Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 495 Set off to the Eternal Night Forest!

"Hey, wake up!"

"No, no, I really can't drink anymore!"

Looking at Avery who kept mumbling something in his mouth, Witt was also a little speechless.

He took a look at the color, uh... it was completely dark.

Witt could only pack up his things and walk outside.

Just when he was about to find a wind-thunder pterosaur to take care of Avery, a thin wind-thunder pterosaur with a purple crystal level flew over.

Witt hesitated for a moment.


The wind-thunder pterosaur flew over and heard Witt's voice, and a hint of helplessness flashed in its eyes.

"Although I knew you had this problem a long time ago, it was still very sad that I was not recognized by my friend who had been traveling with me for ten years."

Witt chuckled.

"Haha, nice to see you. How are the new dragons in the tribe recently?"

"Not bad, there are quite a few guys with good elemental affinity. I believe that when they grow up, they will become the solid arms of the tribe..."

Jones frowned suddenly.

"Did Avery drink?"

Hearing this, Witt remembered Avery's previous complaints and laughed dryly.

"Haha, that's none of my business. He insisted on drinking. I tried to persuade him, but he didn't stop. By the way, I have to go to the Evernight Forest tomorrow. I have to have a good rest tonight. I won't stay any longer.

As for Avery, he is inside. You go and take care of him."

After that, Witt didn't dare to stay any longer and flew quickly towards the gate.

Looking at Jones's eyes, Avery is in trouble tonight. He is still alive. He can't stand the cruel scene and can't help Avery. He can only pray for him!

Back to his room, Witt plunged into the lava pool.

He has long been accustomed to resting in the lava pool. Not only is it comfortable, but it also improves his strength much faster than just lying down somewhere.


The next morning, Witt hadn't gotten up yet, and Celine came to him first.

Even if the lava pool is comfortable, Witt can only get out of it.

After arranging some things in the store, Witt and Celine flew to the Eternal Night Forest in the south.

It is said that the Eternal Night Forest is closer to the Sky City, that is compared with the Morton Mountains.

In fact, there is still a long distance between the two.

It took five or six days for the two dragons to reach the area where the Evernight Forest was located.

There are three caves in the Evernight Forest that need to be explored.

They are located in the southeast area of ​​the Evernight Forest, the central area, and the east bank of the Morton River in the west of the central area.

Poredia numbered the three caves as Caves 1, 2, and 3 from east to west.

The closest cave to the Sky City is Cave 2, which is located in the central area. However, in order to avoid taking a detour, Witt and his team aimed directly at Cave 1, which is the farthest from the Sky City.

For safety, Witt and his team did not choose to go straight to Cave 1. Instead, they first went east along the edge of the Evernight Forest until they reached the north of Cave 1, and then went vertically south.

After all, the location of Cave No. 1 is already the southernmost end of the Evernight Forest. Going to Cave No. 1 is basically equivalent to crossing the Evernight Forest.

Compared with the Evernight Forest, the Sky Plain is much safer.

Although it takes a little longer to travel like this, the time spent in the Evernight Forest is much shorter, almost half shorter!

When he really entered the Evernight Forest, Witt realized that Avery's seemingly simple reasoning was a lesson learned through blood and tears.

Even if they had done what Avery said, it was inevitable that they would be careless at the beginning and miss some details.

Because of this kind of thing, Witt and Celine were often tracked and attacked by dragon beasts.

Moreover, the dragon beasts in the Evernight Forest are not the dragon beasts in the Sky Plains, which are almost domesticated.

The dragon beasts in there are more ferocious and more cunning.

It is possible that you can find a dragon beast camouflaged hunting by just choosing a big rock to rest or passing by a tree.

The Evernight Forest is full of dangers, and there is no real place that can be called a safe place.

The confidence that Witt and Celine had at the beginning, that we are not bad in strength, was shattered the first time they went deep into the Evernight Forest.

They began to learn humility, respect, and running away is not cowardice and courage, but to avoid unnecessary disputes and avoid greater troubles later.

Of course, without an adult dragon following them, it took a long time.

On the sixth day after leaving the Sky City, they arrived at the edge of the Evernight Forest.

On the twenty-seventh day after leaving the Sky City, they arrived at the northern part of Cave No. 1, at the edge of the Evernight Forest.

Now it is the sixty-sixth day after leaving the Sky City, and they have come to the vicinity of Cave No. 1.

In the bushes, Witt stared at the open space outside, where a Fasrui dragon beast was lying.

For this kind of dragon beast, Witt is not unfamiliar.

More than fifty years ago, when Celine first came, she brought three stones with the power of the abyss. The last stone was stabbed into the body of a hapless, lone Fasrui dragon beast.

Before Witt could find it, it was killed by a passing dragon.

This incident has been on Witt's mind for a long time.

Because the traces of the battle at the scene show that although the dragon killed the fallen Fasruidramon, it was also injured.

If you don't understand the situation of the power of the abyss, it is very likely that you will be entangled by the ice, which is like the situation of the ice.

The Sky City has also been paying attention to the whereabouts of the dragon, but until now, it has still found nothing.

In front of Witt, there is also a solitary Fasruidramon.

This kind of dragon beast is mostly group-living, and the bone spurs on its front claws and legs are extremely sharp.

The strength of the dragon beast in front of him has reached the gold level.

The strength can be said to be quite good.

As for why Witt stared at it... it can only be considered bad luck.

The cave is nearby, and Witt and Celine are ready to have a good rest, so the threatening dragon beasts around must be eliminated!

With this idea in mind, Witt, hiding in the bushes, slowly and silently approached the Fasrui dragon beast, his eyes full of coldness.

The Evernight Forest is a dark forest. Whoever exposes himself first will face danger from all sides and hide.

More than a month is enough time for Witt to learn how to hide himself.

The Fasrui dragon beast seemed to have noticed something, stood up, and looked around vigilantly, but when it was about to turn its head, Witt moved...

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