Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 574 A small time jump!

The young dragon's vigorous energy is not only reflected in daily activities, but also in recovery!

Witt used almost all of his mental power by using forbidden spells, but this consumption only extended his two days of sleep to more.

That's right!

Then Witt's life became completely regular.

Sleep for a few minutes, wake up, brainwash the dragon egg for a few minutes, and then use forbidden spells or invest mental power into the lungs of elements for about ten minutes to strengthen the connection between himself and the Blazing White Divine Flame.

The two methods are not used back and forth, but only one of them is solved by using forbidden spells.

Compared with forbidden spells, Blazing White Divine Flame is more important.

After all, before his realm is raised to platinum, he is unlikely to use forbidden spells, even if his mental power has reached the platinum level.

But without enough elements to cooperate, the consumption of mental power is much more intense than normal, which is why he can consume his mental power every time.

He can always use the Blazing White Divine Flame, but he needs to pay attention to the degree of use.

After using up his mental power in about ten minutes, Witt will hold on and brainwash the dragon egg for another minute, and then fall asleep.

During the sleep process, Witt's mental power and element reserves will be improved.

However, since Witt's mental power has reached the platinum level, this extreme consumption method can no longer bring him a significant improvement.

The opposite is the element reserve.

However, because Witt's dragon crystal is much larger than other dragons of the same level, his realm will be greatly improved in a short period of time.

However, cultivation is a process of dripping water wearing away a stone.

Of course, Witt didn't always sleep, and was awake for twenty minutes.

For cultivation, relaxation is the right way.

Every month, Witt would visit Nuo or Xue's residence, stay longer, chat for a few words, and relax.

Then, as Poredia mentioned before, every few months, Claude would come here with Zhen and others to replenish Mandy's free mental power.

Of course, as Witt had guessed before, with the passage of time, there are more and more dragons in the Sparrow Cemetery, and it is expected that most of them are thunder dragons.

After all, all thunder dragons have the ability to enter the sea of ​​thunder.

Especially thunder dragons!

In the Sky City, being able to fly is a big problem.

With so many dragons, Claude has no way to get Mandy to come.

Fortunately, Mandy is far from leaving the young dragon stage, and they have decided to use that method. Claude is willing to share the same body with Mandy.

To be honest, Witt is not surprised by this choice.

When Claude was most frustrated and helpless, he met Mandy. It was Mandy who gave him company. It was normal for him to make such a choice.

In addition to these, Witt and Claude's communication method is much simpler, fighting!

And this is also the most refreshing way for Witt to vent his energy.

In addition to Claude, Witt is most looking forward to Celine's arrival every six months.

Of course, he is looking forward to the work that Redek gave him, and he is looking forward to the food for Lei that Celine brought him.

In addition, Witt is a stingy dragon.

If there are familiar dragons around, they naturally need to be entertained.

Unfortunately, whether it was Nuo, or the three dragons of Blood, Snow, and Frost, they all showed great resistance to Lei's food. Except for the first taste, every fixed period of time, the first dragon would disappear for a few days.

For this, Witt could only say that it was a pity.

Of course, it was not always Celine who sent him food. Sometimes when Celine was not free, Antawana, Gedra, and Xingchen might come.

And in this regular life, Witt spent about ten years without knowing it!


In the cave, a breathing sound gradually became heavier.

Suddenly, a pair of golden eyes lit up in the dimness. Just from the size of the eyes, it can be seen that there is a huge monster entrenched in the cave.


Opening his mouth, two rows of white teeth were slightly conspicuous in the dim cave.

"Hmm, still can't break through!"

After a ha, a low voice slowly sounded, and then, accompanied by a slight sound, a light lit up in the cave, which was the light of the magic lamp.

When the magic lamp lit up, this behemoth was fully revealed.

Including the tail, the body length has reached 27 meters, and the silver-white dragon scales emit a slightly dazzling metallic luster under the illumination of the magic lamp.

A light blue "big night light" is on the chest.

The dragon tail, which is about the same length as the body, swings lazily and slowly.

Needless to say, it is Witt!

At the age of 120, he is 27 meters long.

A normally developed young dragon, at the age of 120, is about 18 meters long... Well, this size is much different when Witt just left the young dragon stage.

After all, he was about 17 meters at that time.

However, Witt also used this to roughly calculate his growth rate during his adolescence. Compared with a normal young dragon, his growth rate was half the normal growth rate.

He grows nearly 0.6 meters a year, while a normal young dragon grows nearly 0.2 meters a year.

If he continues to grow at this rate, he will surpass Gedela and his friends before the end of his youth.

Of course, he will always surpass them.

When his youth ends, he will enter the second rapid growth period of the dragon race, the adolescence.

Dragons like Gedela, who entered the adolescence several decades earlier than him, took a few years to surpass Witt again.

However, this is still a problem.

The difference in size growth between the young dragon and the adolescent period has made Witt absolutely certain that his size growth rate will exceed that of the dragons in the dragon world.

When he enters the adolescence and surpasses Gedela and his friends again, Gedela and his friends will no longer be able to catch up with his size.

When Witt thought of this, he couldn't help laughing.

After laughing for a while, Witt finally remembered the business.

After taking a look at the dragon egg in the distance, Witt leaned his head over and habitually said that the Bell Poredia was a good thing. Then he stood up and walked outside.

His huge body, just a slight movement, could stir up a strong wind.

After leaving the cave, Witt flew directly out of the valley without any stop.

When he was bored, he would replenish the alchemy magic circle around the valley. Over time, even with his strength, it would be difficult to force his way into the valley in a short time.

Of course, this was when he used the ultimate power such as the Blazing White Divine Flame.

As for the business...

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