Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 596: Run away after feeling disgusted!


After a loud explosion, Witt dodged the sandstorm that pierced his lava breath in a very cool way.

In his velociraptor form, he was extremely fast.

Dodging the opponent's breath, Witt's lips moved quickly, and an ancient and melodious spell sounded.

As the spell sounded, a blue magic circle appeared in the sky.

Of course, unlike the magic circle, the magic circle that appeared when the spell was cast was useless. It was just a sign before the magic appeared, and it could be said to be the embodiment of magic.

But real magic is a combination of language and mental power.

Only mental magic can truly touch the element nodes that make up magic.

The huge magic circle occupied a large area of ​​space, and when the magic circle was completely completed, a large number of rain clouds gathered, and then the raindrops that could easily shatter the rocks fell from the sky.

In an instant, a rain curtain was formed that covered the entire territory of the Red Copper Dragon.

Water element, 67 nodes, high-level magic of attack and support - rainstorm!

Where the rainstorm fell, the rocks shattered... Well, there were not many rocks around, but the sand was wide!

The huge rainfall directly turned the dry sand into a wet mudflat.

For the Red Copper Dragon, which was only friendly to the earth element, this was not very harmful, but it was extremely insulting, and his home was destroyed.

"You are looking for death!"

Feeling the sluggish feeling coming from around his body, with the disgusting feeling of moisture, Hobert was instantly furious.

His huge body rose from the ground, lifting up a piece of sand.

But unfortunately, the sand that had been soaked by the rain and formed into blocks did not create much visual impact.

Moreover, Hobert's body was still covered with mud, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

However, Hobert, who rushed out from the ground, could not care about these. He just wanted to tear the ignorant insect in front of him to pieces to vent his hatred.

The difficult spell sounded from his mouth. Although the sand on the ground was soaked by rain, it still condensed into thick rock spears under the call of the spell, aiming directly at Witt on the ground.

However, before these rock spears flew up, Hobert was shocked to find that the rock spears that had just condensed were broken one after another.

On Witt's side, the high-level magic water vortex of the water element at the tenth node took shape again.

However, the target of the water vortex was not Hobert who had already flown into the air, but the sand on the ground.

The huge water vortex, with a large amount of water, hit the sand.

And the sand was like a sponge, quickly absorbing the water.

Seeing this, Hobert was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes instantly turned red.

He saw it!

This bug was not here to seek revenge on him, but to disgust him.

With such a large amount of water poured into the sand, even if he took action, it would not dry up in a few years, not to mention that the rain kept coming and had no intention of stopping.

If he didn't stop it, this land would be completely ruined, at least, it would no longer be suitable for him to live.

If this land was ruined, it would not be easy for him to find a new land in the Yaka Hills.

After all, he was not the strongest here.

Some dragons were unhappy with him.

"You are looking for..."

"Looking for death, let me say it for you. Looking at your appearance, I am afraid that you will have a brain hemorrhage. Besides, your vocabulary is really a bit too much.

I am here whether you are looking for death or not, why are you still talking nonsense here.

If you have something to do, kill me. If you don't, just watch your residence being scrapped!

Of course, you can think about where to find a new home..."

Whit kept talking, but the magic circles around him appeared one after another, all of which were water element magic. No matter how powerful they were, they must have the function of making water.

You guessed it right, he came to destroy his habitat.

A dragon in its prime, the elemental resistance and defense of the dragon scales, can't be broken by one or two high-level magic.

Although he used high-level magic quite skillfully, he had not undergone hard training after all, and his mastery and application of middle-level magic were not at the same level.

On the contrary, the opponent has already entered his prime and has spent all his time studying magic.

He may not know as much magic as him, but his power is definitely stronger than his.

Rather than fighting for half a day and not being able to hurt a single dragon scale of the opponent, it is better to destroy his home and break his mentality.

On the other side, Hobert was so angry at Witt's words that his eyes widened and his whole body trembled. His huge breath pressed towards Witt like a wave.

A more distant spell sounded from his mouth.

Hearing this spell, Witt was stunned for a moment, and then turned around and ran without saying a word.

This red copper dragon was mad at him, and he actually used a forbidden spell directly!

He didn't want to try this magic.

A ten-node earth element forbidden spell, meteorite fell.

Moreover, his goal has been achieved. The destructive aura contained in the forbidden spell is much more difficult to deal with than the water element. This meteorite will definitely not be able to stop him!

At the same time, other dragons in the Yaka Hills also felt the aura of the forbidden spell.

However, the territories of the dragons are far apart.

Even if there is a forbidden spell, it cannot affect them, so they just watch the show with peace of mind.

Especially the few dragons who were at odds with Hobert, when they realized that it was Hobert who used the forbidden spell, their expressions were so happy.

Hobert was determined to crush Witt to ashes with a meteorite.

However, Witt's speed was much faster than he expected. When the magic took shape and it was difficult to control the landing point, Witt was about to fly out of the range of the forbidden spell.

Hobert could only watch the meteorite falling from the sky, which was more than 10 meters thick, brushing Witt's tail and falling into his territory.

At that moment, the whole world was silent.

Witt's body was constantly tumbling due to the strong airflow, and blood was overflowing from his ears.

But after he stabilized his body, he looked at the meteorite embedded in the ground, which exuded a strong elemental fluctuation and aura of destruction, and smiled and flew away.

The enemy's territory was destroyed, and his goal was achieved. Now the most important thing was to leave.

After being disgusted, he ran away. There is only one word to describe it.


Of course, the premise is to get rid of the giant creature that was chasing behind him and exuding a strong murderous intent.

One was running, and the other was chasing!

Not to mention Witt's speed, Hobert was a platinum-level adult dragon. Even if speed was not his strong point, he was definitely not slow.

In this way, both of them disappeared within the sight of the dragons who were watching the excitement.

And these dragons knew that Hobert would never come back to the Akka Hills from now on.

They noticed that it was only a young dragon who forced Hobert to use the forbidden spell. Just think about it with your claws, and you will know how Hobert would have the face to stay.


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