Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 619 The title lady is tired (laugh)!

Vida left, taking his son with him!

After watching the two dragons leave, Witt stood up and walked towards the test bench with a smile on his face. Of course, if you look closely, you can still see a hint of excitement mixed with nervousness in Witt's eyes.

Not because he bullied Vida's son, but because his experimental results are about to be verified.

That's right, Witt was just doing an experiment.

However, this experiment needs to wait for a while, and Vida's son happened to come.

Isn't this a relief!

Witt naturally brought him here with great interest.

Now, Vida and the others have left, and the experiment is almost done.

As for the experimental results... Although Witt knew that there was a high probability that there would be no problems, this experiment was of great significance. It was related to whether the long-distance teleportation magic circle would really have a chance to operate. He couldn't help but be nervous.

However, when he walked to the test bench and looked at the magic circle on the test bench, he felt relieved and finally smiled.

It's done!

Super-aggregation magic circle!

It's also one of the difficulties that prevented Candice from developing a long-distance teleportation magic circle.

Because this magic circle is the key to ensuring the successful operation of a long-distance teleportation magic circle, and it is also the key to opening the space tunnel.

There are only a few problems with the long-distance teleportation magic circle.

First, the amount of space channels opened;

Second, maintaining the stability of the space channel;

Third, protecting the dragons using the space channel.

The second point is not difficult, as long as there is a space mine. This thing is used to stabilize the space. It is also for this reason that the space mine can be made into a stable space storage item.

The first and third points are very difficult.

Temporarily opening a long-distance space channel, as long as the strength is strong enough, it can be done. As for the standard of being strong enough, it is actually not high, and it can be done if it is above the legendary level.

Select a target, guide the space force in the space mine, weaken the space stability of a position, and let a legendary existence above the legendary level attack the weakened position with all its strength, and you can open a super long-distance space channel.

Arrange the anchor points in advance, and even make this space channel open at the designated target location.

At the same time, arranging the space mine to stabilize the space channel can create a long-distance transmission channel for a dragon to pass.

Doesn't it sound simple?

Then, why did Candice study so much, and why did the dragons in the Free City study so much, but still not establish super long-distance space transmission?

It's not that easy!

The space channel built in this way can only allow one dragon to pass through, and then it will be closed because the energy supply is not continuous enough.

To open it again, there needs to be another legendary strongman who uses all his strength to shatter the space.

And the result of doing so is only to allow one dragon to teleport.

This is not the long-distance teleportation magic circle that Free City wants, and similarly, this is not what Witt wants.

If it is just a simple long-distance teleportation, the research given to him by Candice can do it.

But he needs to consider more than just that after returning to his own timeline, he can't rush to the City of Eternal Night as quickly as possible.

He also wants to take Billy and the others to the Sky City as quickly as possible.

He is worried about Billy and the others, but Celine is not only worried about Billy and the others, but also about him who is looking for Billy.

In addition, for more than 300 years, Witt has met many dragons in the Sky City. He is reluctant to leave for a short time, let alone leave forever!

If he is like this, what about Billy and the others?

Won't they meet new friends? Of course!

Then, can Witt decide the coming and going of Billy and the others just because he was born with them?

No, I don't want to!

Then, there is only one way to take all the above things into consideration.

Use a long-distance teleportation magic circle to connect the Sky City and the Eternal Night City. In this way, they can meet again and they don't have to experience separation.

It is precisely because of this goal that Witt will set aside a fixed part of his time every day to study the long-distance teleportation magic circle.

Now, there are finally results.

This super gathering magic circle in front of you!

After more than ten years of uninterrupted research day and night, Witt selected dragon characters, adapted and adjusted them, and finally made such a magic circle that takes care of both absorption and storage.

Of course, it is not ordinary absorption and storage. Absorption is not to mention, it is nothing more than absorbing elemental power faster, and the most important thing is storage.

The elemental power that this magic circle can store even exceeds the imagination of Witt, the creator.

It is difficult to describe it with a specific word. Let's put it this way. If Witt normally injects elemental power into the magic circle, it may not be enough in his lifetime.

This is a magic circle with almost unlimited storage.

The reason is that the dragon characters that make up this magic circle involve the meaning of "dragon crystal", and dragon crystal, in theory, can be stored infinitely without restrictions.

And linked to this infinite storage is the cultivation realm of the dragon clan, that is, the realm of mythology.

The reason why I say "almost" is because there is only one true infinity - the law!

But with Witt's current strength, he can't use this level of dragon text, and he can't even carve the dragon text of "law".

This is the difficulty of subsequent cultivation of magic circle, and it is also the reason why magic circle above forbidden spell is difficult to carve.

You know this dragon text and this magic circle, but you can't carve it.

This is the same reason as the real names of some powerful beings contain power.

The dragon text word "law" is the real name of the law.

Therefore, the magic circle in front of Witt has actually reached the level of forbidden spell.

If you want to surpass the forbidden spell, you need to replace the dragon text such as "dragon crystal" with the dragon text such as "law".

And this is difficult to do before Witt steps into the legend!

In short, Witt carved this magic circle, which means that the most difficult problem of the long-distance space teleportation magic circle, that is, the source of opening the space channel, has been solved.

The next problem to be solved is how to protect the user when using the teleportation magic circle.

This is not very difficult for Witt.

Just split a few dragon characters from the forbidden spell-level protective magic circle, and then melt them into the teleportation magic circle, and this is considered completed.

It is much simpler than the super-gathering magic circle in front of you.

However, the long-distance space magic circle composed of these magic circles has a disadvantage...

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