Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 500 The last taproot cave!

Chapter 500 The last root cave!

Tap... Tap...

In the darkness, the sound of viscous liquid dripping mixed with slight panting.

Suddenly, a chaotic sound of footsteps came.

The slight panting stopped immediately, and a tense atmosphere filled the air.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, mixed with a few crazy roars, and there was a wonderful breath in the air.

However, when the footsteps became clearer, they suddenly stopped.

Then, there was another chaotic sound of footsteps, and this time, they ran, but the footsteps were getting farther and farther.


In the darkness, a voice of obvious relief came.

Then, a pair of golden eyes gradually appeared from the darkness.

There was a touch of fatigue and pain in those eyes.

Obviously, he was injured.

But even though he was injured, his eyes still revealed a cold breath, the kind of coldness that kept dragons away from him.

A thought flashed in his eyes.

Are they the dragons that set up the alchemical magic circle?

He did pay attention to the magic circle blocking the exit.

He did see that the magic circle had a switch that could be turned off.

However, he did not try it easily.

Those strange things must be good things. Those dragon beasts knew how to kill, which was their reason.

But this did not mean that the dragons that came to clean up these things were good dragons.

He was afraid that when he closed the magic circle, he would alarm the dragons that set up the magic circle.

And his current situation was very good, but it was not suitable for contacting strange dragons.

That's right, he was injured, and his injury was very serious.

Otherwise, I would have to rely on restraining all the breath on my body to try to avoid those strange creatures.

However, now the opportunity seems to have come.

Those dragons should have entered this cave. In this way, the things in the cave, even the guy who injured me, will be attracted by these dragons.

I can definitely take this opportunity to leave here.

To be honest, if it was the magic circle that blocked the way, I would have left this ghost place long ago.

I just came here to clear the dangerous creatures living nearby, who would have thought that I would encounter such a strange thing.

After I get out, I must move!


At this time, bursts of roars came, and then a large number of messy footsteps came from the cave next to me.

Hearing this, a hint of joy flashed across Yaojin's golden eyes.

Sure enough, a dragon alarmed these guys.

Then, now we need to wait for the right time!

When this thought came to my mind, a footstep that was obviously different from those things came into my ears.

"Celine, magic shield!"

A very light voice suddenly sounded.

Although the voice was calm, I was still stunned for a moment.

At least, from this voice, I can hear that the other party is not very old, and even sounds younger than me.

Celine... is my companion?

So, it is the dragon of the dragon city-state over there?

But how can the dragon over there appear here?


Or are our targets those strange things?

Nuo, who had figured it out, habitually swung his tail behind him in annoyance.


Nuo's face froze.

The sound was not very loud, but it was particularly obvious in this tree root-shaped cave.

Sure enough, soon, he heard footsteps running towards him.

Nuo, who realized that he had been exposed, suddenly burst out a cold murderous intent in his golden eyes.

Then, he stood up and walked outside.


"This is the last root cave. If something unexpected happens, the space cracks in the abyss will open to the depths of this cave!"

As he said, Witt looked at the spacious cave in front of him with a hint of caution in his eyes.

Although there were no corpses of abyssal beasts piled up at the entrance of the cave, there were large pieces of black blood residue.

Obviously, there was more than one abyss beast trying to rush out.

As for the corpse, it was probably eaten by its companions. Witt secretly remembered this. At least, so far, the three abyss beasts that appeared seemed to be able to strengthen themselves through the flesh and blood of their companions.

"Witt, do you think that dragon will also be in there?"

Hearing this, Witt sighed.

"I hope it's not in there. If it's really in there, it's probably gone.

We have been searching here for two months. Although the magic circle was often triggered, none of them had ever been shut down.

If it's in there, it means that since we came here, it has been in this cave.

Two months..."

There is a space crack opened by the abyss inside.

The possibility of survival is very small!

Hearing this, Celine sighed.

"Okay, let's go in. If you really die in there, at least we have to get your body out."

After that, Witt closed the magic circle, and opened it again after they went in.

In any case, you can't let any abyss beast escape.

When Witt and Celine entered the cave, several bone wolves ran up from the depths of the cave.

The moment they saw Witt, these bone wolves rushed over frantically.

Seeing this, Witt was not surprised at all, and even felt a sense of nostalgia.

You know, these things don’t know what it means to run away.

So, the few battles that Witt had fought with all his strength were basically with these things.

Looking at the bone wolves getting closer and closer, Witt said: "You need to use long-range magic, remember to bless your magic shield, and by the way, bless me, I may take care of it when we fight later."

Before the voice fell, a strange gray-white magic circle rose under Witt's feet.

And when the magic circle passed through Witt's body, it took only a blink of an eye for him to change into a war dragon form.

At this time, Witt could not help but envy the power of rules controlled by Ilaya and others.

'Scar' is a word. Wherever the eyes can reach, all the abyss beasts will be killed instantly.

When thinking about this in his mind, several bone wolves came close.

When they were about to pounce on Witt, they directly hit a spherical magic cover that wrapped Witt halfway.

The spherical magic cover was just big enough to wrap Witt in. When it was not attacked, the magic cover was exposed. Once it was attacked, the magic cover would appear.

The most important thing is that the magic cover will not affect Witt's battle.

Soon, these bone wolves died under the claws of Witt and Celine.

And with the death of these bone wolves, a chaotic running sound came from the depths of the cave.

The two dragons looked at each other, and without any hesitation, they flew towards the depths of the cave...

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