Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 464 What do you think of his strength?

Chapter 464 What do you think of him?

However, when Werther looked at Celine's enthusiastic expression, he didn't say anything.

꿯Right physical body exercise 껗 will never be a waste!

When the door of the training room closed, Celine looked at Werther belatedly, and then her eyes suddenly flashed with joy.

"You guys should take a rest first!"

After saying that, Celine flew to Werther's side and took a good look at it.

"What took you so long to come back!"

Seeing this, Werther chuckled.

"What, you're still afraid that 놖 will get hurt?

This time, Antasha and Ilaya were with me, and they were just there to provide some advice.

As for how long it took...

There was no way, this time the Abyss was really disgusting. After one Abyss believer died, he directly called back all the Abyss believers on the Windy Hills side.

After that, the abyssal beasts were allowed to move freely.

It took a lot of time to clean up those abyssal beasts.

The cleanup has not yet been completed. The remaining abyssal beasts no longer pose a threat to the managers. They are back. "

With that said, Werther looked at Linstar and Agnar who were flying towards this side.

"Hey, it seems that your mentality is quite stable. It has been almost two and a half months since Lei Ji came, and he doesn't seem to have lost many leaves."

Hearing this, Linstar rolled his eyes.

"If you suffer too much, you have to remember."

After a pause, Linstar asked: "Are you ready to continue resting? Redeker is urging you to work, secretly or overtly."

Werther spread his paws helplessly.

"I've been a little busy lately, I have to go out soon, and the store will have to trouble you for a while, uh...Agna too!"

Agnar glanced at Werther strangely.

"If you don't comfort me, I have already accepted my poor talent in the magic circle, but I still don't want to give up.

If you can't learn well in a few decades, then there will be time in hundreds or thousands of years in the future. "

"Well, you still have so many ideas."

"It's about Scott, how about we drive him away?"

Celine's sudden words made Werther stunned for a moment, and then he said with a bit of laughter and tears: "It's not necessary, if you want to come together, you can also come along.

In addition, it is not only Scott's matter, but also the abyss.

Boredia is in such a miserable state, if I don't help him, I feel like he will collapse. "

Hearing this, Celine couldn't help complaining: "There are no other dragons in the Castle of Sky, leaving the Boredian dragon to be busy."

Werther smiled.

“Don’t worry, there will be times when they can’t sit still!

Okay, let’s not talk about this. 놖늀놆 came to see how you are doing. Since everyone is fine, let 놖늀 go first...

Speaking of Celine, are you leaving? "

Celine hesitated for a moment, then shook her head.

"Forget it, I finally got into the habit of sleeping twice and waking up twice. I'm afraid that if I follow you out for a few laps, I'll have to develop this habit again!"

Werther glanced at the stars.

"I think you can ask Xingchen for advice. He can sleep for three days and wake up for two days."

Hearing this, Xingchen glanced at Werther resentfully.

"Fellow, I thought you couldn't see it. Ever since the reverse dimension came into being, you've almost forgotten about it!"

"Haha, how could it be!"

Although he was indeed about to forget about the stars, it was obvious that he couldn't say that now.

"Speaking of which, where's the stuff?"

Xingchen said casually: "It's so noisy. 놖늀 threw 돗 in the backyard. 꿯 is blocked by the magic circle, so 돗 won't run out of the backyard."

Hearing this, Linsida's expression changed, and along with the falling leaves, he screamed: "What, you threw the 께thing in the backyard, 놖flowers!"

With that said, Lin Sida rushed out of the training room.

After a while, the dragons faintly heard a shrill scream coming from the backyard!

The dragons looked at the stars, and then raised their fingers and claws.


Xingchen rolled his eyes, then pulled Witte and flew outside.

"놖 and Witte늀 are leaving first, you can practice slowly!"


If you get into trouble, don't run away, just wait for Linstar to challenge him!

He doesn't like fighting.

Not long after Witte and the others left, Linstar, who had already lost almost one of three leaves, grabbed something and flew back to the training room angrily.

"Xingchen, where is the dragon that I want to meet with you?"

Celine pointed outside.

"Run away!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Sida lost one of his three leaves.

Agnar silently collected the leaves dropped by Linsida, which was a rare and good material.

An ancient forest dragon will appear every once in a while, so don’t waste it!

After Werther left, Scott began to visit Werther's store.

Uh... Although he has visited it several times, Oti's look at him made him understand that if he didn't visit it again, his body might lose some dragon scales.

Even though he knew that he would not be able to defeat his opponent, he still chose to give in with that "firm" and "persistent" gaze.

What's more, it seems that Nasha and Oti do have something to say.

Seeing Scott walking away, Oti looked at Nasha and said in a deep voice: "What do you think of him? Is he really as strong as that thunder element dragon said?"

Nasha looked at Oti doubtfully.

"Why do you suddenly ask this?"

Oti hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I want to challenge him!"

Nasha was stunned for a moment.


As she said that, Nasha suddenly thought of something, and then looked at Oti in astonishment.

"Could it be that you..."

As a traveling companion for many years, Oti immediately noticed the disbelief and... excitement in Nasha's eyes.

Then she realized that she was definitely wrong about it.

"It's not what you think. You meet a dragon that sounds very powerful and you're curious about its true strength. You don't need a reason for this kind of thing!"

A flash of regret flashed in Nasha's eyes.

"Well, it seems that 놖놆 really thought wrong. 놖 thought that you didn't want to continue traveling with 놖 so soon, but..."

As she said that, Nasha looked at Oti with a playful smile.

"There are other female dragons around him, and they are all out of the young dragon stage. Even if you think about it, I'm afraid there is no chance!"

Oti frowned, and then stared at Nasha with a cold look in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, I shouldn't make fun of you like this, let's talk about business, um... How should I put it, he gave me the feeling that it was more dangerous than this time, compared to a challenge...

He is about to face other dragons next time. Isn't this an opportunity to understand his true nature?

You can then decide whether to challenge him or not.


I really don’t know what you think. I’m even a little lucky to see him out of the young dragon stage. In this way, we can dominate the young dragon stage like they did in Liberty City, and then leave! "

Hearing this, Oti looked away.

"Sometimes, it is necessary to challenge the strong, so that you can see your own shortcomings more clearly!"

"This is great!"

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