Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 636: You can even fall asleep like this!

Chapter 636: He is asleep!


He will definitely go!

Witt thought with certainty in his heart.

Aqfrey is nothing but the dragon that is chasing him.

Since he chose to lead the dragon to the Stroka Alchemy Ruins instead of any other place, it means that in his cognition, only the Stroka Alchemy Ruins can help him kill the dragon.


Thinking of this, Witt looked around.

This guy's luck is not very good. He left in such a hurry, which means that when he found the other party's trace, he was also discovered and chased by the other party.

He didn't have time to deal with the experimental subject, didn't have time to take the gold coins, and didn't have time to close the door of the laboratory. He just destroyed the magic circle on the experimental table, and then he had to flee from this place.

I don't know what happened to Aqfrey, was he killed, or did he successfully lead the dragon to the Stroka Alchemy Ruins...

To be honest, Witt didn't dare to say with certainty that the dragon was dead.

If it was before, he would have said without hesitation that "Aqfrey was dead without a trace left".

But now...

The founder of this dragon alchemy technology that was highly praised by Aqfrey, Shi, is still active more than eight decades later.

So, even if Aqfrey, who was chasing Shi's footsteps, is still alive, it is not impossible. On the contrary, this possibility is quite possible.

Of course, the premise is that he can survive the pursuit of the dragon.

However, this happened more than 200,000 years ago, and it is useless for him to speculate now, unless there is something else that can confirm his speculation.

However, apart from knowing what happened after Akefrey was forced to leave the Morton vein and seeing the bad experimental records, he did not gain nothing.

At least it can be confirmed that his current location should be the east or northeast of the Sekent continent.

Akefrey chose to build a laboratory in this place, and left a sentence like "He really followed me" in the experimental record.

This shows that he actually didn't have much hope that the dragon would follow him.

In other words, in his opinion, after escaping to the Sekent continent, he had already escaped the pursuit of the dragon.

Witt didn't believe that the guy would choose a direction and fly for a few years to avoid the pursuit that he didn't think would come, and then conduct experiments when he knew that his life was coming to an end.

In his mental state at that time, the probability was that after encountering a giant dragon that could serve as experimental material, he would hunt and build a laboratory on the spot.

The location where Aqfrey came to the continent of Sekent should be the place he originally planned to pass, that is, the northeast of Sekent.

The dragon city-state corresponding to the hot city of Fast Continent-the Desert City!

The two cities are the bridges connecting the two continents.

Of course, it is only a spiritual connection. In fact, the two continents are separated by the endless sea. Only when the direction is right can you reach another city-state in a straight line from one city-state.

In other words, although his current location is a distance away from the Desert City, it is definitely not as far as the City of Life.

However, in this way, Witt couldn't help but get entangled.

Of course, he was not entangled in whether to go to the City of Life or the Desert City next.

Although the City of Life is a little far away, and it is contrary to his sending Winters back to the Dragon's Nest, the City of Life has a clear direction.

Although the Desert City may be closer to him, he does not know its exact location.

In this endless sea of ​​sand, if the direction deviates a little, it will be troublesome.

Even if this Desert City is a coastal city.

So, he must go to the City of Life.

What he is struggling with now is where to set his next goal after arriving at the City of Life.

The City of Eternal Night or the City of Desert.

The continent of Sekent is rich in mineral resources. The caravans formed by the flying dragons and earth dragons span the continent and travel between various dragon city-states.

Arriving at the City of Life means that he will know the specific directions of the City of Eternal Night and the Desert City.

Going to the City of Eternal Night means that after returning to the normal timeline, he may be able to reach the City of Eternal Night easily.

However, he is not sure when he will leave now. The longer it takes to send Winters home, the more likely it is that something will go wrong.

Therefore, the next stop of the City of Life is the Desert City, which is the best choice.


Just as Witt was thinking, a light sound came.

Witt looked down, but saw Winters looking up with a confused look on his face, looking around.

When their eyes met, both dragons were silent.

After a long time, Witt said speechlessly: "You are asleep?"

Winters lowered his head with embarrassment when he heard this.

Well, the content of the experimental notebook is very exciting, but she really doesn't like reading books. She fell asleep unconsciously, and now it fell off Witt's forearm.

What a loss!

However, on the other side, looking at Winters who bowed his head and remained silent, still looking a little confused, Witt sighed helplessly.

Well, it's just the Desert City.

Who can rest assured that Winters is asleep like this!

It’s better to send it back quickly.

"The exploration here is almost done. You go outside and wait for me. I will take care of this place."

Winters felt a little embarrassed because of what just happened. After hearing Witte's words, he nodded quickly and flew outside.

After watching Winters leave, Werther turned his eyes to the ground.

Then, he stretched out a claw finger, and blazing white flames rose from the claw finger.

Then, Witte extended his claw fingers to the alloy ground.

The hard alloy was inferior to soft tofu under the blazing white divine flames, and a hole about five meters deep was easily dug out.

Then, Witte threw a space anchor into it.

One paw holds the pulled out alloy, melts it into a liquid, and then pours it into it.

Finally, use mental power to smooth it out.


After doing this, Witte looked at the dragon corpse...

Flying to the upper level of the laboratory, a hot wind blew, and Winters finally became more awake.

땤Her face also became ugly.

Although she fell asleep, she also saw an experimental record. It turned out that dragon body alchemy was more sinful than the teacher said.

Just when Winter was thinking about what he had just read and was feeling irritable, a cool breeze suddenly came from behind him, very cool.

This sudden cool breeze blew away Winter's irritability.

In the same way, she couldn't help but be more curious about Werther.

Is Werther really Desidero's dragon?

She suddenly felt that the answer she had always believed in was now a little uncertain...

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