Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 474 The title girl did not come home overnight and has not come back yet!

Chapter 474 Title mother went home at night, but she hasn't come back yet!

"You are..."

"So idle!"

Before Witt finished speaking, Antash took over the conversation, then sighed, and then said: "Actually, I think it's better to be idle, because it represents tranquility and peace.

And it's like now, always on guard against invasion by outsiders."

Witt rolled his eyes.

"I think you are quite idle now, and besides, I can always fly like this and talk to you!"

Antash glanced at Witt.

"Head, back, or claws, you can choose any one, don't say, this position is quite wrong, looking at the four rings, that little diamond has a heart, but it's a little small."

Witt chose and chose, and finally fell on Antash's head.

"This is my dream, can I have the heart to do it!"

After a pause, Witt asked: "By the way, can you tell me about that archon?"

Antasha was stunned for a moment, and asked in confusion: "What is there to tell about him?"

Witt turned his eyes to the Western Arena, and while watching Otti abuse Lingyan, he said: "You can tell about your personality, hobbies, things you hate, etc. After all, he lives in the Sky City, and the other party is one of the twelve archons. If you don't know him, you will feel uncomfortable.

Besides, what if we have intersections in the future!

For example, I just beat up his adoptive son Ali, what if he gets angry and runs over to beat me up?"

Hearing this, Antasa sneered.

"Then you don't have to worry!

That old guy won't make things difficult for you for this matter. At most, he will train Ali to death and let him get back on his own. He... is too lazy to leave home!

By the way, why do you want him for me?

That old guy is an old fog dragon, old age...

In addition, he is still an ordinary old age, at least 16,000 years old, and when I first came to Sky City.

To be honest, he has lived in Sky City for who knows how many years, so it is normal for him to slack off.

In his eyes, Sky City is now very important to me. Compared to when he first came here, the Sky City is probably completely different, and the long time has also made him smooth and cunning.

This is fine, it doesn't matter, it has nothing to do with me, etc., these kinds of thoughts are probably part of his thoughts when he heard what happened in the Sky City.

Maybe, when I have lived here for more than 10,000 years, or even thousands of years, I will be like him.

As for the questions you just asked...

Personality, lazy; hobbies, sleeping, strolling; hate things, trouble!


At this point, Antasa couldn't help laughing.

"Because he hates trouble, Poredia specifically found two wind dragon eggs and placed them in front of Daniel's house.

And bet with me that he would endure the trouble, hatch the eggs, and teach them magic."

"Why magic?"

After hearing what Witt said, Antasa smiled and said: "Daniel is very good at magic. He has a deep understanding of magic and masters many kinds of elemental laws.

You heard it right, it is the kind of elemental laws. Except for light and darkness, he has mastered some of the other elemental laws.

Elemental affinity only represents our lower limit, but it does not represent our upper limit.

However, Some dragons focus on their own affinity elements. Of course, this is normal. After all, just one element is enough for a dragon to step into legends, or even myths.

If you focus too much on other elemental rules, you may end up like Daniel now, stuck at the peak of legends, and keep breaking through legends.

I know you are greedy, but you have to learn to choose some things.

There are countless rules. Can you comprehend all the rules?

That's reality! "

Witt didn't speak. He lay on Antash's head, still looking at Oti's soul-slaying flame, but his eyes were bright.

It's obvious that he is fighting, and he is thinking.

And that's the fact.

Since he deeply studied spiritual magic, Witt has been thinking about where the future of spiritual magic lies. Lower-level magic, upper-level magic, high-level magic and even forbidden spells all have spells.

However, above the forbidden spells, there are rules and laws without spells. Magic is created as soon as you think of it, and it is rules and laws.

Then, in the case where spells are needed and element nodes need to be constructed, spiritual magic seems to have no meaning.

But is it really like this?

Witt now realizes that spiritual magic is not without a future, but the future is too difficult!

All the elemental rules... he must do it!

Moreover, as Antasa said, there are countless rules related to elements, and it takes a lifetime to comprehend them.

But in fact, each element has a rule with the same effect.

Element Dispel!

The rules of the fire element have fire element dispel, the rules of the water element have water element dispel... all elements are like this!

These rules are the trump card rules of the elemental civil war!

If he can comprehend all the elemental dispels, then other dragons in front of him, as long as they are rules related to the elements, will be useless!

Moreover, these rules are extremely compatible with spiritual magic. Rules such as element dispelling have a common feature, that is, the mental power must be strong, which is the strength of spiritual magic!

Of course, it is quite difficult to comprehend such rules.

It is called the trump card rule of the elemental civil war. How can it be easy to comprehend? If it is really easy to comprehend, what else would the dragon race practice?

In legend, every dragon can dispel elements. Without elements, the battle will be a large-scale melee scene!

So, in fact, these rules are almost forgotten.

But the difficulty of comprehending these eight rules is 10,000 times simpler than comprehending all the rules related to elements!

Thinking of this, Witt couldn't help but laugh softly.

He already has the direction of mental magic!

Hearing the "hehe" sound suddenly ringing in his head, Antasa was stunned for a moment, and then asked speechlessly: "Hey, what are you thinking about, why are you laughing so obscenely, uh... obscene?"

Antasha's words pulled Witte's thoughts back to where they had been.

"What are you talking about? How can you laugh obscenely? Laugh happily... Hehe... Slurp..."

As he said that, Witte couldn't help laughing again, and even laughed so hard that water almost flowed out.

Antasha's face suddenly changed.

"Hey, don't let water flow on my head, if you dare to, I will pull out all the scales on your body!"


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