Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 556: Free City!

As for what Poredia said, Witt said that he didn’t hear it clearly. If he didn’t hear it clearly, it means nothing happened!

Then, looking at the castle on the highest peak, Witt asked, "Speaking of which, can you tell me about the ruler of the Free City you just mentioned, the Free Monarch?"

Boredia glanced at Witt and said, "Liberty Monarch Libby is a relatively rare Devouring Dragon among the dragons. He is compatible with the elements of darkness and nature, but he is best at the Devouring Law.

As for strength...

Because he is much younger than Guluo, his realm is only the middle level of Legend, but the Devouring Law is quite special. Some dragons who have just entered the upper level of Legend may not be his opponents."

After a pause, Boredia continued, "Unlike Guluo, Libby will wake up a few times every once in a while to solve some things that are not in line with his philosophy during the development of the Free City.

Therefore, his control over the Free City is much higher than Guluo's control over the Sky City.

Of course, this It was the time when Free City was just established.

With Libby's cleanup, Free City gradually developed its own set of rules, which is very different from Sky City.

Here, there is no governor, Libby is the most important and the only governor.

There is no manager, or rather, no manager is needed.

Because no dragon dares to violate the rules set by Libby, and there is a legend living on his head that may wake up at any time, the most freedom in Free City is freedom within the rules.

Of course, it does not mean that this is not free.

On the contrary, the rules of Free City can be summarized into three points.

First, Free City welcomes any dragon, but the Free Monarch will watch you;

Second, you cannot cause trouble in Free City. If it happens, you will leave voluntarily;

Third, if you cause trouble, then wait for death! "

"Wait for death?"

Witt was stunned.

Poredia nodded.

"That's right. Libby will personally kill the dragon that caused the trouble and pile its bones in front of his residence to warn the dragons that come later.

So, your idea is actually quite good.

The Free City, where the ruler personally presides over the city, is the safest and most suitable city for young dragons among all dragon cities."

Hearing this, Witt grinned.

This kind of freedom belongs to the freedom of the weak.

In the eyes of the strong, this Free City is probably the least free dragon city!

As for the Devouring Dragon...

An image emerged in Witt's mind.

The Devouring Dragon looks bulky, covered with dark green triangular scales, with upright feet, but a relatively small wingspan, only about 1.3 times the body length.

Perhaps it is because of this that their bodies look bulky.

In addition to the dark green triangular scales, the most conspicuous thing about the Devouring Dragon is the black lines on its body that look like cracks.

Without these unique features, the Devouring Dragon looks like a fat green dragon.

Thinking about this, Witt looked at the castle again.

"So, you are here to see this free monarch?"

Poredia nodded.

"The abyss is not a crisis for a city-state, but a crisis for the entire world. Sky City is geographically remote, and can only pass on the news of the abyss.

But Free City does more, because it has all the situations, and they are all the masters of the awake state.

By the way, you don't have to follow me.

Before I finish my business, you should take a good walk in Free City.

There is no concept of currency in Free City, so if you like something, you can exchange it with magic circles, potions and other things.

Little bean, here is a tip for you.

There is a space stone mine around Free City, so there are many storage items here.

Both space stones and storage devices are extremely famous items in Fast Continent."

While speaking, Poredia has already flown to the sky above the edge of Free City.

After leaving Witte and the others behind, Poredia flew towards the highest peak deep in the mountains.

Looking at Celine and Antavana, who were suddenly awakened and suddenly left behind, and were in a confused state, Witte was speechless and hurriedly explained the current situation.

When they learned that Poredia brought them to another dragon city-state, Celine and Antavana showed great interest.

Especially Antavana.

When Witte tricked her into going on the road together, he used the pie in the sky of Free City.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, they actually came to Free City.

Then, the three dragons began to stroll around.

Although Free City is different from Sky City built on the plains, it is built in the mountains, but some places are quite similar.

For example, the buildings and streets here are also built according to the standards of dragons.

Even some places are relatively spacious for the dragon.

Perhaps, these places are built according to the specifications of the free monarch.

There is no manager in the Free City, so there is naturally no registration, and there is no regulation of demarcating areas and building residences.

Therefore, the buildings in the Free City look a bit scattered.

However, this seems to be more in line with the atmosphere here.

After all, the mountains that grow naturally have no rules, and the buildings everywhere make this place look messy and beautiful!

This is not because of the free monarch who may wake up at any time. I am just being polite. The Free City is indeed very beautiful.

Another problem with no manager is that you never know whether the dragon passing by you came thousands of times or last week.

Therefore, when Witt and his three dragons were flying on the streets of the Free City, few dragons looked over.

No matter if they looked strange or not.

"Witt, over there!"

Just when Witt was still admiring the scenery of the Free City, Celine suddenly flew over and grabbed his tail and flew in one direction.

Witt had no choice but to let Celine pull his tail, and he flew behind Celine.

Soon, the two dragons arrived at a... plant store?

Witt looked at the store in astonishment. To be honest, he had lived in the Sky City for decades, but he had never seen a dragon selling these things.

After all, plants are something you can find by just walking around outside.

While thinking this, Witt looked around and soon found the reason why Celine pulled him here.

It was a shit green flower.

The flower bud was like a thin metal plate, which was squeezed by the dragon into a ball, and it was an irregular shape. The petals were even more outrageous. You couldn't find two petals of similar shapes.

If you want to describe it in one word, it would be ugly as hell!

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