Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 61 I want to become stronger!

"Too hard...too light...still not working...crooked..."

While Witt was muttering, he left scratches on the wooden board in front of him, his golden pupils full of seriousness.

At this time, there was a pile of broken wood and stones in front of him.

In fact, it was not just Witt, but other dragons as well.

As Boko said, shaping magic is easy to learn, but easy to learn but difficult to master, especially in terms of manipulation.

However, during the practice, Witt noticed that, unlike elemental magic, shaping magic is quite good in terms of sustainability.

As long as the elemental power in the elemental node can be guaranteed to be sufficient, this magic can be maintained.

This allowed Witt to see another path of magic.

Before he could release elemental magic, shaping magic could allow him to enjoy the power brought by magic.

Of course, the premise is that he could learn all three shaping magics and use them skillfully.

"Witt, you are distracted!"

Boko's voice pulled Witt back to his thoughts.

Looking down, he saw that the stone slab and the wooden board had been split into two halves by him, and even a shallow white mark was left on the stone table under the stone slab.

Seeing this, Witt scratched his head embarrassedly.


Witt covered his head, feeling the stinging pain from it, and took a deep breath.

He forgot that his claws were blessed with "sharpness"!

When scratching his head, the sharp claws coincidentally embedded in the gap of the scales and hurt the skin underneath!

Of course, the dragon's skin has a good defensive power like dragon scales, so it just hurts, not scratches.

Looking at Witt rubbing his head with an embarrassed look on his face, Boko smiled helplessly.

"Be careful, don't be rough, it will hurt yourself!"

At this time, Witt heard a chuckle from behind him!

Turning his head and glaring at Isa, who was smiling very brightly, Witt was about to continue practicing, but heard Boko continue: "Okay, let's stop here for today's class!"

Witt was stunned for a moment, and then he noticed that the sky outside had darkened.

Looking at the wooden board in front of him, Witt couldn't help but sigh.

"No progress!"

Hearing Witt's words, the other dragons also had bitter faces, and they were the same.

Seeing this, Boko chuckled.

"It is naturally difficult to control the sudden increase in power. Let's not talk about anything else. Calculate the time. You have learned elemental magic for a while!

Let you cast a magic, there will be no problem, but if you are asked to maintain this magic, how long can you maintain it at most?"

Except for Witt, Celine and the others all had a touch of confusion in their eyes.

However, since they don't know, it doesn't stop the dragons from trying.

"Light Arrow!"

Celine was the first to try, and she chose the first magic she learned!

However, when she tried not to cast the magic but to keep it in front of her body as Boko requested, the light arrow exploded directly!

Celine was very disappointed that it didn't last even a second.

The same was true for other dragons.

Seeing this, Boco smiled and said, "The power of the magic you cast represents your strength, but your strength may not be fully exerted.

To fully exert your strength, you need enough control.

This control cannot be honed overnight.

In addition, there are more ways to exercise control than what I provide, and the time is not limited to class.

In fact, there is only one class left for such a course.

In other words, in the third class, I will formally explain the relevant herbal knowledge.

Well, you all performed well in today's class, except..."

Speaking of this, Boco deliberately prolonged his tone, whetting the appetite of Witt and others, and then he turned his eyes to Billy!


It's not a good habit to put things in your mouth.

Especially when learning potions.

I will pay more attention to you in the future. If you can't control this habit, I will apply some special potions on the things I prepare for you.

Believe me, these potions will definitely taste bad!"

Billy lowered his head in embarrassment.

He didn't want to do this, but sometimes he really couldn't control it!

"Okay, take the book back with you, so you can learn the knowledge in it in advance, but remember to bring it with you to class in the future!"

After saying that, Boko nodded to the dragons, then turned and left the classroom.

"Isa, do you want to go to the cafeteria to eat together?

By the way, are you going to live in the college in the future?"

After hearing Celine's words, Witt and the others turned their eyes to Isa.

Isa nodded first, then shook her head.

"I will eat at the academy in the future, but I won't live there!"

Isa stopped talking here. She also knew that the young dragons living in the academy were hatched from dragon eggs brought back from outside by the dragon nest, and they had no parents.

So, she didn't mention words like parents.

But the other dragons were not stupid, so they naturally heard that Isa was taking care of their feelings, and didn't continue to ask.

Instead, under Celine's call, the dragons rushed towards the cafeteria.

After dinner, Isa left the academy, and Celine and the others were preparing to go back.

But Werther said hello to Celine and the others, and handed his book to Celine, asking her to help take it back, and then flew towards Boko's laboratory on the ninth floor.

"You said you wanted to learn two other shaping magics?"

Werther, who was standing on the test stand, nodded.

"My physical body is much stronger than that of young dragons of the same age. If I can master the three complete shaping magics, then even if I don't use elemental magic, my combat effectiveness will not be that low!"

Boko was refining the potion. After hearing Witte's words, he glanced at him, and then continued refining while saying: "The idea is very good. Although there are only three shaping magics, if you can really control them completely, It is indeed not weaker than elemental magic, and in terms of flexibility, it is even stronger than elemental magic!

But have you thought about it?

I don’t think you will forget the pain of learning ‘Feng Rui’ in one afternoon so quickly!

‘Solid’ and ‘accelerated’ learning are more difficult and require more pain! "

Werther nodded firmly.

"I think what you said in class is right. The outside world is reserved for the strong, and the strong never do it easily.

I want to be strong, and for this I am not afraid of anything! "

Hearing this, Boko stopped what he was doing and looked at Witte with admiration.

"Very good determination, then let's start now!"


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