Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 633 The second floor of the laboratory!

The longer he walked in the laboratory, the stronger the sense of déjà vu this place gave Werther.

However, before he could figure out where this sense of déjà vu came from, his attention was attracted by the gold coins hidden under the sand.

The gold coins increased one by one, and the good mood that had been ruined before came back immediately!

Werther was happy on this side, and Winters on the other side was equally happy.

The gold coins obviously couldn't attract Winters' attention. These things that Werther regarded as treasures were dug out by Winters and thrown aside casually.

What Winters enjoys is the process of searching, and besides...

Unless she can find crystals, those things are no different from sand to her.

However, when she was tired of digging and was about to take a look at the test bench in the center of the laboratory, there was a sudden soft sound under her feet.

Without any hesitation, Winters instantly took off.

At the same time, a large dark hole suddenly appeared on the ground where Winters had just stepped.

The cave is really big and can accommodate a giant dragon of about 100 meters in size.

By the way, this laboratory is really big and can allow an adult dragon of about 100 meters to move around at will.

That’s why Werther is happy!

In such a large space, who knows how many gold coins are buried in the sand on the ground.

However, the changes on Winters' side attracted Werther's attention.

"Wait a minute, let's go in together!"

After listening to Werther's words, Winters, driven by curiosity, was about to go in. He immediately stopped and then turned to look at Werther.

Then he saw that Werther had no intention of coming over at all, and had been looking for traces of gold coins.


It seemed that Winters' death gaze had taken effect. Werther stiffened for a moment, then turned around with a dry smile.

"Don't be anxious, it's just the two of you.

The so-called exploration should explore every place clearly and clearly. After finishing the top, not a single thing is missing, we can go down below.

What if there is an origin of this laboratory above? "

Hearing this, Winters hesitated for a moment, but he also followed Werther's suggestion.

There are no crystals that she likes, so the only thing that interests her here is the story about this laboratory.

However, Winters was obviously more interested in what was going on below, and his movements sped up a lot.

On the other hand, the same goes for Werther.

After speeding up the exploration, the two dragons still spent about a magic hour before clearing the upper layer.

Winters rolled his eyes when he looked at Werther who couldn't find anything in his eyes.

"놖Let's get down!"

At this time, there were some fireballs floating around Winters, which she came to illuminate.

As for Werther...well, he can't.

Winters' words brought Werther back from the pleasure of suddenly getting rich.

Werther smacked his lips.

"Okay, let's get down there!"

With that said, he took the lead and flew into the hole.

But he kept shouting in his heart, three thousand six hundred gold coins, a total of three thousand six hundred gold coins!

This is his current net worth.

That's right!

Just by cleaning up this level, Witte got more than 3,000 gold coins. Although most of them were flying dragon gold coins, they were also shiny gold coins!

땤With the blessing, these gold coins became his property.

"Watch the road!"

Winters' voice came, and Werther, who reacted, looked at the remaining few meters of metal ground, turned over with a kite, and landed successfully.

Werther laughed dryly, trying not to hit him.

"Haha, I'm sorry. I was actually thinking about what this laboratory is for. I was definitely not thinking about how many gold coins I just harvested!"

Before he finished speaking, Werther pulled Winters aside and ran towards the corner of the passage.

There were also a few exposed gold coins stuck in the sand.

It seems that when the channel was opened, it fell down together with the sand on the surface.


Winters looked at Werther's useless look and didn't know what to say for a moment. He snorted coldly, ignored Werther, and flew towards the exit of the passage.

It may be abandoned. Although this layer has not been filled with yellow sand, the lighting facilities inside are still inoperable.

Winters can rely on the flames surrounding him for illumination.

The exit is also a horizontal passage that can accommodate a giant dragon of about 100 meters to enter and exit freely.

The passage is not very long, about a hundred meters.

Soon, Winters passed through the passage and entered a huge dark space.

As for how she determined that this space was empty without seeing anything... Actually, just through the echo.

However, just when Winters hesitated to go in by himself, a gray-white thing appeared at the edge of the bright light emitted by the fire ball.

Out of curiosity, Winters flew forward a short distance, and as the fire approached, the thing was finally revealed in its entirety.

That's a gray-white wall!

Or, to be more precise, it should be a piece of bone that looks like a gray-white wall.

Winters' face froze!

From her perspective, if the bone wall was filled with flesh and blood, and then covered with skin and scales, it would look quite familiar to her - Werther's chin!

Although she was not sure what was hidden in the darkness, Winters was at least certain that what appeared in front of her was the skull of a giant dragon.

땤What’s more, this skull is obviously larger than Werther’s!


Winters couldn't help but call out to her only support here.

But echoes of her shouts came from the darkness.

Knowing that the head in front of him was a giant dragon's head, Winters actually felt a trace of fear in his heart. Of course, it only appeared for a moment before he was suppressed by Winters.

The dragon should keep a cool head under any circumstances.

At this moment, Winters heard a sound of wings flapping behind him, and then Werther's steady voice rang out.

"This is……

Wait a moment and go check the lighting facilities here. "

Although there was a hint of surprise in Werther's voice, it still completely calmed Winters down.

Watching the light blue light group leave, Winters paused, and then flew a certain distance towards the dragon head, and part of the head was also revealed.

The gray-white bones were only part of what she saw. In fact, compared to a skeleton, a mummy was more suitable to describe this giant dragon's head.

The flesh and blood have long been dried, and the pale yellow dragon scales with crystal luster are clinging to the bones. Some of the dragon scales have fallen off, revealing the dark brown skin.

She looked at the bone wall and saw that it was nothing more than a piece of damaged ground.

Judging from the dragon scales alone, this is a citrine dragon!

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