Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 563 The Thirteenth Archon!

Hearing Witt's words, Candice, whose eyes were full of exhaustion, couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"The position given to the Archon is reversed. What do you think of the Archon of the City in the Sky? Besides, where will he go?

In this world, it is still safe to hide under that person's protection. "

Werther chuckled.

"Are you just too excited? Yes, your achievements are enough to be a consul. Redeke Boredia can be a consul, so why can you be a consul?"

"It is indeed worthy. Even for him, there is no problem in getting one more seat and changing from Twelve Consuls to Thirteen Consuls.

But this sentence should be said by me, and it is you! "

The sudden sound made Werther stunned for a moment. He turned around and saw Boredia standing at the door of the laboratory, looking at him angrily.

Werther was not embarrassed at all, but asked curiously: "Why are you here?"

Boredia pointed outside.

I just came back, and I was going to ask about the progress, but as soon as I got to the door, I saw you being dragged in.

Unexpectedly, this thing turned out to be a success!

With that said, Boredia walked in, then lifted the "vacuum cleaner" in front of Werther and observed it carefully.

"The elemental fluctuations of this gem feel a bit familiar!"

Candace smiled and nodded.

"That is the result of re-smelting the abyssal core of the abyssal beast. Of course, it is just a simple smelting, and it requires a lot of effort to make some structural fine-tuning.

Large-scale production is definitely possible. Without a certain alchemy foundation, it is difficult to copy this thing. "

With that said, Candice brought over a metal book.

"Here are some details of the crystal structure adjustment. I have summarized them. Of course, Jiyuan's complete manufacturing process is also recorded in it."

Boredia took the metal book and flipped through it, then looked at Candice and grinned.

"Congratulations, the thirteenth consul of the Sky City!"

Witte on the side was stunned for a moment.

"Were you kidding just now?"

Boredia glanced at Werther.

"How can this kind of thing be a joke? I am one of the twelve consuls. In some words, it represents the decision of the Sky City.

In fact, Anne was originally prepared to give up her position as consul.

However, there are too few dragons who are willing to be consuls, and they have been put on hold. This kind of thing will definitely be delayed forever.

To find a dragon to replace Anne, or to set up an additional consul to take over Anne's job, while Anne continues to retain the title of consul.

The chief executive is a cunning guy, and he has always wanted to bind the dragon and the city in the sky together.

He wants Anne to step down, so in recent years he has been looking for a dragon to choose the thirteenth consul. His first target must be the dragon.

However, the dragon is free in nature, and the position of the Archon needs to be stable.

So, there has been no result.

However, there is no goal at all, and Candace is one of his goals.

Each dragon has a different definition of freedom. After many observations, he basically determined that for Candace, his freedom is to be able to freely conduct alchemical experiments.

놊You know what I said is right. 놊Right? "

Hearing this, Candice was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"You are right. For me, there is only one place where I can study alchemy stably. I intend to stay in one place for a long time, or even forever!"

Boredia chuckled.

"So, he regards you as the most suitable thirteenth consul.

After all, you can just jump into a dragon and serve as a consul. At least, you must have a recognized ability. Originally, the chief consul was going to use a timer.

But now, there is obviously something more suitable.

In addition, the Chief Consul has said that as long as you are willing to take over the position of Consul, you have the first right to purchase the alchemy materials of Sky City! "

Candice's eyes lit up.

"I do!"

Witte looked at Candace speechlessly.

This guy was obviously well researched and was bought off with just one sentence.


"Annie actually has a job?"

Boredia nodded and said casually: "Of course, in fact, I also have a job, but considering the dragon's character, the job of the dragon archon is very simple.

It is to evaluate whether a new dragon is suitable to continue to stay in the Sky City.

Although it is a useless job, you still need to write an evaluation report. There are three archons and twelve streets. Each dragon archon is responsible for four streets.

It just so happens that, like Candice and Anne, she lives in Block 12, so she can take over her job perfectly.

There are other dragons around you, but let them help you complete these tasks. "

Candace nodded.

In fact, that was his original plan.

Seeing this, Werther rolled his eyes.

"By the way, do you have any plans to recruit the Fourteenth Consul?"

He is quite aware of how much fun Redecker's consul had enjoyed, and now that Candice has become the consul, he has the first right to purchase alchemy materials.

He also wanted to get a consul to facilitate the work of their group of dragons, and after all, they were also the highest-status group of dragons in the Sky City.

Hearing this, Poredia rolled his eyes.

"First of all, the Sky City needs the 14th Archon. Even if it needs it, it will definitely come to you. Don't you know what's going on?"


Witt smacked his lips and glanced at Poredia angrily.

"If you want to be the boss, then be the boss. I don't want it!"

Poredia ignored Witt and looked at Candice.

"Although I really want you to rest now, there is not much time to experiment with this... What do you call it?"

"Jiyuan, the abbreviation of the Abyss Collector."

Hearing this, Witt curled his lips.

"What a tacky name!"

"Wait until you give your shop a name!"

After a pause, Poredia continued, "There is no time to test the performance of Jiyuan now. Give me a rough data first so that I can have a rough idea!"

Candice nodded, then pointed at Jiyuan and said, "I know exactly how much can be collected, and the size of this thing is adjustable.

The size of the gem is the key to how much Abyss is collected.

The size of the gem depends on the number of Abyss cores of the Abyss Beast when the gem is made.

In addition, if the Abyss is fully collected, this position will light up, and then you only need to replace the gem to continue using it.

And the fully collected gems will definitely be fine within six magic hours.

After six magic hours, the higher the level of the Abyss, the faster the gem will collapse, so try to deal with it within six magic hours!"


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