Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 498 Great tonic!

Chapter 498 꺶Supplement!

"Witt, over there!"

Hearing Celine's words, Witte quickly turned his head and looked over, only to see the body of a fallen dragon beast lying in a main root channel that was not very inclined.

However, due to the characteristics of the power of the abyss, the corpse has begun to dissolve, and part of the body has turned purple-black, similar to silt.

The power of the abyss contained above is still trying to infect the root shell below.

"Has a dragon come in?"

Werther shook his head.

"Not sure, but the probability is this."

As he spoke, Witte turned his eyes to the corpse of the fallen dragon beast, and immediately frowned.

"The question now is, what to do with this thing!"

It's definitely not possible to use breath directly.

The strength of the root shell is equivalent to the strength of the adult dragon's scales, but high-intensity breath can also destroy the dragon's scales.

꾨In particular, only the hardness of the root shell can reach the level of adult dragon scales, and other magic resistance and the like are far less than that.

"Oh, it seems I can only come here!"

Upon hearing this, Celine's expression suddenly changed.

"Didn't you mean..."

"There is no other way. If it is not cleaned up, this place will become a factory for producing fallen dragon beasts. Over time, no one knows what the power of the abyss will become here.

But what is certain is that that is definitely not a good thing, and it is definitely not what we want to see.

Besides, didn’t 깊, 놖 say it before?

In that kind of thing, 놖 is still somewhat sure. Even if there is a problem, he can solve the problem of Pao Bing, even if he asks Boredia to come to the rescue, you still can't trust him? "

But no matter what Werther said, Celine's eyes always showed resistance.

Because this method is too dangerous!

Not only is the power of the abyss dangerous, but the power that Witte possesses is equally dangerous.

On the other side, Werther was also helpless.

"Danger is always everywhere. It is impossible for us to completely eliminate the danger. What we are doing now is very dangerous. Celine, I hope to get your support!"

After hearing Werther's words, the look of struggle in Celine's eyes became even more intense. After a moment, she turned her head and no longer looked at Werther.

Seeing this, Witte had a smile on his face.

He knew that Celine was barely willing.

Then, Witte turned his attention to the corpse of the fallen dragon beast again.

"Don't worry. If we can succeed, it means we have more power to clean up the power of the abyss. If we fail, just ask Boredia to come to the rescue. There will definitely be no problem."

While speaking softly, Witte walked to the corpse of the fallen dragon beast.

Then, he began to control the "꺶Night Light" on his chest and carefully swallowed up the power of the 깊elements.

That's right!

Werther prepared to absorb the power of the abyss into his body.

Of course, he is not planning to surrender to the abyss.

He is preparing to use the power of the abyss to cultivate the two ultimate powers of blazing white flames and eternal freezing ice!

The ultimate power can efficiently clean up the power of the abyss, which he has personally verified.

The ultimate power can grow by destroying something, which is something that Witte has personally experienced.

So, he was wondering if using the power of the abyss as fuel could help the growth of the ultimate power when cleaning up the power of the abyss!

On the way, he told Celine this dangerous idea.

Unfortunately, Celine does not approve of this approach.

Werther still attaches great importance to Celine's opinion. Celine does not want him to be in danger, so Werther will naturally not commit suicide.

But now it seems that this has become the most feasible way to clean up the power of the abyss in this place.

After the root shell is damaged, this huge underground cave is likely to collapse.

And once it collapses, who can guarantee that there will be no residual power of the abyss in such a complex root cave system.

Cave No. 1 is too far from the Sky City.

Once the power of the abyss remains here, it may be too late by the time it is discovered.

As for clearing away the power of the abyss without destroying the root shell, this was the only way Witte could think of.

Because even if you use chemicals to irrigate the power of the abyss, the fierce collision of the two forces will cause damage to the root shell.

Thinking of this, an idea appeared in Werther's mind that he had given up on.

He is afraid of trouble, but some dragons are not afraid of trouble!

Shaking his head, Werther brought his thoughts back, and then raised his mental strength to the extreme.

Because, the power of the abyss has been attracted!

A wisp of purple-black strange energy exuding madness and chaos entered 깊Witt's body along the suction force erupted by Werther's "꺶Night Light".

As soon as the power of the abyss entered, it was ready to spread in all directions.

However, Werther's "Night Light" was originally connected to the elemental lungs and dragon crystals, but now, Werther has severed its connection with the dragon crystals, leaving only the elemental lungs.

Therefore, the power of the abyss was directly absorbed into the elemental lungs before it had time to spread.

Of course, what is connected at this time is the lung of element.

The eternal frozen ice has just been born. Although it is powerful, it has insufficient foundation.

Witte was worried that the eternal ice would not be able to handle the power of the abyss.

When the power of the abyss entered the elemental lungs, Witte also began to become nervous.

But what he didn't expect was that when the power of the abyss entered the territory of the blazing white divine flame, the blazing white divine flame was like a hungry dragon. Without any hesitation, it pounced directly on the power of the abyss that ran in.

The power of the abyss was like oil thrown into the sea. It exploded instantly and was cleaned up without even a trace of resistance.

Although the power of the blazing white divine flame has not increased much, Witte can still clearly feel that the blazing white divine flame is beating more happily.


After taking a long breath, Werther opened his eyes, and then met Celine's eyes full of concern.

Seeing this, Werther couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you laughing? Are you okay?"

Werther smiled and shook his head.

"꺶make up!"

After hearing Werther's words, Celine was still not completely reassured, but at least she didn't need to worry as much as before.

Then, a flash of envy flashed in her eyes.

"The ultimate power? It's so good!"

Hearing Celine's words, Werther said with a bit of laughter and tears: "Don't think about it, although the ultimate power is strong, it has a lot of hidden dangers.

Leaving aside the power of good elements and not comprehending it, but instead pursuing the ultimate power, is what a fool would do. "

Werther is not comforting Celine or fooling Celine.

Although the future of the ultimate power is comparable to the supreme law, there are extreme risks in it, such as being controlled by the ultimate power and becoming a starry sky beast bent on pursuing the ultimate.

In addition, if the ultimate power wants to grow to that level, the time required is not much less than comprehending the supreme law. Unless you are willing to become the puppet of the ultimate power, it may grow faster...

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