Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 503 If you don’t recognize me…

Chapter 503 If you recognize him...

Seeing that Nuo chose to stay, Vitt nodded and then looked at the abyss beasts that surrounded them. But a hint of hesitation flashed across his eyes.

But soon, this hesitation was replaced by determination.

"Celine, watch him and protect yourself. Leave these abyss beasts to you to clean up!"

Celine realized something and her face changed slightly.

"Vitt, you..."

But before she finished speaking, Vitt interrupted her.

"Don't worry, it will be fine.

I know you want to say that this matter can be handed over to Poredia and the others, but the Sky City does not have the ability to deal with the abyss forces in Cave No. 1.

Even if they come, they can only deal with these abyss forces by "destroying the entire cave".

However, who can guarantee that these abyss forces can be completely cleared away, and only a trace of them remains, here is It may develop into a big trouble.

Since we have the ability to avoid this big trouble, we may turn a blind eye to it for the sake of our safe and secure life in the Sky City.

And don't worry, among the five caves, only Cave No. 1 is like this.

The other caves can be dealt with by the Sky City.

If it's just one cave, it will be a big problem!"

Celine was silent for a moment, then sighed.

"If you recognize it, you will hate you for the rest of your life!"

Witt smiled helplessly. This kind of thing was indeed hidden from Celine.

Indeed, to some extent, the ultimate power has characteristics very similar to the power of the abyss. The dragon infected by the power of the abyss will be affected by the power of the abyss and become a madman who only knows how to kill.

The ultimate power is the same!

If he had a choice, he would do this.

Thinking this in his heart, Witt smiled and said, "Don't worry, I forgot who I forgot but you!"

After that, Witt stopped absorbing the power of the abyss.

Just as the abyss beast rushed over again, Witt dispersed the shaping magic and returned to his original appearance, and clusters of blazing white flames began to emerge from his chest.

That's right, Witt was ready to use the blazing white divine flame with all his strength.

Dispersing the shaping magic was to take back that part of the mental power in order to better control the blazing white divine flame.

If he did not control the blazing white divine flame, then the one burned by the blazing white divine flame would only be the abyss beast, and Celine's dragon that she didn't know, and this cave, and... Witt's sanity!

In just a blink of an eye, the blazing white flames had covered Witt's entire body. In order to prevent the cave from being destroyed, Witt had already flown up in advance.

Under his full control, the extremely high temperature of the blazing white divine flames was gathered around him. If you were far away, you would only feel uncomfortable with the heat.

But if you were close, even the ashes would be left!

The blazing white divine flames lingering around Witt's body were dancing happily. It seemed very satisfied with Witt's choice. Of course, if Witt could release the restrictions, it might be more satisfied.

But this is not possible.

After releasing the blazing white divine flames, Witt nodded to Celine.

"Be careful!"

After that, Witt flew directly around Celine's strange dragon. All the abyss beasts that approached Witt and touched the blazing white divine flames on him.

A white flame ignited on their bodies, and instantly burned those abyss beasts into ashes. To be more precise, not even ashes were left.

When the abyss beast completely disappeared, only a tiny wisp of blazing white flame remained.

Before the wisp of flame fell to the ground, Witt absorbed it.

And the blazing white divine flame that merged with that wisp of flame was slightly improved.

This is how the ultimate power grows!

Celine was shocked.

One began to fear the ultimate power and worried about Witt. At the same time, he was horrified and had more doubts in his heart, what kind of flame was that.

But unfortunately, one worry was useless, and the other would give him the answer.

On the other side, after cleaning up the surrounding abyss beasts, Witt, who was burning with blazing white divine flames, began to meet the abyss beasts that kept rushing over and flew towards the depths of this main root cave.

Wherever he passed, all the abyss beasts disappeared like thin snow in spring, meeting the scorching sun in summer, without even a trace of ashes left.

Watching Witt go deeper, Celine turned to look at the strange dragon.

"Celine, the sacred dragon!"

Nuo hesitated for a moment, a look of confusion flashed in his eyes.

"Nuo, do you know what kind of dragon you are!"

Celine didn't care about these things, she just looked at Nuo and said coldly: "The companion who was born with you is risking his life to clean up here, I don't want you to cause any trouble.

If you do it, you can only stay here forever.


Nuo nodded and didn't say anything.

He felt a little aggrieved in his heart. He actually fell to the point of being warned by a dragon much smaller than him.

Seeing Nuo nod, Celine's eyes relaxed a little, and then she looked at the wounds on Nuo's back.

"Your injuries..."

"That strange power is in your body, and your healing magic has no effect on it."

Celin glanced at Nuo.

"I know, I know its nature better than you do, so I am not asking about your injury, I just want to tell you that your injury can only be like this for the time being.

Your injury can only be restored after Witt clears the abyss power on your wound.

In addition, use your mental power to explore that power.

The abyss power on the body is easy to remove, but if it infects your mental power, then you can only pray that fate will have mercy on you!"

After a pause, Celine continued: "Let's go, let's follow."

After that, Celine flew towards the depths of the cave.

Nuo looked back at the direction of the cave exit, and finally chased Celine.

The opponent's ability will keep him here forever after he was seriously injured.


Burn, burn, burn everything, and the Blazing White Divine Flame will be able to grow to a point that is weaker than the rules, or even the laws.

Are you worried about Celine?

Are you worried about the Sky City?

Are you worried about the invasion of the Abyss?

Just throw all the things around you into the sea of ​​fire, and the Blazing White Divine Flame will become the strongest power you have.

All your worries will be nothing.

Just let the Blazing White Divine Flame spread!

Bloodshot gradually appeared in Witt's golden eyes.

These thoughts were like seeds, planted in Witt's heart, and gradually took root and sprouted.

So little!

Looking at the Abyss Beast that seemed to know what death was and kept rushing towards him, it disappeared in the blazing white flames, and then transformed its power into the Blazing White Divine Flame.

Such an idea suddenly popped up in Witt's mind...

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