Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 570 Choose a location!

"I left after all..."

Witt shook his head with amusement after retracting his gaze.

He could see it every time before, but it couldn't change the status of this scene in his mind.

As for what status it was... it was a yearning for freedom!

After coming to his senses, Witt flew downwards, and soon he stood at the edge of the thunderstorm plain, with the gray-white land and the purple glass-like land clearly separated.

As soon as he landed, a puff of gray-white dust rose into the air.

Witt saw this, grabbed a handful of gray-white soil, rubbed it gently, and the soil turned into extremely fine powder. After carefully sensing it, he sighed for a long time.

"There is not a trace of moisture, not a trace of vitality, not even a trace of active earth element. This land is completely 'dead'."

Inspiration is a very strict thing. To be precise, vitality, or the power of life should be a kind of energy!

Element and the power of element are different.

Element is the foundation of the world. It is everywhere. Even the dead land under Witt's feet is still composed of earth element.

And the power of element is a kind of energy produced by the active state of element.

Magic is said to be based on element, but in fact it is to stimulate the power of element, and it is based on the power of element.

Elements are permanent and indestructible, because rules and laws are permanent.

Elements do not constitute rules, but rules constitute laws!

On the contrary, laws are the source, and the rules, like tree trunks, extend the rules, and the rules diverge into elements.

So, rather than saying that elements constitute the world, it is better to say that laws are the cornerstone of the world.

The cultivation path of elements-rules-laws taken by dragons and dragon beasts is not accumulation and breakthrough, but tracing the roots, which is the original meaning of magic.

Elements are indestructible, but if they are squeezed too hard, elements will also enter a dormant state.

Like the land under Witt's feet at this moment.

The power of the abyss infects the element, causing it to fall into madness and chaos, releasing the power of the element without restraint. If the time is short, it is okay to recover, but if the time is long, the power of the element will be squeezed out and the element itself will enter dormancy.

By the way, no matter what kind of element it is, it contains opportunities and destruction.

However, the power of destruction contained in some elements is also more obvious than the power of destruction, such as elements such as fire and thunder, and most of the power of destruction is replaced by the power of element.

The more pure the power of destruction is, the power of destruction, which is also the origin of the rules and laws of destruction.

And some elements have more obvious opportunities, such as water, light, and nature.

The virgin enters a dormant state, and neither the virgin nor the life force will be produced. What is shown is that the land has no energy and is dead silent.

If you want to make this land rejuvenate, either leave it alone. After hundreds or thousands of days, the virgin will gradually wake up and the land will slowly recover.

But this is obviously not what the dragons of the Sky City want.

The flying dragons have a great demand for food. The grasslands around the Sky City have been carefully planned. Suddenly, nearly 1% of the grasslands are missing. It will be difficult to recover in the future. For the Sky City, this is a big deal.

Therefore, this is the first way to restore the land.

Wake up the virgin!

Borrowing the same element to awaken and nourish, the land can recover quickly, but it will take at least a hundred days.

Thinking of this, Witt sighed, collected the soil on his claws and kept it as a sample.

"This is very normal. The abyss is here to destroy, isn't it!"

Muttering, Witt walked towards the "purple crystal" ground next to him.

Unlike the "dead" land, the elements here are too active, but the active ones are not the elements of earth, water, nature, etc. that should be active, but the thunder element that is extremely inclined to destruction.

The situation here is more serious!

If you want to recover, at least you have to wait for the thunder element to gradually return to normal, and the suppression of the elements of earth, water, nature, etc. will be reduced, and other elements can "wake up".

As Poredia said, there is no hope for this land in two thousand years.

Of course, if Poredia and the others can go one step further and have the ability to sort out the thunder element rules in this area, this area can still recover faster.

However, the above is also a sigh in Witt's heart. He can't help at all.

Not to mention that he is really weak, but he is really weak, and the element types don't match.

The crystal ground is much harder than Witt imagined.

His claws grabbed it, not to mention that it didn't move at all, and there was not even a white mark left.

This made Witt, who wanted to leave a sample, have to give up temporarily and wait until he encounters a loose crystal stone.

As for why the sample was left... I can only say that it was the heart of research.

After walking a distance, Witt finally found a loose crystal stone.

After putting it away and saving it, Witt spread his wings and flew towards the "isolated island" in the purple crystal sea.

As mentioned before, the area of ​​Thunderstorm Plain is not small.

After flying for nearly half a day, Witt finally arrived at the location of Sparrow's cemetery.

The Thunderstorm Plain is a river. If you have better eyesight, you can stand on one side of the Thunderstorm Plain and see the dragon standing on the opposite side. Of course, it must be a larger dragon.

In this case, if Witt dared to find a place to practice, what awaited him would be the endless harassment of various predatory dragon beasts.

This was not what Witt wanted.

On the Sparrow Cemetery side, Poredia and his men did not just keep a pit.

The mountains and forests around the Sparrow Cemetery were also preserved.

Moreover, perhaps considering that this was the burial place of the Hero Dragon, the originally infected mountains and forests had completely recovered to normal.

It obviously took a lot of energy.

If there were mountains and forests, Witt would definitely choose them as the place to practice.

As for Poredia's daughter, although the Sparrow Cemetery was surrounded by dense mountains and forests, the content of thunder element was not lower than that in the crystal area.

Soon, Witt found a valley with dense vegetation.

This was originally the Abyss occupied area. The war had just ended. Even if a dragon beast had taken a fancy to the rich thunder element nearby, it would not be so fast.

Witt didn't even need to clean up the surroundings.

Of course, the necessary arrangements still needed to be made. After all, he was not a dragon, and he had a daughter of Boredia.

For safety reasons, Witt carved a huge compound alchemical magic circle around the valley.

There was no other way. Witt was ready to release his thunder element absorption energy. Only this kind of magic circle could be used normally in this situation...

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