Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 543: Not just a riot!

Chapter 543: The beasts are rioting!

"Abyssal beasts are rioting?"

Hearing this, Witt's eyes suddenly condensed, and he hurriedly asked: "Why did they suddenly riot?"

Closher shook his head.

"I was working at the Management Association, and Poredia suddenly came to me and asked me to inform you of this news, and said that if you want to find him, you have to go to Morton."

"What about him?"

Closher looked towards the north.

"He went to meet with the top leaders of Sky City."

Hearing this, Witt's heart was shocked again.

Being blamed by the top leaders of Sky City many times, with Poredia's character, he would never go to meet with the top leaders in a desperate situation.

Unless things are beyond his control.

After realizing this, Witt's face suddenly became ugly.

Moreover, since Poredia asked Closier to pass on the message, he would most likely stay in the Sky City for a long time. If he wanted to find Poredia, he could only go to the Morton Clan.

Just when he was thinking about this, a long dragon roar suddenly sounded.

Dragon roar is the most primitive but also the most effective way of communication for the dragon clan besides dragon language. If the spirits of the two parties are strong enough, they can even communicate across tens of thousands of miles.

After hearing this dragon roar, almost all dragons, including Witte, showed a touch of astonishment in their eyes.

Morton Clan, the war has begun, and those above Silver are willing to go!

A short sentence contains a huge amount of information.

And from this sentence, Witte understood that he had been too conservative before. This abyss beast rioted, and this abyss unilaterally set off a war!

The first Abyss War started when all dragons were unprepared!

After realizing this, Witt looked at Closhil. Just as he was about to say something, he saw him turn his head and look in the direction of Morton's vein, and move.

"Uh... You don't have to worry too much. Even if there is a war in the Abyss, Boredia will also be in trouble."

Although it is the first Abyss War, it will definitely rise to the legendary level.

It has only been many years since the Abyss invaded the Dragon Realm. According to my father, the God King of the Abyss may recover in a short time when breaking the world's defense.

Unless other God Kings or the Supreme God King take over, but this situation is basically impossible.

For an Abyss High-level, a world is a sacrifice to the Abyss. He may, and will, allow other Abyss High-level to get involved in his sacrifice.

Therefore, it is most likely that we are still in the first stage of the abyss invasion.

In the first stage, the world itself is quite friendly to the abyss, and their legends will definitely be restricted after coming here.

No matter how stupid the abyss believers are, they will not send legends or even stronger ones to attack the dragon world in this situation, especially after knowing that this is a world of dragons.

It is even certain that there will be abyss believers.

As for this war.

It is likely that the abyss is retaliating against the recent series of actions of the Sky City.

And this behavior is likely to release abyss beasts on a large scale and in large numbers, targeting the environment around the Sky City and carrying out devastating attacks.

This is really alarmist.

Even if the land infected by the Abyss is cleaned up, it is difficult to restore its original function in a short time, unless it relies on magic or something like that to restore a large area of ​​dragons.

And this is not a simple thing.

But for the Abyss, polluting a piece of land is a very easy thing to do.

The most important point is that even if the legend comes, this kind of thing can't be stopped!

So, this Abyss War, in simple terms, is to disgust the dragon.

After listening to Witte's words, Closher turned his head and looked at Witte in confusion.

"I'm not worried about him, and he doesn't need me to worry about him."

Looking at the remaining fighting spirit in Closher's eyes, even if he didn't listen to the other party's words, Witte knew that he had misunderstood.

This is not worrying, this has ignited the fighting spirit.

"The news has been notified, I'll leave first!" After saying that, Closhil hurriedly flew towards Boredia's shop. After closing the shop door, Closhil flew directly towards the direction where Block 10 was located. Seeing this, Witt was speechless, hesitated for a moment, turned around and flew towards his shop. When he returned to the shop, Witt was shocked to find that Celine and the others had gathered in the shop, and only Candice and Agnar who was looking at him were there. As soon as Witt came back, all the dragons looked over. Seeing this, Witt sighed. "Let's go together!" Linsda cheered immediately. But then, Witt added: "Linsda stay!" Linsda's smile froze, and then he hurriedly asked: "Why!" Witt rolled his eyes. "You're silver?"


After a short silence, Linsda fell on the counter like a deflated man.

Ignoring Linsda's temper, Witt turned to look at Xingchen and Gedra.

"You two have to stay behind, Candice is still doing dangerous research in our laboratory, so you have to leave one behind to look after her."

Hearing this, Xingchen and Gedra's eyes lit up.

"I'll stay!"*2

Seeing this, Werther looked at the two dragons speechlessly.

"Both of you want to go!"

The two dragons smiled awkwardly, and then looked away. They really wanted to go.

Werther sighed.

"If you want to go, go to 꼊, and since it's a critical moment of life and death, you must go if you are silver or above."

After hearing this, Linstar looked at Werther expectantly.

Since it's dangerous, taking him along shouldn't be a big problem!

Since coming to the Sky City, he has never been out, but he really wants to go out for a walk.

Who knows, Witgen did not consider his meaning.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Celine and Antavana and said directly: "It's too late, so let's leave first. By the way, don't think that everything will be fine if you stay in the store. Always pay attention to the laboratory. situation!”

After that, Werther flew outside.

Celine and Antavanna hurriedly followed.

After leaving the shop, the three dragons flew side by side in the direction of Block No. 10.

Not to mention, the dragon flying towards Block 10, or in other words, the direction where Morton's vein is located, is really 놊꿁.

꾨 Other ethnic groups living in the Sky City.

Each ethnic group looks like a large area of ​​darkness, and it can be said that there are thousands of dragons.

From this point of view, Sky City is still very popular with dragons. When encountering problems, the dragons living here are willing to listen to the calls of the top management of Sky City.


Werther glanced left and right, his eyes looking strange.

There were very few dragons that responded to the call. There were no adult dragons. We could only occasionally see the figure of a young dragon...

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