Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 502 An unknown dragon!

The killing continues!

The dragon that suddenly appeared was quite far away from Witt and the others.

Whenever Witt tried to get close, the dragon would suddenly explode and quickly move away from Witt.

However, Witt noticed that the dragon was not in a good condition.

Since he appeared, he has not flown.

The dragon's wings may be injured.

After realizing this, Witt stopped trying to get close to the dragon.

Every explosion was a great pressure for the dragon.

As for verbal communication... when the dragon showed great vigilance towards them as soon as it came, any words were pale and powerless.

No longer paying attention to the strange dragon over there, Witt once again carefully cleaned up the abyss beast.

Soon, the surroundings were once again filled with the corpses and flesh of the abyss beast.

The flesh and corpses that have been drained of the Abyss Power will turn into gray ashes, which are completely useless, but the flesh and corpses are different.

When the flesh and corpses pile up more, the attention of the Abyss Beasts begins to shift.

Their target is not only on Witt and his men.

At this time, even though the Blazing White Divine Flame gave him a bad feeling, Witt used the Devouring Power again.

With Witt's Devouring Power activated.

Even if those Abyss Beasts were unwilling, they could only give up the flesh and blood that was already at their mouths.

Celine stopped fighting, took a deep breath, and looked at Witt with more and more worry.

She wanted to persuade Witt.

She also knew that the Abyss Beasts could become stronger by devouring the flesh and blood of their companions, but she would rather this battle, which would last for an unknown period of time, last a little longer than to let Witt take risks.

As for how to get rid of these abyss forces after clearing the abyss beasts, can't such a problem be directly thrown to Sky City and Boredia!

However, there is another dragon next to her, so she can't say some things.

While the opponent is wary of them, Celine is also wary of the opponent.

In this case, Celine can only look at Witt with worry.

Witt noticed Celine's gaze, and he could only smile bitterly, and then said helplessly: "Believe it!"

However, the increasingly strong and indifferent aura on his body, as well as the cold eyes that appeared from time to time, could not convince Celine.

On the other side, Nuo noticed Witt's behavior, and he was shocked and hesitated.

He didn't understand what Witt was doing.

But he saw the disgust and uneasiness of the dragon in Witt's body, as well as the strange reaction of this strange creature.

Although he didn't know what happened, compared to the strange creatures that were still rushing around him, he understood that at least now, the area around the dragon was safe.

So, he was hesitant now, whether to go to the dragon's side.

His injuries were too severe, and if he continued, he might really die here.

He could clearly feel his rapidly declining physical strength.

After taking another look at the abyss beasts around him, Nuo gritted his teeth and finally flew towards where Witt was.

He might die if he went over, but he would definitely die if he didn't!

Even a fool would know which of the two choices to choose.

On the other hand, when the chest absorbed and devoured the power of the abyss, Witt didn't need to control anything, so his attention was actually always on the strange dragon.

Witt's "big night light" barely illuminated the surrounding space.

So, when Nuo began to rush towards Witt, Nuo's appearance was officially revealed in front of Witt and Celine.

A black dragon-like head, black dragon-like dragon scales, but the difference is that he is a quadruped type.

On the streamlined body, there are two pairs of dragon wings, both of which are 1.5 times the length of the body. The rear dragon wings are smaller, and there are two tail wings on the tail.

This is a dragon that Witt does not recognize.

But after seeing the situation of the opponent clearly, both Witt and Celine's pupils shrank.

Too miserable!

Three pieces of the two pairs of dragon wings were twisted and fractured, hanging casually on both sides of the body, and the side tail wings were also tattered.

What really shocked Witt and Celine was that there were several blood holes on the back of the opponent that were still bleeding black blood. They could even see broken bones and beating internal organs.

Fortunately, these were wrapped by elemental power, which barely stopped the bleeding.

But it was only barely stopped.

Such serious injuries and the strong abyss power could not be caused by the abyss beast!

Only the abyss believers can have such a level of abyss power!

Witt realized this, but he did not ask.

It was useless to ask. The opponent's eyes were full of vigilance. He did not even have the most basic trust. How could he reveal relevant information to him?

Suddenly, Witt's eyes condensed.

"Celine, stop him!"

Witt noticed that after the opponent came over, he did not mean to stop, but directly bypassed Witt and ran directly to the back.

And there was the way for Witt and his team to enter the cave.

The opponent wanted to leave!

But Witt could not let him leave.

Celine had absolute trust in Witt and knew Witt best, so she would not ask why at all, because she knew very well what Witt was thinking.

So, she jumped forward without hesitation, blocking the dragon's path. The magic spell was completed instantly, and the sharp claws wrapped by the light element condensed into a light blade grabbed the dragon directly.

Nuo, who was seriously injured, naturally would not fight with Celine who was almost at full state, even if the opponent was only half his size.

But he would not give up the idea of ​​leaving.

Only by leaving can he survive.

But just as he dodged Celine's claws and was about to jump from another direction, Nuo suddenly saw a flash of white light.

The fighting habit he developed after living alone for many years made him stop subconsciously.

And just as he stopped, a white smoke rose from the ground not far from his claws.

What a fast breath!

Just as he thought so, Witt's voice rang out.

"I'm here to clean up that power. How could I let you leave with that power? If you insist on leaving, I can only kill you.

If you don't believe it, you can continue to resist!"

Nuo turned his head to look at Witt. From his cold eyes, he could see that he was serious.

If he continued to try to escape, he would force him to stay here.

After hesitating for a while, Nuo opened his mouth.

"How can I be sure that after staying, you will not kill me directly to clean up the power in me!"

"It's not troublesome to clean up the power of the abyss. I can only say this. If you don't believe it, there is nothing I can do."

Nuo hesitated for a while, and finally stopped.

He didn't believe Witt, he just thought that this choice would make it more likely to survive...

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