Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 513 He is still alive!

Abyss creatures have no reason or wisdom, some are just crazy, and some are just thirsty for killing and flesh and blood. I don't like creatures without intelligence.

The 돗s are actually able to grow rapidly by devouring the flesh and blood corpses of the same kind. I am very curious as to why the 돗s have such an ability.

At the beginning of the dissection, the physical strength is very strong, only weaker than the giant dragon in the same realm, almost the same as the dragon, and the one eye contains a strong will to destroy.

Law of destruction?


Not the law, but the rules, but he didn't fully grasp them, so he only knew Amethyst.

This rule is innate, just like the meaning of the elemental law to the dragon. This is an organ similar to the dragon's elemental lungs, which is very magical!

At the same time, this means that they are bound to become legends, and they master legends with rules of destruction.

A very powerful race.

I just don’t know if they can pass this rule and master the law of destruction.

Supplement: No, the rules of destruction contained in One Eye are not growth-producing. This seems to be a natural limitation. Their future achievements will not be as good as those of the dragon.

Terminate the experiment. This experiment is meaningless. The one-eye can only be used as a powerful alchemy material. Well... maybe it can be a breakthrough point in understanding the rules of destruction.

Looking at this, a flash of astonishment flashed in Werther's eyes.

This dragon actually dissected a Cyclops, and also detected the existence of the Rule of Destruction from the Cyclops's one eye.

Witte recalled for a moment that the Cyclops' blow in the ruins of Vergo did have a will to destroy everything, so it was the incomplete rule of destruction.

"I don't know if the corpse in Boredia is still there. If so, I don't know if there is a chance to get the one-eye from him.

The law of destruction can be one of the seven supreme laws.

Even if it is difficult to understand, simply mastering a rule of destruction and the legendary stage is an extremely powerful step. "

Celine on the side couldn't help but roll her eyes at him after hearing what 누Witt said.

"It's a beautiful thought!"

But Werther said with a smile: "We have helped him so much, so he is not so stingy that he is not even willing to give him an eyeball!

When you get back, talk to him about this matter.

Even if you don’t give it, you can always borrow it!

Don't you always feel that you can't do anything to help me? Although Legend has understood the rule of non-destruction, any power related to the Supreme Law will not be too bad.

Even a hint of destruction should increase your magic power. "

After hearing these words, Celine's eyes lit up, and there was a hint of expectation in her heart.

Werther looked towards the stone platform on the left.

I didn't know the purpose of that thing before, but now it seems that it should be an autopsy table. A Cyclops once lay on it and was dissected by the dragon.

So, based on the height of the stone platform, it is not difficult to infer that the size of this dragon is about 20 meters.


Of course it's impossible. The other party should only maintain this body shape temporarily.

Nianlong doesn't have the ability to get a living abyss believer.

The strength of this dragon must at least reach the legendary peak.

With this thought in his mind, Werther picked up a metal plate again. He didn't bother to sort out the order, so he just looked at whatever he wanted.

The dissection begins!

What a surprise. These guys turned out to be living creatures instead of undead. Their hearts were still beating, although they were filled with filthy blood.

The strongest 놆stomach, 돗 can quickly digest the flesh and blood of the same kind, and take over everything from the 돗, or in other words, take over the power of the abyss from the same kind.

There is an upper limit because of their physical strength.

If their own physical strength is very strong, theoretically, there is no limit to this improvement.


They do not have a reproductive cavity, which means that they have no reproductive ability, so the number...

I can't figure it out, but it's possible that 놆, like Abeildramon, reproduces from its mother.

Terminate the experiment. The experiment is of little significance and is of no use to me.

Returning to the cave again, the power of the abyss that had been cleared away did not appear again. It seemed that they had given up on the idea of ​​building a spatial rift here.


If they don't come, there's no point in me staying.

This experiment is of no use to me. It's a waste of time. I don't have much time.

The experiment begins!

I try to separate the will within the power of the abyss.

I don’t know the reason for the dragon world, or the reason for the power of the abyss itself. The will contained in these powers of the abyss is very strong, and it seems to be able to be separated!

If it can really be separated, without the power of the Abyss of the Abyss Will, it feels a bit like 놆, similar to the power of the Law of Destruction, only 놆 is much diluted.

Hope it works.

The experiment failed!

That will has been completely integrated with power.

Although some are separated, they cannot be eradicated. This belongs to His power.

But it’s not without its rewards.

The separated will of the abyss gave me hope. The law existed. My persistence was not wrong. I saw the path to eternal life!

Looking at this, Werther's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

eternal life!

This is a dragon that pursues immortality, and there is only one stage for dragons that pursue immortality, dragon body alchemy!

No wonder the previous experimental records always felt strange.

Witt had noticed before that the other party had compared the one eye of the Cyclops with the elemental lungs of the dragon.

If the other party is a dragon that pursues dragon body alchemy, it is normal.

Thinking of this, Witt looked at the next metal plate.


Let's call it Abyss Potion!

Most of the will of the Abyss has been separated. I don't know if it is still infectious, but I am not interested in this aspect, so I will leave it here.

Maybe a dragon will discover this place.

If it is not discovered, and it is still infectious, then this area should become similar to a cave.

If the Abyss discovers such an area, will they come?

It would be nice to have another Abyss believer.

The experiment is over!

The Deputy Cavill Pharmacy Laboratory is abandoned, but I am looking forward to whether he will give me a surprise when I come back again.

Experimenter - what!


Witt's claws shook, and the metal plate actually fell out of his claws.

Celine, who was standing next to him, also showed a trace of horror in her eyes.

"He is still alive!"

Hearing Celine's exclamation, Witt came back to his senses, and then hurriedly grabbed the metal plate. He stared at the signature on the metal plate.

He never thought that he would come here to see this name.

A name that Aqfrey had once pursued, after hundreds of thousands of years, the other party actually appeared again...

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