Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 646: Sekent Continent!

Chapter 646: Sai Kent Land!

"Yes 꼊!"

Hearing Werther's words, Henry smiled sheepishly.

"Actually, it's not really enlightening. I just feel that the atmosphere here is rather dull, so I came here to talk to you. Since you're fine, I'll go to the front."

After saying that, Henry nodded towards Witte and the others, and then flew towards the heavy-scaled flying dragon in front.

Watching the other party leave, Werther chuckled.

"A dragon with a pretty good personality."


Winters didn't speak, just closed her eyes and hummed softly.

She had a good talk with Sibel before, but in reality, the only separation she had ever experienced was that of Hemeland.

Thinking of Meyer and Sibel, Winters couldn't help but think that maybe, if he has time in the future, he could come here and take a look.

Lonely dragons learn to enjoy being alone, but they don't necessarily really like being alone.

Time is passing!

늀Like Henry said before, the caravan will not slow down their journey. In fact, it is Werther and the others who slow down the caravan's journey.

The thirty-seven heavy-scale flying dragons, including Henry, are basically in the middle of Amethyst.

Henry's strength is amethyst, while Roy is a true legend.

Although she is only a bitch, she is still a legend.

At the same time, she is also the strongest dragon in the team.

Although it was a caravan, the goods did not require them to expend energy to carry them.

The shape of the storage space that Werther gave to Sibel was based on the storage spaces used by the Chamber of Commerce, and it was also a space anklet.

There are ten space anklets in total, and the dragons wearing the anklets are all flying in the middle of the team.

Witte also learned about the space ore from Henry.

There are many dragon city-states in Sekent Continent that produce space ores, and the one with the highest output is the City of Eternal Night.

Due to the large amount of space ores, space storage devices on the Saken Continent are relatively common, uh... at least among various city-states.

Although not every dragon has one, the reason is not the price of storage space, nor the quantity of storage space, but that some dragons feel that they do not need space storage devices.

From this point of view, we can feel to some extent how much space ore production the Sekant Continent has.

Therefore, before setting off, Witte purchased another batch of space ore from the Chonglin Chamber of Commerce.

The long-range space transmission magic array still has a relatively high demand for space ore, and there is not much space ore left that he purchased from the City of Freedom at one time.

Coincidentally, in the City of Freedom, Witte also purchased space ore from the Heavy Scale Chamber of Commerce.

With the existence of storage space, Henry and the others naturally traveled very quickly.

If they hadn't taken care of Werther's face, they might have flown faster.

The second time I traveled through the jungle of the Continent of Life, the experience was not as wonderful as the first time.

For the first time, on the one hand, they were novel about the surrounding scenery, and on the other hand, Sibel was diverting Werther's attention.

But this time, there were more dragons, but there was no excitement as before.

All the dragons are busy on their way.

There will be rest time every few days, but everyone is also focusing on rest.

In addition, it may be a matter of angle. This journey is much longer than the journey that Werther and the others took to the City of Life.

It took them two months to cross the dense forest and reach the edge of the sand sea.

As soon as he came out, a sound of exhalation came from Werther's head.

Apparently, Winters was really fed up with the air humidity in the Continent of Life.

And so it is.

It is no exaggeration to say that the moment Winters came out of the dense forest, he felt like he had escaped.

After coming out, the caravan did not stop at all, and the dragons flew all the way to the northeast.

After another three months of walking and stopping, Witte finally saw his first landmark - the Feilong Lighthouse!

When Henry was in the City of Life, he had already given the picture of the endless sea of ​​sand to Werther, uh... including the one hundred gold coins. Needless to say, the style of the gold coin is still a flying dragon gold coin.

However, it is not a lair, but a heavy scale chamber of commerce. Obviously, this was specially forged by the chamber of commerce.

Of course, gold coins are important, and pictures are not bad either.

However, in Witte's opinion, the picture was really crude.

There is only one direction, and the black dots, triangles, boxes and circles that fill the picture.

There are many black spots. Werther specifically counted one hundred and twenty-six, and these one hundred and twenty-six black spots represent one hundred and twenty-six city-states.

Don't think, it sounds like a lot.

These one hundred and twenty-six black spots are relative to the entire Saken Continent.

Moreover, not every city-state has a legendary dragon as its commander. In fact, there are only five city-states with legendary dragons as its commander.

There are names marked on the 눓picture껗, which are City of Desert, City of Life, City of Eternal Night, City of Red Sand and City of Stars.

Other city-states where there is no legendary 꾫dragon are not named on the pictures.

And this picture also verified the news that Boredia gave him before.

The Seakent Continent looks very much like the head of a unicorn. Its overall shape is an oval with two different ends. The northeast area is large and the southwest area is small.

The "Dragon Horn" is located in the northwest. The "Dragon Horn" is very long, which is three-quarters of the distance from the northeast to the southwest of the Seakent Continent.

You should know that in addition to the Dragon Horn, the longest part of the Seakent Continent is from the northeast to the southwest.

The length of the "Dragon Horn" is nearly three-quarters.

The City of Eternal Night is at the tip of the "Dragon Horn", and the entire "Dragon Horn" position is only the City of Eternal Night at the tip of the "Dragon Horn", a city-state.

No wonder Henry said before that it is best to walk along the seashore to go to the City of Eternal Night, so it is not easy to get lost.

In addition, the most surprising thing for Witt is the City of Life.

Let's not talk about the Desert City, which is on the northeast coast of the Seakent Continent.

But the City of Life is not in the center of the Endless Sea of ​​Sand, but in the northeast region, between the "Dragon Eye" and the "Dragon Ear".

This shows how big the Saikent Continent is.

Located in the center of the Saikent Continent is the City of Red Sand.

And the City of Stars is at the "Dragon Mouth", which is also southwest of the Saikent Continent.

The black dots represent city-states, the triangles, squares and circles represent oases, lighthouses and Dragon Territory respectively, and these three have a common meaning, that is, the flag!

Among the three flags, the square representing the desert lighthouse built by the Flying Dragon Chamber of Commerce is the most.

The second is the triangle representing the oasis.

The last is the circle representing the Dragon Territory.

But this is only relative.

In the whole map, there are hundreds of circles representing dragons. Well... well, the entire continent of Sekent has hundreds of dragons. This number is really pitiful.

If you add the ones that have not been explored and are wandering around... the number of dragons is very rare.


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