Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 497 A terrible discovery!

Even if it died, even if the remaining wood piles were more than 200 meters high, the root system protruding from the ground alone covered an area of ​​several miles.

This shows how magnificent this tree was when it was alive.

And for such a tree to stand firmly on the ground, how big should its root system hidden underground be.

Witt could not imagine the scale of the tree roots, but he knew that according to the data given by Poredia, the potential depth of Cave No. 1 was about five meters.

After the death of the giant tree in Cave No. 1, the roots rotted and shrank, but the outer shell of the roots was relatively hard, and eventually formed a cave system with the roots of the giant tree as the main body.

It can be said that this cave is the most complex of the three caves in the Evernight Forest, and it is also the one where the Abyss believers are most likely to hide.


Looking at the hole under the tree trunk that had decayed over time, Witt took a long breath and turned to look at Celine.

"I'll go in first, you follow behind, and keep an eye on the situation behind you."

Seeing Celine nod, Witt took the lead and flew into the cave. Although the entrance was a little smaller, it was still relatively small compared to Jackie Chan.

For Witt and his men, let alone flying, even air combat was more than enough.

However, just when Witt flew to the entrance and was about to go in, his face changed.

The entrance had a large inclination angle, and when he got close, he could see clearly that there were dense scratches everywhere. Obviously, something ran out from here.

It was most likely a fallen dragon beast, and a small probability of an abyss beast.

Because there is a faint breath of the abyss in those claw marks.


Celine flew over and said in a deep voice after seeing those claw marks.

Witt thought for a while, but shook his head.

"These things should not have come here yet. There are no traces of the Fallen Dragon Beast and the Abyss Beast outside, although I don't know why.

The biggest problem now is that there are indeed traces of the abyss in this cave."

This cave is the same as other caves.

Other caves have accumulated for many months, and the rock layer has formed underground space for various reasons.

And this cave, when the giant tree grew, it gradually took root, and the roots pierced the rock layer and forced deep. After the giant tree died, the shell of the root system supported the cave.

It looks quite solid, but when the root shell has problems, it will inevitably cause a series of collapse reactions.

Now, there are probably many root shells in the cave that have been infected by the Abyss.

If they are not cleared, the Abyss will continue to infect all directions. If they are cleaned, the root shell will definitely be destroyed.

In other words, in addition to the treasure ruins, this cave is the one that Witt most hopes to find the Abyss.

But things did not go as he wished. There are only the Abyss here, and the Abyss beasts inside are trying to run outside. This is obviously a bad situation where the Abyss believers have been recalled and the Abyss beasts have been abandoned.

However, whether it is like this or not, Witt needs to go in and confirm it himself.

Thinking of this, Witt glanced at Celine and continued to fly down.

The cave was formed by the roots of the giant trees.

The inside of the cave is naturally like the roots, which is more complicated than the twists and turns.

But fortunately, the tree roots are not bad.

According to the growth pattern of the tree roots, Witt and his team can easily determine the main trunk and branches of the root system.

After entering the cave, Witt did not go deep immediately, but looked around.

There is not only one road in the cave.

One of them is diagonally pointing downward, and another is pointing upward. Moreover, the passage pointing upward has obvious signs of getting thicker.

The main roots of the trees are not connected to each other.

According to the information provided by Poredia, there is a hole in this giant tree, which can lead to the passage formed by all the taproots.

If there is any accident, flying along the hole will soon reach that space.

But Witt still did not move, but took out the alchemy pen.

"Celine, you should be alert to the surroundings, I will set up a magic circle here."

Hearing this, Celine nodded, and then flew towards the surroundings.

Seeing this, Witt began to carve.

The hardness of the shell of the giant tree root system is already weaker than the dragon scales of a grown dragon, otherwise, it would not be able to support this huge underground cave system.

Therefore, it is no problem to use this thing as a carrier of the magic circle.

The complexity of this cave is far beyond Witt's imagination.

Therefore, he planned to block all the entrances to the ground in this cave with magic circles to prevent Abyssal Beasts or Fallen Dragon Beasts from escaping from other main roots when he was exploring one of the main roots.

As for the idea of ​​carving magic circles, there are three main aspects.

First, violent killing magic circles, try to eliminate Abyssal Beasts that try to escape.

Second, blockade magic circles, prevent any fish from escaping.

Third, protective magic circles. Although Abyssal Beasts and Fallen Dragon Beasts have no reason, magic circles are also fragile things. If they are slightly damaged, the entire magic circle may fail.

Therefore, the protective magic circle only needs to protect the magic circuit, and also needs to prevent the infection of the Abyssal.

Of course, to completely stop the magic, we just need to buy time.

In addition, all these magic arrays are arranged in the form of alchemical magic arrays, because the alchemical magic array has an advantage, that is, the magic core can be realized in the form of magic arrays.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the exhaustion of the elements in the magic core.

With a formed idea, and with Witte's low level, he soon drew a complete composite magic array.

Putting away the alchemy pen, Witte nodded with satisfaction.

"Celine, the magic array is arranged, let's go to the outside!"

After Celine heard the voice and came back, Witte flew to the outside along the passage with Celine.

Soon, they came to a dark and wide space.

With the illumination of the "big night light" on Witt's chest, the two dragons easily took in the situation in this space.

The space was an irregular cylindrical shape, and the air exuded a stronger smell of decay, and the tops of rotten wood spikes were irregularly scattered.

The ground below was also rugged and flat, with dark holes everywhere on the rotten wooden ground. Each hole could represent a main root cave.

If nothing unexpected happened, they were now inside the giant tree.

Unexpectedly, the two hundred-meter wooden piles that looked strong on the outside were basically rotten inside.

In a few hundred more days, the surface would probably be completely rotten, leaving only the tough shell!

"Witt, over there!"


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