Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 511 There is a problem!

Chapter 511: Problem!


A dull sound came from above, and a large amount of sand poured onto the elemental shield that Celine had just propped up.

The huge force made the shield flicker constantly, and even a layer of fine cracks appeared on it.

Fortunately, a blue water element shield was stacked under the light element shield, and the collapsed sand did not break the shield.

Witt and Celine looked at each other, and then the two dragons looked down at the same time.

Under their feet, there was a rock passage that was obviously built by the dragon. The rocks were cut neatly, arranged closely, and the top was arched. It looked like a lot of effort was spent.

However, at this time, a hole about ten meters away was on the right side of the rock passage, and a large amount of sand flowed into it.

"There is actually an underground building, and judging from the degree of wear and tear on the rocks, this building seems to have been built not long ago."

As he spoke, a hint of doubt flashed in Witt's eyes.

The hole was not repaired, and those things were still coming in and out, which means that this place has been abandoned.

"Is it a dragon's nest?"

Witt hesitated for a moment, then shook his head.

"Not sure, in my impression, no matter what kind of dragon, it will not build a nest underground in the desert, but there are dragons who like underground caves.

In short, we should be careful, this building is too new!

If we find traces of recent dragon activities, we will leave here and tell Boredia about the situation here, so that the top leaders of the Sky City will have a headache!"

That being said, Witt is more inclined to believe that this place has been abandoned.

The unrepaired hole is a basis.

Of course, the most important thing is that the creature carrying the power of the abyss is obviously in a completely free state.

Even if the dragons were trying to kill themselves and study the power of the abyss, they would not casually grant freedom to a creature with the power of the abyss. That is not freedom, that is a hidden danger!

Celine nodded, agreeing with Witt's statement.

Then, the two dragons pushed aside the sand at the entrance of the cave and drilled in.

The ten-meter-long cave entrance was a little crowded, but it was still barely enough to get in.

In order not to cause too much noise, Witt and his team carefully lowered the sand and soil that was blocked by the elemental shield above.

After doing this, the two dragons looked around.

The location where they were was an east-west passage, only about a hundred meters high, and behind it was a huge sand pile that leaked in from the hole.

Witt glanced at the northern wall.

That was the location where the dragons left the mark, which was the direction where the thing that drilled in appeared.

Walking to the wall, Witt observed the wall carefully.

There were magic circuits carved with Yuantong on it, which should be used to reinforce the building.

However, although this building was built recently, decades are also recent for the dragon clan. In decades, the magic circuits carved with Yuantong have long been scrapped.

This is also the reason why a hole was easily made on the top of the passage.

Just as Witt was checking the wall, his eyes suddenly condensed, and then he turned his head to look at the sand pile behind him.

At the same time, a slender tail with a hook pierced out from the sand pile, aiming directly at Celine.

But Celine is not a mediocre hand. Although there was a hint of surprise in her eyes, she had subconsciously chanted a spell, and the light blade instantly wrapped her body.

Then she turned around and grabbed the back.


After a loud bang, accompanied by a violent friction sound, Celine scratched the ground with her four feet, but still slid back more than ten meters, and the ground was full of scratches.

The tail was only blocked for a moment, paused slightly, and then continued to stab Celine.

But at this time, Witt had already reached the tail, and the sharp tip directly grabbed the middle of the tail.

However, the opponent's reaction was quick and the tail was very flexible.

After realizing Witt's purpose, the tail suddenly turned around and the tip hit Witt's body.

But Witt's strength was much stronger than Celine.

After the collision, Witt's body did not move at all, and the tail fell heavily to the ground.

Taking this opportunity, Witt stepped on the tail and hit it again.

However, the guy hiding in the sand obviously would not let Witt destroy its hunting weapon.


A dull sound rang out, and the sand dunes exploded directly. A 15-meter-long, oddly shaped dragon beast rushed out, swinging its horns alternately, and appeared beside Witt in an instant, with its sickle-like front thorns stabbing Witt's head directly.

But Witt ignored its meaning at all, and the movement of his horns did not stop.

Just when the dragon beast's horns were about to stab Witt's head, a white light flashed, and the dragon beast flew backwards and hit the sand pile.

Before it turned over, there was another shrill howl.

Witt, who cut off the opponent's tail, grabbed the half of the tail and dragged it hard, and the opponent's body was dragged directly under Witt's body.

Witt opened his mouth and suddenly exhaled a light blue breath. In just a moment, the dragon beast stopped moving and was completely frozen into an ice ball.

Celine walked over and looked at the frozen dragon beast, but there was no surprise in her eyes.

When Celine saw the tail, she knew what kind of dragon beast was attacking them.

A gold lower level Scorpius dragon beast!

A predatory dragon beast that lives in the desert. The adult size is about 15 meters. The dragon head has no horns. Among all dragons, the first pair is spike-shaped.

The tail is about three times the length of the body. The tail is flexible and powerful. The tip of the tail has an extremely sharp thorn-like structure that can easily pierce the scales of the prey.

The body is flat and covered with yellow-brown dragon scales. It is difficult to be found hidden in the sand.

Moreover, Scorpius dragon beast is very good at hiding its breath.

In the case of a small gap in realm, it is difficult to be found as long as the opponent does not take action.

However, this Scorpius dragon beast has been infected by the power of the abyss, but because it has been infected for a short time, the elemental power in its body has not yet been completely integrated with the power of the abyss.

Therefore, when attacking the Wittes, it did not use the infected elements, and was killed by the Wittes before it could even exert its full strength to the third level.

"It is indeed this kind of dragon beast."

Hearing Celine's words, Witte, who had been observing this fallen dragon beast, frowned.

"There is something wrong with this dragon beast!"

Celine was stunned for a moment, and then while carefully observing the fallen dragon beast, she asked in confusion: "What's the problem? Why can't I see it?"

Witte pointed at the fallen dragon beast.

"It has no injuries!"


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