which involved the Endless Sea.

The book recorded the sea dragon beasts of unimaginable size, and the huge breath that suffocated the dragons at a glance from afar.

Legend or legend?

Who knows!

The sea is endless, and there are all kinds of sea dragon beasts living in it.

In short, the sudden appearance of this Tenylon beast made Witt realize that there are countless dangers under the sea surface that shines like a sapphire.

In addition to the invisible sea surface, the same is true on the sea surface.

Various powerful Muetdramons would occasionally target Witt, or, more accurately, Winters on Witt's back.

Although Winters in his early years would not attract a large number of dragon beasts like when he was a young dragon.

But this does not mean that when the gap in strength is relatively large, the dragon beasts will not target Winters, who is a giant dragon.

The relationship between dragon beasts and giant dragons as predators and prey has always existed.

Of course, most of these dragon beasts were blown away by Witt's breath, and some even left their lives to provide Witt and his friends with a meal of meat.

Platinum and above dragon beasts are still relatively rare, especially in the sea between the Scorching City and the Desert City.

After all, it is the route that the caravan has to take.

They will regularly clear platinum and above dragon beasts so that the caravan can pass smoothly.

So, Henry mentioned that as long as you see a platinum or above dragon beast, you need to pay attention, because it may be in the wrong direction and leave the passing sea area.

If you encounter more than five, it goes without saying that the route must be wrong.

In short, although they will be targeted from time to time, Witt's strength is not weak, and the two dragons can barely be considered smooth sailing.

However, the lighthouse below is not very powerful, and the complete lighthouse has become a minority.

In most cases, you only see the fallen lighthouse and the miserable islands like a typhoon passing through. Uh... maybe it's really a typhoon passing through.

Of course, there are also huge waves.

However, at least the existence of these things shows that Witt is still on the right path.


As time goes by, after the initial novelty is gone, Witt and his friends began to have a new understanding of the sea.

Empty, lonely, and deserted!

One by one, words representing bad emotions appeared in Witt's mind.

There are no clouds in the sky, the sky is like the sea, the sea is windless, and the water is like a mirror.

In such an environment, Witt doesn't even know if he is moving forward.

Once bad emotions appear, they are like a flood that can't be stopped.

"This is definitely a worse experience than the endless sea of ​​sand!"


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