Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 631 Posted!

"I still have one of these gold coins. At first, I thought I had one too, but now it seems that I was misled by Vida and the others!"

As he spoke, Vitt looked at the gold coin in his claws.

Unique shape and familiar name... That's right, the gold coin that Vitt just picked up was the Yinglong Yak (Vitt didn't know if it was Yinglong, but he could do that now) gold coin.

The dragon himself cast it as a token gold coin. For the dragon that cast it, it is not very precious. After all, he can cast it anytime and anywhere, uh... Of course, the premise is that there are materials.

The real preciousness of the token gold coin is that this kind of gold coin has two ways of circulation, one is to circulate in large quantities, and the other is to circulate one.

Needless to say, the former can be circulated in large quantities in one case, that is, the dragon is dead.

The latter is quite special. It can make the dragon who loves gold coins hand over the gold coins he made by himself, either because of emotional sustenance or because he owes the dragon a great favor.

Now the second gold coin belonging to Yinglong Yak has appeared.

There are also two situations.

The first one is that Yak likes gold coins, but he is dead.

The second one is that Yak does not like gold coins at all. He uses gold coins as a more effective currency to trade with dragons who like gold coins.

No matter which one, it means that there are many gold coins of this type.

Since the second one has appeared, there may be a third and fourth one around. The one that Vida and others used to trade with Vit may also be picked up by them alone.

By the way, after living in Hemerland for decades, Vit occasionally goes out to wander around, but he has not picked up a single gold coin.

Obviously, picking up gold coins is not a high probability event.

This further proves that the Yak gold coin does not have these two.

In short, as a giant dragon who loves gold coins, Witt will definitely not allow these golden little cuties to be buried under the endless yellow sand.

"Never allow!"

Winters looked at Witt who suddenly became excited and didn't know what to say.

The most important thing is that she can still go crazy with Witt.


"How are you going to find it?"

Winters raised the most realistic question.

In this boundless sand sea, even if you know there are gold coins nearby, you can't find them!

Who knows if the gold coin is a few centimeters or hundreds of meters under the yellow sand.

However, after hearing this, Witt smiled and shook his head.

"You underestimate me too much!"

After that, Witt pinched Winters' tail and flew high into the sky.

After arriving at the location, he looked around and saw that there were no more exposed gold coins, so Witt took out a dragon scale.

There was an alchemical magic circle engraved on the dragon scale.

After taking out the dragon scale, Witt began to inject water element power into the magic circle.

When the magic circle lit up, a water blue magic circle was also reflected above, and as the magic circle appeared, a large rain cloud suddenly appeared in the desert that was originally covered with dark clouds.

Do you remember that magic that Witt used when he was dealing with the red copper dragon?

That's right, it was the high-level magic of the sixty nodes of the water element, heavy rain!

Of course, there is a lack of active water elements in the desert, that's for sure, so it is difficult to cast water element magic, and if it is cast forcibly, the power is not very good.

But the alchemical magic circle is different. As long as you can continuously inject elemental power, the magic circle can continue to work.

For decades, Witt's water element dragon crystal has been fully restored.

The water element inside is enough to make this rainstorm continue for ten days and a half months.

Magic is efficient!

As soon as the clouds and rain were in place, bean-sized raindrops fell towards the sand sea below.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the water elements that form the raindrops all come from the Witt dragon crystal and carry Witt's will.

This means that for Witt, there is no secret at all about this small piece of sand sea covered by the rainstorm.

And when the rain seeps into the sand layer, the scene inside also appears in Witt's mind, including the location of the gold coins.

However, Witt did not stop the rain, but continued to rain.

Because he noticed that the gold coins were distributed in a regular pattern, with more and more coins appearing as he went down, and more and more concentrated as he went down. Moreover, the most important thing was that these gold coins were vaguely connected in a line.

As he watched more and more gold coins appear in his mind, Witt's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his mouth became wider and wider.

This day was really lucky!

Not only did he pick up a gold coin, but he was about to pick up more, and maybe he could find a treasure dropped by a dragon after it died.

As for whether this dragon was Yinglong Yak, or another dragon that had traded with Yak, it didn't matter.

For him, gold coins were the most important!

After waiting for nearly three magic hours, when the rain did not detect any more gold coins, Witt stopped injecting water elements.

As soon as Witt stopped, the scorching sun in the sky immediately began to show its power, and the condensed rain clouds were instantly evaporated. The same was true for the sand below, and the water stains were shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few minutes, there was no trace of precipitation in this area.

In fact, the rain continued to penetrate the sand layer below, and no one knew when it would stop or seep into the groundwater.

Just as Witt put away the dragon scales and cut off the connection with the water elements, he suddenly froze for a moment, and then looked to the southwest.

While other rain was still seeping down, the rain over there stopped, and the area where it stopped was just a regular rectangle.


As he said, a blazing light flashed in Witt's eyes.

In his exploration, the gold coins finally pointed to the destination, which was also in the southwest.

Damaged ruins!

Thinking of this, Witt was really excited.

If it is really a damaged ruins, it means that the traps and magic arrays inside are likely to have all failed.

Moreover, with such a large number of gold coins, this means that there is a high probability that there is a treasure ruin here!

When he thought of this, Witt became even more excited.

It was a windfall!

When he reached the ground, Witt threw Winters aside again, and then released his body temperature directly according to the direction in his memory.

The gold coins blessed by the dragon are difficult to be damaged.

Unless the dragon who blessed the gold coin is a rookie, and he is the first to bless the gold coin, and no other dragon blesses the gold coin later.

However, rookies don’t have the ability to get the gold coins!

Of course, the most important thing is that Witt has tried it. The gold coin of Ark is quite solid, and the dragon that once possessed it is a very powerful existence.

Therefore, Witt released his body temperature without reservation and without any restriction!

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