Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 598 Stop it!


Take a long breath, Witt looked back at the forest without any movement, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

It seems that this guy finally gave up.

As for how long he walked in the forest, Witt didn't know.

He woke up from his slumber, and the law of time never responded to him again. The only time magic he had mastered before, time reversal (low-profile version), could no longer be used.

He even lost the precise control of time.

When facing the rotation of the sun and the moon, he could still rely on the super memory of the dragon clan to know the passage of time, but if he went into the forest like before, without the guidance of the sun and the moon, he couldn't figure out the time.

In addition, Witt was not interested in learning from Candice to calculate the time by counting continuously.

There was no need, he didn't have the energy.

Anyway, the result was the same, he had escaped the pursuit of that guy, uh... it was a pity!

Thinking about this, Witt looked around.

Even if that guy gave up, he would not leave the vicinity so quickly. He needed to leave the vicinity without alerting the other party.

"Speaking of which, I don't know where this place is."

Behind him was a dense forest, and the two peaks next to him were like giants guarding the entrance to the dense forest.

At this time, he was standing by the feet of one of the giants.

There were some gaps on the rocky ground where some shrubs could grow, and other tall trees could not take root in this area.

The trees in front looked sparse and low.

However, if he was more careful, it would be no problem to use it to cover Witt's figure.

In particular, the peaks in front were more dense.

After thinking for a while, Witt walked towards the woods in front.

With the help of some magic, Witt ran very fast and made very little noise.

But then...

"You can't ignore my dragon power!"

Witt stood on the edge of a huge rock, looking helplessly at the scene hundreds of meters ahead.

An Elkin dragon beast was constantly digging a rock crevice with its sharp claws, and in that rock crevice, a young dragon was hiding.

After taking a look at the dense forest behind him without any movement, Witt spread his wings and landed on the side of the Elkin dragon beast.

With his sharp claws, he grabbed the other's head at lightning speed, and then with a little force, the dragon beast's head exploded directly.

Red and white flowed everywhere.

But those things were not stained at all by Witt's claws that flashed with cold light.

After killing the Elkin Dragon Beast, Witt put his head between the cracks of the rock, and then he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Annihilation Dragon?

I know an Annihilation Dragon, but unfortunately, I can't take you with me now. Hide quietly and leave here in ten minutes, the farther the better.

Guy, try hard and live with hope!"

After saying that, Witt raised his head and glanced in the direction of the forest.

With that guy's personality, if he found this young dragon, this dragon would definitely not survive.

And he hasn't completely gotten rid of that guy yet.

Maybe, if he makes a little noise, that guy will come here. Following him is more dangerous than living alone in the wild.

Thinking about this, Witt looked down at the crack in the stone.

I hope you can listen!

Then, Witt flapped his wings and flew away.

He knew that he didn't even need to provoke him, because that guy would definitely notice the movement here and chase him.

And he just needed to fly farther away, because their flying speeds were about the same, and if the distance was far, that guy would definitely not be able to catch up with him.

To lead that guy away from this area, there was no need to worry about the other party attacking the young dragon.

For him, this was a piece of cake, and he couldn't find another dense forest and use the previous routine again. Anyway, the distance between the two sides was quite far.

For the young dragon, it was a chance to survive.

However, after flying at full speed for a while, Witt stopped with some doubts.

"Why didn't he catch up?"

And there was no movement at all?

Thinking of this, Witt looked back.

However, Witt was surprised to find that the two peaks that had been guarding the edge of the forest he had fled from before... had become two peaks!

Witt stared at the suddenly appeared mountain, his eyes full of astonishment.

He was sure that there was no mountain there originally.

Suddenly, Witt's pupils shrank, and he realized something.


"I was once saved by a silver dragon. Although he may not know that he saved me, I have always remembered this incident in my heart. Your back looks very similar to him."

"Silver dragons look very similar. To be honest, two adult dragons..."



Muttering in a low voice, Witt hurriedly probed his mental power and probed towards his heart.

Sure enough, the invisible time symbol was emitting an inexplicable fluctuation.

After realizing this, Witt did not investigate further, but hurriedly flew in the direction it came from. However, when he arrived at the target location, he fell completely silent.

Originally there should have been a crack in the rock, and next to the crack there should have been a headless Elkin Dragon beast lying, and inside the crack there should have been an Annihilation Dragon hiding.

But at this moment, there was no crack in the rock, no Elkin Dragon beast, and no Annihilation Dragon hiding.

There was a half-collapsed mountain there.

If there were no other mountains around as a reference, how could he not believe that that place was where he saved a young dragon.

"Go there!"

Witt murmured, without much expression on his face, and then he flew towards the forest he ran from.

Searched for days and nights!

Not surprisingly, Witt did not find any traces of the meteorite falling from the sky.

Or rather, that meteorite had not yet hit.

After finding a hilltop, Witt lay down on his face, looking at the familiar yet strange, endless forest with empty eyes.

He was like a stone, motionless.

Suddenly, a bush next to him moved, and a croquet dragon flew out from it.

Suddenly seeing Witt, the croquet dragon seemed to be frightened, and hurriedly drilled in, bringing up several blades of grass.

But soon, it poked its head out of the bush again, looking at Witt with curiosity.

After a while, it flew out of the bush and flew to Witt's head, looking around curiously, and restlessly pawed, sometimes pulling Witt's lips, and sometimes wiping Witt's dragon horns.

When it was about to explore the two adjacent holes, Witt finally couldn't help it, raised his claws, and gently pushed it away.

"Don't make trouble, I'm sad!"


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