Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 64 Dream!

"If you guys are interested, why don't you go there together tomorrow night?"

After hearing Werther's words, Billy and the others looked at each other, and then their eyes fell on Celine.

Celine looked at Werther in astonishment.

"Can we really learn magic together?"

Witte said with a bit of laughter and laughter: "What's wrong with this? Boko didn't just open a small stove for me. He only went to Boko for safety."

Facts have proved that 놖’s decision is quite correct! "

As he spoke, Werther swung his tail. Although he was not in danger this time, it was only because the magic of "Strongness" was practiced using dragon scales.

The subsequent "acceleration" can only be practiced with both wings. If you are not careful, you may become disabled!

However, after hearing Werther's words, Celine looked confused.

"Uh...what do you mean by turning on a small stove?"

Werther was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he had brought the language of that world with him.

"How to explain it? Just go through the back door!"

Celine was even more confused.

"What does it mean to go through the back door?"

Werther slapped his head.

"How about you let them go first, and then think about it carefully, how should I explain it to you?"

Of course, that's what he said, but Werther was just giving some face to Celine and the others. The difference in size made Werther's power far exceed that of Celine and the others.

If he really had to use his hands, how could Billio be able to hold down Werther!

After hearing Werther's words, Celine remembered that Werther's wings were still being held down by Aubili!

Her face turned red. Fortunately, the dragon scales were thicker, so the blushing was not visible at all. Seeing Aubili looking at her, Celine waved her paw, indicating that they could let go.

Seeing the two dragons walking away, Witte moved his wings slightly and then put them away.

"How should I put it? Opening a small stove and going through the back door all refer to using special relationships to get special treatment. So you should understand it!"

Celine suddenly understood, and then understood the meaning of Werther's previous words, and quickly shook her head.

"We don't care if you went to Boko to open a small stove, uh... we just thought..."

Speaking of this, Celine suddenly stopped, then turned her head away, not daring to look at Werther.

Dinnet sighed.

"Let's talk about it. They thought that you thought that their strength could no longer keep up with your pace, so you left them behind and went to train on your own!"

Witte was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the dragons dumbfounded.

"Is that why?"

Celine still faced Werther with the back of her head, while Austria lay on the ground with her eyes closed. Dinnet's face was embarrassed but also showed a hint of helplessness. As for Billy...

This guy looked at Werther with an uneasy look on his face, obviously he still hadn't figured out the current situation.


놖Why should I take it seriously? I have been nervous for a long time. My family eats, lives, and studies together. How can I leave you and run away?

Everyone go to bed quickly!

When he came back, Boko told him that our class tomorrow is Teacher Janis's magic circle class, and she would punish Xiaolong who was sleepy in class to copy books!

I think you are all familiar with the experience of copying books! "

After hearing Werther's words, Celine and the others were stunned for a moment, and then their worries were swept away.

However, after realizing what Witte said next, the dragons hurriedly ran towards their positions.

Copying books is the most terrifying punishment in the world!

Not one of them!

Seeing this, Werther shook his head helplessly, and then walked towards his sleeping position.

Even though they have inherited memories, they are still a bunch of kids!

Spend the whole day worrying about things that are impossible to happen!

Thinking about it this way, he is the most mature one in 꾉龙꿗!

Thinking like this, Werther closed his eyes, and an irresistible feeling of exhaustion hit his heart. Soon, he fell into sleep!


A familiar yet unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded in Werther's mind!

Subconsciously, Werther opened his eyes!

However, the scene in front of him made his pupils shrink suddenly!

Darkness fills the eyes!

But it was not really darkness, but densely packed small dragon beasts, covering the sky and his whole body!

Werther is no stranger to those small dragon beasts!

It was the two Abeidramons who came to attack the dragon's nest!

However, the size of these dragon beasts is unexpectedly small, and the Abeyi dragon beasts of 놌Memory are very different!

After seeing the surrounding situation clearly, Werther subconsciously opened his mouth. Blazing white flames overflowed from the corners of his mouth, and then a thick dragon's breath broke the "darkness" around him!

Countless Abeydramons turned into ashes with their hot breath!

But soon, more Abeidramons rushed over, filling the gap created by the dragon's breath again!

It seems useless!

Werther thought to himself, and then he was about to turn his head and take a look at the surrounding situation.

However, Werther was surprised to find that he seemed to be unable to control his body, and his head did not move because of his thoughts.

Instead, he opened his mouth again, and another blazing white breath spurted out in all directions!

Werther panicked!

What on earth is going on?

At this time, he suddenly remembered that he should be sleeping in the dragon's lair!

Instead of a strange place, fighting with the Abey Dragons!


Just then, the familiar but strange voice sounded again!

Witt was full of doubts. Such a familiar voice, but why can't he remember it?

Who is it?

"Witt, come back quickly, the magic circle has been activated, come back quickly!"

Who is it?

Who are you?

What magic circle is activated?

What will happen after the magic circle is activated?

Witt wanted to open his mouth and ask the other party what was going on now?

But when he opened his mouth, it was not a sound, but a breath!

Talk... talk... talk!

"Who are you?"


Opening his eyes suddenly, Witt subconsciously shouted: "Who are you!"

"Witt is Celine!"


Witt was stunned for a moment, and then he noticed that Celine's head was very close, and her face was full of worry!

Over Celine's head, behind is the familiar dragon cave!

Turning his head to look around, there is no Abei dragon beast, only Billy and the others are surrounding him, looking at him with a worried look.

"Vette, how are you?"

How is it?

Vette checked his body and was very tired!

"Is it still night now?"

Celine shook her head.

"It's morning now, are you having a nightmare?

You look very tired.

And you just kept shouting 'Who are you' and so on!"

Vette was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

"Maybe, I dreamed that I was surrounded by a group of Abei dragon beasts, my breath didn't work, and there was a voice behind me calling my name.

It's very familiar, but I can't remember who it is!"

Hearing this, Celine breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems like it was a nightmare. Maybe you trained too long yesterday. By the way, do you want to rest for a while?"

Witt stood up and shook his dizzy head.

"It's okay. You'll recover after eating something!"

Celine nodded and stopped trying to persuade him. After all, today was the first time to attend the magic circle class. It would be inappropriate to be absent!


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