Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 521 Cave No. 2!

Boredia's idea is still too simple. Otherwise, the information Nasha provided to Witt is very important, especially the part about the fallen angels.

That thing is a race at the same level as the dragon race.

Otherwise, if Boredia rashly confronts a fallen angel of the same level as the dragon race under extra precautions, but despises the other party because of his understanding of the other party, the price he pays may be his life.

Perhaps, this is not only a possibility, but a necessity.

The dragon is proud and has always regarded himself as the darling of heaven and earth. Who would have thought that there would be another race that stands on the same level as them.

This prejudice will cause the dragon race to suffer heavy losses when it faces the fallen angels in the future.

Therefore, the information about the abyss race must be made known to Boredia.

However, Boredia can tell Boredia directly.

Nasha is fine.

This will make Boredia have some necessary defense against them.

This is what Witt wants to see.

Therefore, the best way is to catch a living Abyss believer and let the news come out of his mouth.

The more news about the Abyss is revealed, the more Boredia will pay attention to the Abyss.

Similarly, the dragons in the Sky City will start to think about what the result will be if they continue to wait and see because of these news.

And if the Sky City pays enough attention, it will definitely contact other dragon city-states around it.

And this situation may even spread to the entire dragon world.

The strength of the dragon world is very strong, there is no doubt about that.

But because of the special nature of the dragon race itself, this powerful force is difficult to condense into a rope. Only by letting them see the crisis in front of them can they unite.

When the united dragon race responds to the invasion of the Abyss, they will only passively defend and will be defeated by the Abyss one by one.

When the Abyss invades in full force, the more dragons survive, the more difficult it will be for the Abyss to arrange in the Dragon Realm.

And the Abyss's plan cannot be advanced, and the Dragon Realm itself will suffer more damage.

Even if the God King or Supreme of the Abyss recovers, the Dragon Realm has a certain resistance to prevent that level of strong people from directly invading the world.

In this way, the Dragon Realm can fight against the Abyss for a longer time.

Only by prolonging the timeline can the seeds of hope have time to grow slowly.

As for where this seed of hope is...

As long as the Dragon Realm is still there, there is hope!

Witt thinks a lot and thinks far, this is the best result he can think of.

As for the return of the Creator Dragon, or the father and mother coming to find him...

Witt does not expect these.

The fate of the Dragon Realm should be tied to one or two dragons.

But he also knows that just being a believer in the Abyss is not enough to let things develop to that point.

Only when there are more and more such things, the possibility of developing to that point in the future will be greater.

And these things must be done by dragons.

Now, 놛 is willing to do it.

Stars can set the prairie on fire, and 놛 is willing to ignite that ray of stars.

Poredia is the first ray that 놛 ignites.

What 놛 needs to do is to make Poredia burn more vigorously, so that it can burn the sky city.

After seeing Poredia's figure, Witt retracted his gaze, then lowered his head to look at his chest, his eyes full of complex expressions.


Muttering, Witt sighed, then spread his wings and continued to fly westward.

Without Celine, Witt directly turned into a velociraptor to hurry on his way.

The speed was so fast!

In just five days, the wind chime forest has appeared in Witt's field of vision, and the pleasant sound of the wind chime trees in the wind gradually rang in his ears.

Soon, Witt came to the front of the wind chime forest, and the sound they made became clearer.

The sound of the wind chime trees was crisp but noisy. Listening carefully, it seemed to be able to wash away the pressure in the heart and let Long relax voluntarily.

Although he knew that there was a trap prepared by the other party in Cave No. 2, Witt had a reason to go there.

In the past few days, Witt has been rushing on the road and has never rested.

He was afraid that if he stopped, he would feel timid.

The pressure brought by the abyss, the pressure brought by fatigue, and the lack of support from his companions made Witt feel overwhelmed at this time.

However, the sound of the wind chime tree made him relax a little.

After hesitating for a while, Witt went into the woods, found a safe place, and began to rest.

Witt slept for a whole day!

When he woke up, he felt refreshed and clear-headed.

The pressure in front of him became his motivation, making him more determined to go to Cave No. 2.

Moreover, after calming down, Witt slowed down his pace.

Cave No. 2, where he was going, was located in the heart of the Evernight Forest, where many legendary dragon beasts lived, each occupying one side.

If he wanted to alarm them, Witt could only shuttle around the edge of the territory of these legendary dragon beasts.

These edge areas were not safe.

Some dragon beasts have the habit of patrolling their territories. If Witt was unlucky enough to encounter such a dragon beast, he could only ask for help from Boredia again.

As time went by, Witt safely passed through the edge of the territory of those legendary dragon beasts and approached the location of Cave No. 2.

As for how to judge whether it is the territory of legendary dragon beasts, this matter couldn't be simpler.

They will leave their breath at the edge of the territory.

As long as Witt avoids these breaths, he doesn't have to worry about going deep into the territory of these dragon beasts.

In this case, after spending a month, Witt finally came to the entrance of Cave No. 2.

Only Witt himself knows the dangers along the way.

Several times, he noticed that the eyes that made him feel cold all over fell on him.

Fortunately, those dragon beasts did not act easily.

Looking at the entrance of Cave No. 2, Witt's mind suddenly emerged with relevant information about Cave No. 2.

The cave in the Cruel Sand Sea is somewhat similar. Cave No. 2 is a mountain cave. The difference is that Cave No. 2 is an abandoned mountain that has erupted.

The entrance of the cave where Witt is now is a passage melted by lava when the mountain erupted.

Looking up, the mountain that once represented the destruction of all things is now a lush mountain, with tall and straight trees covering the hillside where lava once flowed.

The trees rooted in the cooling lava are much more lush than those in other places.

Of course, as an abandoned mountain, this mountain is far less spectacular than the one in the Dragon Academy, but it has more vitality.

Thinking of this, Witt sighed and then went into the cave…

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