Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 593 How big is the Meteorite Dragon Valley?

The time on the road is always long, but if you focus all your attention on the road, the time will pass quickly.

Unknowingly, fifteen years have passed by in a blink of an eye.

Witte, who had once again grown fifteen meters in size, was standing on a cliff, looking at the forest below, in a daze.

The bright moon hung high in the sky, and the surrounding mountains blocked the moonlight shining on the forest.

In this case, the already dark forest should appear even darker.

But in fact, that forest exudes a faint blue light everywhere.

"Unfortunately, I don't have much time to wait here. Otherwise, I would like to experience that dream-like scene again and see the harmonious coexistence between dragons and beasts and nature!"

Looking at the forest that exuded a faint blue light, Werther suddenly sighed.

That's right!

We are now in Youyue Forest, where a large group of Youying dragon beasts live.

But unfortunately, this time, we did not encounter the strange scene we saw back then.

놛I came at the wrong time.

In this regard, it is not a disappointment to say that, after all, everything is in development, and nothing will show the scene that the dragon wants to see just because of the arrival of the dragon.

In most cases, they are actually missed.

Because these scenery really only last for a moment.

In this case, the dragon with 놋time will choose to wait, while the dragon without 놋time will look forward to the next encounter.

Unfortunately, most dragons are the latter.


Taking a deep breath, Witte stood up, glanced at Youyue Forest, and then continued flying towards the east.

I don’t have time to wait here.

Werther knew very well that in the next two to three hundred years, 놛녦땣 would need 뇾 on the road.

This world is so big!

Well…literally big.

However, at least now, we are not far from our goal.

Youyue Forest was encountered by Avery's tribe not long after they walked with the 놛s. Before that, the 놛s had only been traveling with Si Kuo for a month.

Going forward, during the time when the 놛s were adapting to Si Kuo's dragon power, Si Kuo had been taking care of their speed.

At that time, the flying speed of the Wittes was not comparable to what it is now.

What's more, the current Werther still maintains the form of a velociraptor.

And so it is.

After leaving Youyue Forest, less than two months later, Witte saw the familiar river.

Sure enough, no matter how many major disasters have occurred before, the resilience of nature is quite terrifying. Although the shape has changed slightly, the Moon Shadow River is still the same Moon Shadow River.

The surrounding vegetation is lush and full of life, and there is no longer the scene of falling snow in my memory.

The impact of the cold wave on this area of ​​꺱눓 has been completely eliminated.

Not only the cold wave, but also the aura of the abyss was gone.

Witt was not surprised.

The world of 녡 is not centered on 뀪놛. What happens around 놛 is also happening in other ways. What can be solved by 놛땣 can also be solved by 놋龙녦뀪.

If an immature dragon realizes this, he will doubt his past actions and the value of his past actions.

However, this will not happen with Witte.

놛 just does what 놛 thinks 녦뀪 should do. Whether it is unknown or famous, it has nothing to do with the type of thing. 놛 just wants to do it.

After glancing at the lower reaches of the Moon Shadow River, Witte then flew upstream.

When we arrived at the Moon Shadow River, it was only half a month away from the Fallen Dragon Valley, and it was still at the same speed as when we were young dragons. But now, in just three or four days, we have arrived... the Fallen Dragon Valley?

Witte looked at the big crater in the vast green mountains, and his brain almost stopped. How big is the Fallen Dragon Valley?

What about the body of the bone dragon that unfortunately died here and its soul dissipated?

After a long time, Witte found out that he was eaten by the fallen dragon beast, infected by the fallen dragon beast and turned into an abyss demon dragon, and he woke up and left. These three concepts were so outrageous that he selected one who could barely accept it. .

놛I woke up and left!

Among the three options, the first one that Werther eliminated was the second scenario, which was to be infected and become an abyssal dragon.

Regardless of whether the opponent is alive or not, he has not been infected by the fallen dragon beasts formed by a large group of ultra-small dragon beasts. If that were the case, then Xiao Bing would have become an abyss demon dragon long ago.

With that size, if that ancient dragon were alive, it would definitely be a legendary existence. Legend 녦 is not as easily infected as 놋, even if the legend of the abyss comes out.

As for the first situation...

Witte didn't think that the fallen dragon beast would be interested in a pile of bones.

So, in this case, only the third case is accepted by 놛녦뀪.

Although I don’t know how the other party did it, temporarily extinguishing his soul...


Werther was suddenly startled.

If an ordinary bone dragon can't do it, then what if the opponent is not ordinary?

A special, legendary bone dragon...

"It can't be Os!"

Werther's voice betrayed a sense of unreality.

It's hard to imagine that the place they randomly found to stay was the first skull dragon in the dragon world and the oldest bone dragon in the dragon world, Os!

But now it seems that there is only one bone dragon that fits 놛's guess.

After all, the "Dragon Encyclopedia" clearly states that when the soul in the eye socket of the bone dragon is extinguished, it is the time when the bone dragon dies.

But this is not necessarily true for Os.


Letting out a long breath, Witt looked at the sky below with a complicated expression.

So, now it seems that the target of those fallen dragon beasts was not us, but Os.

Moreover, many questions can be answered.

Why did the fallen dragon beasts stop chasing us after we left?

Because the other party's target was Os.

Why are such a large number of fallen dragon beasts attacking the Meteorite Valley in an unordered manner?

Because there are more powerful abyss believers behind them controlling them.

Thinking about it this way, the three of us probably wandered around the border of death back then.

An abyss believer who dared to attack the peak of the legend was around.

And we knew nothing about it.

Even, they left the Meteorite Valley safely.


Witt sorted out his mood, then took a deep look at the Meteorite Valley, and then turned around and flew towards the Moon Shadow River again.

Os was definitely fine.

Otherwise, due to the psychological distortion of the Abyss believers, if the three of them did not leave the Meteorite Valley, they would almost certainly be taken back to the Abyss, transformed into Abyss Dragons, or even killed on the spot.

So, the situation at that time should be that after the Abyss believers awakened Os, they found that Os was not strong enough to deal with, and the other party fled without any conflict.

After all, they did not hear any movement back then.


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