Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 620 The courageous little dragon!

Not used now!

That's right, this is the only shortcoming of the long-distance teleportation magic circle that Witt envisioned.

After the magic circle is set up, without several years of absorption, this super-condensing magic circle has no way to gather enough energy to break through the space channel.

Fortunately, Witt is not going to use this magic circle now, this is the channel he left for the future.

Of course, there must be more than one such magic circle.

That is more than eight decades, and who knows what will happen in such a long time, such as the fight between dragons, natural disasters, geological changes, etc.

As long as it is slightly damaged, the entire magic circle will be unusable.

Witt thought about these in his heart, but on his face, he copied the magic circle exactly on a book, which is a large metal book called "Magic Circle".

The magic circles recorded on it were all created by Witt himself.

Each magic circle has great research value.

After recording the magic circle, Witt walked towards the training ground.

At this time, Winters had stopped. Seeing Witt coming, he smiled and asked, "Boredia, I have done all the training you arranged before!"

"Oh, oh, very good, then you can proceed to the next stage of training."

Seeing Witt's response, Winters' face darkened. After thinking about it, her face suddenly became serious. She looked up and looked at Witt.

"I want to know your name!"


Witt was stunned for a moment, and after a moment of silence, he shook his head.


Winters' eyes flashed with sadness.

"Can you give me a reason?"

Witt shook his head again.

Seeing this, Winters smiled helplessly and asked, "If you don't tell me your name, then I'll ask you something about magic. You're willing to tell me, right?"

"Of course!"

As he said that, Witt looked at Winters apologetically, then crouched down on the spot, ready to answer Winters' questions seriously.

Seeing this, Winters chuckled.

"There's no need to do that. If you don't even want to tell me the reason, you must have involved your own secrets. As a companion on the journey, I won't explore your secrets anymore."

After a pause, Winters said with a little excitement, "I just thought of a question. I've been thinking about this question when I was in the Dragon's Nest.

That is, do you think there is a dragon that can destroy the unformed magic before other dragons use it?"

Hearing this, Witt was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Winters with a complicated expression.

"What do you think?"

Winters didn't notice Witt's expression, but said with a little excitement: "I think that the formation of magic is nothing more than condensing nodes and building magic structures.

If you can destroy the nodes in advance, does it mean that the opponent's magic cannot be cast?"

At this point, Winters looked at Witt with expectation.

And Witt smiled and nodded when he saw this, looking at Winters inexplicably.

"From what you said, your idea has been formed for a long time, so, have you tried it?"

Hearing this, Winters' eyes dimmed, and then shook his head.

"No, I don't have a dragon of the same age."

"Without a dragon, the magic circle won't work?"

Hearing this, Winters was stunned for a moment, and then excitement gradually emerged in his eyes.

"Why didn't I think of this?"

"There are many things you haven't thought of, for example, the chanting of the spell only takes a moment, and you want to destroy the node before the other party uses magic.

This requires you to be extremely familiar with all the element nodes of all magic, chant the magic spell much faster than the other party, and have a strong enough mental power to easily disperse the nodes created by the other party, etc!"

Winter looked at Witt in astonishment.

"Is there really such a type of magic?"

Witt shook his head.

"Of course not, if there was, the academy would not only mention elemental magic when teaching magic.

As for what I just said, it is just the basic conditions required to use this kind of magic, based on the assumption that your theory can be achieved.

For example, you have to know the location of all the element nodes of all magic.

Otherwise, if you can't recognize the magic used by the other party, then where should you go to find the node of this magic?

It's a very simple truth, isn't it!"

Hearing this, Winters looked at Witt with a hint of admiration.

Just from her little idea, she was able to infer the conditions needed to achieve this goal. Isn't this based on rich magical knowledge?

Isn't such a dragon worthy of her worship?

Well... well, not!

Witt was full of emotion now. He didn't expect that Winters had already considered mental magic when he was a young dragon.

However, watching Winters fly towards where she slept, Witt couldn't help but think, does Winters know magic circles?

He had never seen Winters show it.

However, similarly, Winters had never shown mental magic in front of him.

Even when he started to learn spiritual magic later, Winters only gave him verbal guidance, and he never saw Winters demonstrate it to him.

Thinking about this in his heart, Witt walked towards Winters.

It is still quite dangerous for a young dragon to learn magic circles by himself. He has to watch it carefully, and not let Winters go freely like learning magic.

Time passed little by little as Witt taught Winters magic circles.

Soon, the sky darkened, and the magic lamps Witt placed around lit up one after another.

Seeing Winters drowsy, Witt stopped explaining helplessly.

"Okay, let's stop here today. Magic circles are much more difficult than you think. Since you are ready to learn, you have to stick to it.

Well, good night!"

"Good night... Good night!"

As he said that, Winters flew to the big bed made of metal books in a daze, and then fell asleep.

Witt saw this, smiled and shook his head. Just as he was about to return to the test bench, Witt suddenly froze for a moment, and then looked towards the misty forest.

"This little dragon is quite courageous, and dares to come over."

As he said, Witt flew towards the misty forest.

At the same time, Meier stopped in mid-air, carefully checking the surrounding situation, fearing that a pair of eyes would suddenly appear in front of him.

But he knew that the giant dragon would definitely come over.

This was indeed the case. When he couldn't help but turn his head to look to the side again, a pair of huge pupils emitting golden light suddenly appeared in his eyes.


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