Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 51 Official acquaintance!

"No, I've been in the water the whole time!"

Hearing this, Witte was stunned for a moment, and then looked in the direction where the sound came from, only to see Ao Yiyi floating on the water like a big moth!

Then he looked at the shore again. Not far from Dinnit, there was also an "O" standing there!

The memory hidden deep in my mind emerged again.

Witte's expression suddenly changed, and then he jumped out of the water and stood between the golden dragon and Dinnit.

"It's you!"

Seeing Wit's defensive posture, the other dragons finally responded.

Dinnit ran to Werther's side, growled low, spread his wings, and looked at the golden dragon across from him with vigilance.

Celine also imitated Werther's example. She first rushed out of the water, then looked a little unfamiliar and flapped her water-soaked wings. She also came to Werther's side, and then... nothing more!

The four dragons turned their heads to look into the river at the same time, only to see Billy trying to imitate Werther and others to leave the water. However, due to the clumsy movement, he had already sunk to the bottom of the river, but his tail was still stubborn. Standing upright on the river, slowly sinking!

Werther slapped his forehead!

"You look at her, I'll save him!"

After that, Werther dove into the river.

Witte left, Celine and the others looked at each other, and then looked at the golden dragon opposite again.

Although the look of vigilance in their eyes was not much, it was more of curiosity about the other person!

Celine hesitated for a moment and then spoke first: "My name is Celine, Holy Dragon. What's yours?"

Hearing Celine's words, Isa, who was originally looking for an escape route, was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Celine.

Although the milky white body is not as dazzling as her golden color, it exudes a warm glimmer, which makes the dragon involuntarily feel a sense of closeness.

"You are a female dragon too!"

Trivia: Among dragons of the same type, there are no obvious signs of male or female dragons. They can only be distinguished by the sound of their voices!

After a pause, Isa said in a cheerful voice: "Isa, my name, and you, that bad boy, were together. I thought you were also stupid, with only violent male dragons in your head!"

Ao frowned and was about to refute, but at this moment, a large splash rose from the water behind him!

Werther pinched Billy's mouth with one claw, and the other clawed at the convex crystal cluster on his back. Although this thing looked like crystal, its hardness was no lower than that of dragon scales!

After throwing Billy to the ground, Werther breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing everyone looking at him, Werther said helplessly: "This guy can't control his mouth in the water. I can only help him shut it up. Okay." When I responded, he didn't drink much water!

As for fainting... I was the one who knocked him out. This guy struggled too hard. "

After a pause, Werther looked at Isa again, frowning.

"Be careful, this guy likes to attack with breath!"

Hearing this, Isa's good mood just now was completely destroyed in an instant!

Then without any hesitation, he leaned down, opened his mouth slightly, a bright light emerged from the depth of his throat, and his eyes were fixed on Werther!

On the other side, Witte, who was regarded as the target, was not weak either. He also leaned down. Although he did not have a streamlined dragon body like Dinnet, the silver dragon was also famous for its agility.

Of course, Werther did not forget Winters's advice and had no intention of using Dragon's Breath.

But Werther is confident that as long as the opponent dares to take action, he can pounce on him as quickly as possible and subdue him!

Seeing that the two dragons were about to fight, Celine hurriedly spoke out.

"Wait a minute, don't do anything yet. I wonder if there is some misunderstanding between you two? Let's sit down and talk first!"

Hearing Celine's words, a flash of hesitation flashed in Isa's eyes, and then she stopped brewing, but she still looked at Werther warily.

"I don't think there was any misunderstanding. He was the one who followed me first!"

Werther was stunned for a moment.

"Who is following you? I just recognized you as Ao, that's why I chased you. After I chased you, before I could stand firm, you just breathed me!"


It's that guy over there!

Open your eyes and take a good look. How do we look alike?

The brightness of his dragon scales is much lower than mine. He is obviously a golden dragon, but he doesn't even take good care of his own scales. He still has the nerve to say that he is a golden dragon! "

Celine slapped her forehead.

Good guy, you are so outspoken!

He glanced towards Ao, and sure enough, there was a hint of hostility in Ao's eyes when he looked at Isa.

"Okay, if you don't say any more, I can tell you clearly that you have misunderstood. Werther suffers from a disease called prosopagnosia!

Like you, he has absolutely no way to tell the difference between you! "

Saying that, Celine didn't care whether Isa believed it or not, and turned to look at Werther.

"Witt, we didn't come out to fight!"

Hearing this, Werther hesitated for a moment, put away his alert posture, and then looked at Ao.

"Oh, let's continue!"

After that, Werther turned to Billy, who was lying down behind him and pretending to be dead.

"If you don't want to learn 놅, no 놋dragon will force you!"

Upon hearing this, Billy instantly became energetic!


Werther nodded helplessly.

"If you can bear it, let's play in the water, and you can only watch the conversation on the shore!"

Upon hearing this, Billy instantly lost his spirit.

Then, he crawled towards the river little by little, with only his two front paws moving!

But at least he got into the water, although he soon sank again!

Witt had no choice but to dive into the water, lifted him up again, and then taught him step by step.

Ao was able to float in the water, but his flexibility was a little worse, so he could only practice silently like a dragon.

Celine saw all this, and turned to look at Isa helplessly.

But Isa looked at Witt with a blank face.

"He won't bother you for the time being. Let me introduce you, she is Dinnett!"


"Hello, nice to meet you!"

That's what she said, but Isa's eyes were always glancing at Witt.

Fortunately, Dinnett didn't care about these things. He just smiled and walked towards the river. It was still a little unsafe for Witt to watch two guys who couldn't swim!

Noticing that Dinnett had left, Isa realized that she had just done something wrong, but she didn't know what to say, so she could only look at Celine anxiously for help!

Seeing this, Celine suddenly realized that Witt must have misunderstood.

Isa in front of her, how similar they were when they were just born!

Especially Witt, she still remembered that Witt was full of rejection and vigilance towards everything around him at the beginning, and only gradually accepted them under Winters' guidance.

For Isa, she should have no one to accept, so she is like this now.


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