Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 589 Sleeping!

After leaving the Sky City, Witt went straight to the Morton Vein.

This time, when he came, he didn't see anyone.

Saying goodbye once is enough.

As for why it is the Morton Vein, and not the Thunderstorm Plain... The Thunderstorm Plain is originally the most suitable place for him to practice. Although it is very different from what Boredia said before, other elements will eventually be affected by the thunder element.

In addition, although the body tempering effect of the thunder element is good, Witt's physical strength is what his body size can reflect.

Is there an improvement?


But not much.

This improvement is not even as much as Witt's natural growth over time.

Boredia still has to consider Violet's situation.

And this time, without Violet, plus time is tight, Witt naturally considers the place where the water element and water element are more abundant.

However, due to the mutual restraint between water and other elements, it is rare to find a place where both elements can exist simultaneously and in large quantities.

At least there is no such place around the Sky City.

If such a place must be said to exist, the Cruel Sand Sea and the Lager Lava can exist at the junction of the Morton River.

However, Witt is now going to sleep.

If there is no stable environment, he would be looking for death if he sleeps with his strength!

The only relatively stable place now is the Morton Vein.

The Evernight Forest is still relatively dangerous.

As for the Morton Vein, many dragons have moved away from the Morton Vein due to the war more than a hundred years ago.

The same is true for areas not affected by the war.

With no information, a fierce battle broke out nearby. Even if he didn't get hurt, he didn't dare to stay any longer.

Only the dragon beasts without intelligence, relying on instinct, felt that there was no danger in the Morton Vein, so they stayed.

The dragons basically moved to the Windy Hills.

The Morton Vein was a place without a dragon, and there was no dragon. There was no hope in a place where the dragon element was rich, so he could only make one himself.

Although the difference between what he made and what was naturally generated was small, it was not enough to cause the imbalance of the two elements of water and dragon in his body.

Of course, imbalance was not a big problem.

The water and dragon elements had been separated, each occupying a dragon crystal. If one broke through in advance, it would not only have a bad impact on the other, but would be beneficial to the improvement of the other element.

After all, the improvement of realm is a process of integration of elements and mental power.

If one breaks through in advance and has experience, the other will break through much more easily.

Of course, only for those below Legend!

So, Witt's idea is to find a place with rich water elements around the Morton River, and then build a lava pool next to it.

In the case of affecting the breakthrough of water elements, let the elements be too weak.

Of course, this is just a plan. Whether it can be implemented specifically is what Witt can control.

It took Witt half a month to rush from the Sky City to the Morton River, and found an underground cave with rich water elements at the source of the Morton River.

The eyes of the abyss temporarily moved away from here, and Witt was not worried that when he woke up, he would be in the abyss base camp.

After that, it took another three months of transformation!

It includes but is not limited to the design of the lava pool, the engraving of the defense magic circle, the arrangement of the traps, etc.

It is an iron barrel-like defense.

Of course, no matter how strong the defense is, it can be broken, so Witt designed a set of contingency plans in case something breaks into his sleeping place.

With space ore, Witt spent a lot of money to arrange a complete set of space teleportation alchemy magic circle.

Of course, this is the kind that Candice studied.

Candice studied long-distance space teleportation arrays, and short-distance ones already exist.

But the maintenance and protection of short-distance space teleportation arrays are all big problems, so the Free City will study long-distance space teleportation technology.

Don't think that short-distance space teleportation, with the word "short", is easy to make and works well.

In fact, short-distance space teleportation is more troublesome, and the difference between one set and one is quite large.

And there is a small difference between a whole set and one set.

Simply put, a space magic array can achieve directional teleportation to a certain location within a kilometer range.

And a magic array includes several space magic arrays, which can teleport Witt from the sleeping place to the sky plain.

Each magic array is guarded by a large number of magic arrays.

Witt must ensure that each magic array will not be destroyed.

However, accidents can happen at any time.

Therefore, Witt made not one set, but a whole set.

Each space magic array is connected to several space magic arrays. If one can be used, it will be transmitted to another. The transmission network composed of dozens of space magic arrays can ensure that Witt is teleported to the sky plain.

When he arrived at the Sky Plain, the movement of Witt sleeping would definitely attract the attention of the Sky City manager immediately, so he would be safe.

Fortunately, the space teleportation magic array does not have to use the space magic core as the energy source. It can also penetrate the space and achieve the purpose of space teleportation by using space ore as the anchor point and other energy sources as the power.

Of course, such space teleportation is a violent teleportation, and injuries are inevitable.

However, being injured is better than not knowing how to die after being intruded into the sleeping place.

After arranging all these, Witt took a last look in the direction of the Sky City, and then began to prepare for sleep.

He knew that after this sleep, it would not be a reunion, but the beginning of separation.

"Law of time, what will your awakening bring to you?"

Muttering, Witt gradually lost consciousness.


Time is like a sharp carving knife, and it will leave its own marks on this sculpture called the world.

However, the sculpture of the Dragon Realm is obviously a bit hard.

After a hundred years, the marks carved on this sculpture are almost non-existent.

The Sky City is one of them.

For most dragons here, there is really no big difference between one hundred and one, it's just a matter of how much they eat, work, and sleep.

But for some dragons, one hundred is really a long time!

"Celine, are you going to Morton Vein again?"

"Go see if that guy has woken up. Logically, he should have woken up a few days ago. He must be stuck in a certain realm. However, after so many years, he can wake up at any time.

Gedela, do you want to go with me?"

Celine's voice was much more mature and gentle.

After Celine finished speaking, Gedela's voice sounded immediately.

"It's too far, let's go!"

"Okay, let's go first!"

As he spoke, a milky white figure about 105 meters long flew in from the store entrance and disappeared in the blink of an eye...

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