Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 49 I'm going to prepare a very novel food for you!

Well, Ao finally gave up the idea of ​​dying!

Because, there was a guy in front of him who was even worse than him, which attracted the attention of all the dragons.

Werther followed the previous method and pushed out all the water in Billy's belly (remind me again, you can't do this). Looking at Billy who was gradually waking up, he spread his paws.

"Well, it looks like you all need to learn how to swim!"

Billy, who was completely awake, first howled miserably, but soon he stopped again, opening his big eyes full of confusion.

"Eh? Soaring...is your girth swollen?"

After saying that, Billy quickly covered his mouth and looked at the dragons in horror.

Si Long beside him also had a look of confusion on his face, but soon, Werther looked at Billy's thick lips.

"I think he was probably saying, what's wrong with my mouth!"

Hearing Werther's words, Billy nodded quickly.

Seeing this, all the dragons were speechless.

Celine slapped Billy hard on the head.

"You have the nerve to ask!

What did we say when we came out?

껜Never put unfamiliar things into your mouth, you really don’t forget to eat and not to fight!

Say, what did you eat this time? "

Hearing this, Billy looked sad and motioned for everyone to follow him.

Soon, they came to a plant, and Billy pointed to the fiery red fruits on the plant.

"It looks easy to point to when it's dark!"

"He should be saying, it looks delicious!"

Billy nodded and confirmed what Werther's temporary translator said. He looked at the fruit and couldn't help but mouth it because it looked so beautiful!

Werther looked at the fiery red fruit, hesitated for a moment, then reached out and picked one.

Seeing this, Celine frowned.

"What are you going to do?"

Witte pointed to a large area above the plant.

"Taste it and see what's causing it. This guy definitely eats a lot. I'll taste a little bit. If I become like him, it means that this thing is poisonous and we have to go back quickly.

If I am fine, then it means that this guy became like this simply because he ate too much!

땤Also, my control over my physical body is far greater than this guy's. If it is really poisonous, I can taste it.

As for the danger... So far, this guy is still alive and kicking. It's not a fatal poison, so don't worry! "

After hearing this, Celine hesitated for a moment, but finally said nothing.

Billy looked at Werther with tears in his eyes!

Good brother!

You actually risked yourself to test the poison for me!

Werther didn't know what Billy was thinking. If he knew, he would definitely give him a slap in the face to let him figure out his position.

In fact, Werther just didn't want this rare vacation to go to waste!

After taking a look and looking at his dragons with anxiety, Witte pinched the fiery red fruit and took a bite carefully.

It tastes sweet, and then a pungent taste like needles explodes in Werther's mouth. It's not unpleasant, but it has an inexplicable flavor!

If you feel it carefully, there is no special energy that destroys the physical body.

It's not poisonous, it's just an ordinary plant fruit!

Then, Witte suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly became weird. How could this behavior look so like a condiment called chili coming from another world.

Of course, the appearance is completely different, otherwise, Werther would have recognized it at a glance.

However, maybe this thing can really be used as a chili pepper!

Thinking of this, Werther came back to his senses, only to see Celine and the others looking at him in horror.

Werther was stunned for a moment, then quickly touched his lips.

Well, nothing happened!

"Witt, your face looked ugly just now. Was it poisonous?"

Hearing this, Witte was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head in confusion.

"It's not poisonous, and it tastes good. No wonder Billy ate so much.

However, you shouldn't eat too much of this thing at one time. If you eat too much, the pungent taste will burst out at the same time, and it should be like Billy. "

With that said, Werther threw the remaining fruit into his mouth. It tasted sweet at first, then a little painful, but very satisfying!

Seeing that Werther's mouth was not swollen like Billy's, Celine and the others looked at each other, then each picked a fruit and put it in their mouths curiously.

After a moment, all the dragons looked at the fiery red fruits.

Although I can’t eat too much, it tastes really good!

Seeing this, Werther thought for a moment, and then his eyes lit up.

"Wait a minute, eating it directly is too wasteful. I suddenly thought of a way to eat it. Do you want me to prepare a very novel food for you?"

Seeing the doubt in the eyes of the dragons, Witte smiled confidently.

"Have you forgotten?

It’s not that I don’t have inherited memories, it’s just that my inherited memories are different from yours.

땤In my inherited memory, this fruit is a good condiment! "

Of course Werther wouldn't tell the truth!

If his memory inheritance were told, it would only be regarded as a crazy delusion!

Only in this way will it be easier for the dragon to accept it.

Sure enough, after hearing Witte's words, Saili and the others' eyes became less suspicious and more hopeful!

After a moment, all the dragons gathered by the river and looked at Werther eagerly.

땤Witt looked at Ao.

"Oh, your magic flame should be pretty good!"

Although Ao was confused, he still nodded. Compared to Billy, his magic flame was better controlled!

Werther smiled.

"Then please do me a favor!"

After a while, Ao, under the instructions of Witte, turned into a Golden Dragon Magic Oven.

On the two claws that were combined together, the hot magical flames were beating steadily!

Werther casually grabbed a fist-sized piece of meat from the dragon beast corpse next to him. Of course, it was Werther's fist!

Holding the meat, Werther began to roast it on Ao's paws.

Seeing this scene, Ao was stunned for a moment, and finally realized what help Werther wanted from him!

Although he really wanted to hit Werther's smiling face with his flaming fist, he glanced at Celine with an expectant look on his face and finally endured it.

There is no way, no one who likes to eat raw meat can beat these two people who like to eat cooked meat!

However, looking at the sizzling oily dragon meat and smelling the smell that I have never smelled before, maybe this kind of dragon meat is more suitable for roasting and eating!

Oya could only comfort himself in this way!

Seeing that the meat had been roasted and browned, Werther grabbed the fruit next to him, squeezed out the juice, and dripped it on the top of the barbecue. A strange aroma immediately made Wulong energetic!

Werther moved the barbecue away from the "oven", glanced at the dragons, and finally set his sights on Celine.

A moment later, Celine exclaimed, and then looked at Werther's claws with burning eyes.

Werther quickly retracted his claws.

"Calm down Celine, these are my paws!"

Hearing this, Celine withdrew her gaze regretfully, and then stared at Werther instead.

Of course, other dragons are no exception!

"Okay, I'll continue baking it for you, but I've agreed in advance not to grab it, we'll take turns!"

Hearing this, Celine took her eyes away from Dinnett and Billy with regret. She felt sorry. If it were true...

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