Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 553 The residence of the fierce dragon!

"Speaking of which, I have lived in Sky City for so many years. Every year during the Thunder Season, I can see you going to fight with him, but you never know what he looks like..."

After saying this, Witte paused for a moment, then coughed dryly.

Well, he is face blind, and that dragon is also a thunder element dragon. I am afraid that even if he sees it, he can only see the other "Boredia".

Just like when Borediya stood together, he couldn't recognize who was who unless he looked carefully.

Boredia didn't know what Werther was thinking, so he said casually: "I won't be able to see him this time. I just hope you won't be frightened by him."

Hearing these words, Werther was startled for a moment, and then asked curiously: "Is he scary?"

"No, some of what he did was terrible!"

However, after hearing what Boredia said, Werther became even more curious.

At this time, Celine suddenly said: "Boredia, the war over the Morton Mountains is still going on. Is it really okay for you to walk away like this?"

Hearing this, Werther slapped his head.

Let's just say that he always felt as if he had forgotten something along the way. When Celine reminded him, he finally remembered it.

"Yes, I wanted to ask before, which space rift did those abyssal beasts come from? Shouldn't we block the space rift before we leave?"

After listening to the words of the two dragons, Boredia looked at Werther and the others with strange eyes.

"Although they dumped the big pot of the Abyss to me, it doesn't mean that they really don't have to take care of anything. What's more, now the Abyss has blatantly invaded.

Do you think they can continue to cover their ears and sit down with their eyes closed?

Just kidding!

How could they still sit still after such a big deal?

When I went back to Sky City, they told me about this.

Just let it go, as soon as I leave here, they will definitely send a legendary dragon to take over.

As for the space rift..."

Having said this, Boredia sighed helplessly.

"Aren't we just looking for a way to close the space rift? If the power of the abyss is not cleared away, the space rift cannot be closed at all.

Speaking of Werther, you still need to ask me about this kind of thing? "

Werther shook his head.

"Of course I know that the prerequisite for closing the space rift is to clean up the abyss power.

However, I don't think that the 'materials' needed for the Abyss Mother Body are provided by the Abyss itself, which is also a drain on the Dragon Realm itself.

Is there no solution to this problem?

For example, organize a team of dragons to clean up the abyssal beasts that transport 'materials'. "

Boredia suddenly realized.

"You are worried about this, then let it go. Although those guys are lazy, once they start to take action, they will deal with it with the most serious attitude.

No more talking, we are almost done! "

After saying that, Boredia plunged towards the sea of ​​clouds below.

Witte and the others grabbed the dragon scales of Boredia's claws tightly and watched the sea of ​​clouds rolling on both sides. Then the light dimmed, and a vast blue water surface appeared in front of them.

And directly below them is a huge island that makes dragons shiver at the sight of it.


There are bones everywhere!

These are not ordinary bones, but the bones of a giant dragon, the bones of an adult dragon!

Huge white bones ranging from a few hundred meters to a thousand meters are scattered scattered on the huge black rock island. A huge black rock castle occupies nearly two-thirds of the island's area.

A large thundercloud enveloped the castle, and from time to time thunder would land on the island, breaking several bones into pieces.

The strong thunder element gives the air around the island a tingling feeling.

It seems that the progress of Lei Ji here is faster than that of Kong껣놂hara.

But in reality, Witte knows very well that the thunder element of this island has little to do with it. This is a sign that the adult dragon has no restrictions on its own strength.

No matter where the dragon below is, there will be a scene like this around him. Adult dragons with thunder attributes, they are walking Lei Ji.

In contrast, Witte paid more attention to the bones in the remaining third of the island.

"These are..."

Werther spoke subconsciously, but was surprised to find that his mouth and tongue were a little dry, and even his voice had a slight change.


Boredia said lightly, and then stopped talking.

Because of a strong pressure, it came from the black rock castle, as if the sleeping giant was waking up.

"Boredia, are you so impatient this year, or are you ready to go again?"

Along with a dull sound, a dragon with the elemental form of Boredia, about 1,100 meters away, almost identical except for its size, flew from the castle.

When his dazzling golden eyes looked over, there was a fierce aura that was so overwhelming that Werther and the others even felt like they couldn't breathe.

"Jeffrey, it's obviously the latter!"

Compared to Jeffrey's deep and oppressive voice, Boredia seemed much more relaxed, and his tone was like joking with a friend.

After hearing what Boredia said, Jeffrey was stunned for a moment, then looked at Boredia, and then suddenly grinned.

"You actually brought three little things with you. It seems that you are not ready to fight with me. So, you want to persuade me to give up the sea of ​​thunder with your pale and powerless words?"

Hearing this, Poredia shook his head, his face slightly straightened, and then said: "Jeffrey, this time, I am really not ready to fight with you.

As for whether my words are pale and powerless, it is up to you to judge."

As he said, Poredia described the things related to the abyss and the scenes that are now being played out in the Morton Mountains.

"Jeffrey, our war with aliens has begun. Are you sure you still want to go to Sky City to make trouble?

This time, I will definitely not be in Sky City. If you go to Sky City, who will fight with you? It is not up to me.

As for your fate..."

"Are you threatening me?"

After that, Jeffrey's aura increased by another ten percent.

Poredia said calmly: "It's not a threat, it's just stating a fact. You know, the strongest legend in Sky City is not me.

During this sensitive period, the probability of him being attacked is not small.

Even if he can't kill you, if you are injured, you are a very good target for the Abyss."


Jeffrey fell silent, and then looked at Poredia deeply.

"I'll remember this account, and I'll settle it with you next year!"

After that, Jeffrey turned and flew towards the Black Rock Castle below, leaving a sentence.

"Get out of my territory!"

Poredia smiled and shouted loudly: "Pay attention to the Inner Sea, it's best to clean it up completely!"

"The Inner Sea is my territory, you don't need to talk too much!"


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