Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 472: Victory in battle!

The strong wind element turned into a gust of wind on the ring, which made Witt's flight a little difficult.

Moreover, the concentration of the wind element can also affect the speed of magic release.

In addition, the strong wind element will naturally suppress other elements and affect the speed of other element magic release.

Obviously, Ai is setting up an environment that is favorable to him.

Witt also knows this, so this time, he no longer uses turbulent strangulation, but water elements, ten-node upper magic-blizzard!

As Witt's chanting became louder and louder, the sky, which was already covered by the sea of ​​thunder, rolled and gathered, and instantly covered the sea of ​​thunder above.

The temperature was dropping rapidly, and large flakes of snow floated down, covering the entire ring.

Witt's figure was also hidden in the heavy snow.

Ai, who originally wanted to repeat the old trick, hurriedly stopped breathing, and then began to chant, trying to use magic to disperse the white snow.

However, when his chanting sounded, a similar chanting sound followed closely, and it came first and followed the rhythm of his chanting.

Then the element node he had just established lost contact with him.

Ai's face suddenly condensed, and then he retreated to the next best thing and prepared to use his breath to tear open the snow-white sky.

He did it!

But he didn't do it completely.

The powerful force contained in the storm tearing instantly pierced through the snow curtain in front of him, but it only pierced through a small piece on the breath path.

For him, the situation did not improve at all.

At this moment, Ai suddenly felt a palpitation.

He looked down suddenly, but saw a water-blue magic circle, which had been completed on the ring under him at some point.

"No spell casting!"

Before the voice fell, a rope composed of water flow tied him up, and then it was strangled!

Feeling the rapidly decreasing elemental reserves in his body, Ai had to exit the elemental form.

Although the elemental form of the elemental dragon is not affected by physical attacks, in terms of elements, except for the wind element, other elements are extremely effective.

After exiting the elemental form, the solid dragon scales finally blocked the damage of the turbulent strangulation.

Then, he hurriedly mobilized the elemental power in his body, preparing to forcibly break through the shackles of the turbulent strangulation.

But now it is not a turn-based system.

When Ai was bound by the turbulent strangulation, Witt immediately started another powerful magic.

Moreover, the spell was also cast in the form of a magic circle.

Ai, who was trying to break through the turbulent shackles, suddenly felt a tightness in his heart. He looked up and saw faintly that a blue magic circle was rapidly forming in the flying snow.

Break the magic circle or continue to break free...

Ai chose the latter!

Under the continuous impact of the massive wind elements, the water ropes tied to Ai Wu broke one by one.

And at the moment when the last water rope broke, Ai Wu's hind legs suddenly stretched out, and a large group of pure wind elements burst out from under his hind legs, and his figure quickly jumped away from the original place.

At the same time, the magic circle above took shape, and a huge ice ball fell down with a bang, landing heavily on the place where Ai Wu had just been.

Then the ice ball shattered, and the fine ice crystals, like waves, swept in all directions.

Water element, sixty-node high-level magic, ice fall!

Ai Wu, who had just escaped from the attack range of the ice fall, was directly swept into the ice crystals like waves.

The powerful impact made him groan, and even lost control of his body, and could only go with the flow.

It was not until the force that fell on him was gradually removed that he regained control of his body.

But just as the old was about to go and the new was not yet born, Ai's face changed. He saw that above his head, there was a completed magic circle.

It was still the huge ice ball.

And this time, Ai was smashed firmly on the ring.

The damage of advanced magic to silver-level dragons was real.

When the ice ball shattered again, accompanied by a painful groan, Ai stood up from the broken ice, flapping his wings a few times, as if he was ready to leave his current position first.

At this moment, a chanting sound came, and the turbulent strangulation bound him up again, and a new magic circle was taking shape above his head.

But after it took shape, the ice ball did not fall, but shattered into ice crystals all over the sky.

Witt fell from above and stood in front of Ai, shaking him to a large group of snowflakes.

"You lose!"

After the words fell, Ai stopped struggling, and the water ropes that bound and strangled him also disintegrated into water elements.

The blizzard in the air gradually stopped.

Shaking his head, Ai's eyes regained clarity, and he looked at Witt with a complicated expression.

"You win!"

After that, he turned and flew away from the ring.

There was nothing to say. When he was hit by the first ice fall, he realized that he had lost.

It was not because of the injury. In fact, even when he was hit by the ice fall for the second time, he only received the impact, and the dragon scale defense was not broken.

But he had lost the ability to fight back.

If he continued to fight, he would only be hit by the ice fall again and again until the dragon scale defense was broken.

But in that case, his defeat would be too ugly.

Witt saved his face, and he also admitted defeat very openly.

In the audience, the dragons who had watched the entire battle were in an uproar.

A dragon that was not far from adulthood actually lost to a dragon that had obviously just left the young dragon stage.

However, they were not blind. Most dragons did not think they could handle those powerful high-level magics.

But in this case, do they really have to accept this management association that suddenly appeared?

They expected a dragon to stand up and beat the dragon on the ring, but unfortunately, no dragon had the intention to go down.

The clouds stop and the snow stops!

Witt stood on the ring full of snow and broken ice. He was not injured or out of breath. His "thin" body in the form of a velociraptor shocked the young dragons in the audience.

So, was Witt really showing off his deterrence?

Of course... not!

Witt was just reminiscing about the first serious magic battle in his dragon life!

How does it feel?

How can it be described with just one word "cool".

If there is no elemental magic, he can certainly defeat Ai, but he can only use the ultimate power.

That is not the hearty battle he wants.

Thinking of this, Witt looked at the audience seats around him, his eyes full of expectation.

He was looking forward to the challenge of the second dragon.

But the result was that when his eyes swept over, no dragon dared to look him in the eye. Of course, there were exceptions.

For example, Claude!

When he saw Claude, Witt thought about it and flew towards him...

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