Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 461 You can't escape!

Chapter 461 You can’t escape!

Throne of 껗녊놇Restore놅The strong man in the abyss suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes full of shock.

"What a chaotic atmosphere!"

녦Then he became confused again.

Isn’t there only one dragon?

At this moment, his expression suddenly changed.

There is a connection between God and believers. Unless the believer's strength exceeds his, or the believer dies, this connection is broken.

늀놇Just now, the contact was lost!

In addition to being besieged by the multi-headed dragon, he really couldn't imagine that the legendary mid-level player would die so quickly.

After hesitating for a moment, he stood up and flew outside.

Looking at the island covered with various colors, Janis grinned.

"They should all be dead by now!"

Muttering, Janis flew down.

That's what she said, but she knew very well that as long as there were no rules for space movement, no one would survive.

What she did just now was used to benchmark Winters.

This is why Winters is relieved that she will come out. Although she is only a legendary mid-level player, she is not an opponent even if she is a legendary player due to her strength.

Of course, the cost of this set is a bit high, and it is not commonly used. After all, the number of times the magic array can be used is limited. The more advanced the magic array, the more so.

Arriving on the island, feeling the chaos and chaos around him, Janis was in a particularly happy mood.

How long has it been since I had such a blast?

When Janis was about to land, her pupils shrank sharply, and she saw a two-meter-tall figure in the distance, but it contained danger, making it difficult for her to breathe.


Then, Janis was stunned for a moment, and the original thought of finishing disappeared in an instant.

Injured 놅 legend!

땤And the injury is quite serious!

Realizing this, Janis's eyes lit up and his face smiled brightly, even his gums were exposed.

On the other side, seeing that there was only one dragon, and it was the legendary mid-level dragon, his face suddenly darkened.

His followers are so useless!

He was actually instantly killed by a 땢 realm 놅꾫 dragon. Didn’t I say that one-eyed 꾫 people are not weaker than the powerful dragon race? It’s rubbish!

Then, his face turned darker.

Because he paid attention, the silver dragon looked at him as if he were looking at an interesting prey.


He sneered in his heart, and when he was about to infect this silver dragon into a dependent, he saw the silver dragon showing its wings towards him.

Magic circle!

Lots and lots of magic circles!

It was so dense that he couldn't count it, and every magic circle exuded the aura of rules.

Then...he escaped!

Nonsense, if he really wanted to be hunted by a legendary mid-range silver dragon, he might as well die under the claws of that skull dragon.

At least I am on the same level as him!

He is going crazy now.

What's going on with dragons in this world? Even if the flames are enough to burn the soul, there are actually dragons engraved with magic arrays all over their bodies.

The abyss is not so outrageous!

"You can't escape!"

Hearing the shouting from behind, the man became even more depressed.

He also hated the Skeleton Dragon even more. If he hadn't been seriously injured, how could he have ended up in this situation.

Of course, he found that there was another dragon.

The strong man from the abyss fled, and Janis chased him away. The island calmed down again, with only the chaotic elements telling what happened before.

But these chaotic elements gradually returned to calm as time passed.

Suddenly, a small black dot flew in the distance.

Soon, the small black spot gradually enlarged. It was a bone dragon with golden flames burning in its eyes.

When he flew over the island, he stopped.

"Looking for you!"

As the words fell, a thick golden flame suddenly landed on the island.


Taking a long breath, Witte couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as he watched the big city approaching 놅꾫.

"It's been 꺘months, and 녦 is finally back. I feel tired just thinking about it!"

Hearing this, Antasha glanced at Werther.

"What are you tired of? I will take you there when you go, and I will take you back when you return. I and Ilaiya will clean up the creatures in the abyss. Do you have the right to say you are tired?"

Werther rolled his eyes.

"I'm so tired!

Those bastards of the Abyss actually recalled the Abyss believers, leaving only a large number of Abyss beasts, and scattered them into underground caves.

Would you say you are physically tired or mentally tired?

If it weren't for my lack of strength, I would have wanted to get into the rift in space and make a big fuss in the abyss! "

I want my father to mention the fierce goddess in his world. Why is there no dragon world?

Uh...well, there is still 놅.

But who knows where those two guys who created the world went.


If there is a supreme protection, then there will never be any problems in this world.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

Werther came back to his senses and said with a smile: "I wonder if you will be... when you fly so high..."


There was a violent sound, Antasha looked at her right paw being hit, her whole body was twitching, and she grinned.

"Quite accurate!"

Witt finally got rid of the soreness and numbness, and then hurriedly said: "Fly lower. Fortunately, there is no area covered by the sea of ​​thunder, otherwise, this will be enough for me."

Antasha laughed even happier.

"Change the color. I like the white one, not the current blue. Speaking of which, I haven't flown in the sea of ​​thunder for a long time. I really want to try it!"


Naked threat!

Witt took a look at the sea of ​​thunder that was gradually approaching and gritted his teeth.

"Changing the color is not bad, but I will tell you an embarrassing story about Boredia!"


Antasha's eyes lit up, and then she began to fly at a low altitude.

"Now tell me!"

Witt apologized in his heart, but his mouth was like a string of cannons, telling the story of the ruins passage again.

"I'm sure he must have bumped into it!"

Antasha smiled thoughtfully.

Seeing this, Witt silently prayed for Poredia in his heart. Looking at this expression, he would definitely be laughed at.

Then he regretted why he didn't team up with Ilaiya when they separately explored the underground caves of Windy Hills, but teamed up with this guy.

Of course, if it really happened again, Witt would choose Antasa without hesitation.

It's not because he has a problem with Ilaiya, on the contrary, he doesn't want to see Ilaiya's eyes full of memories, and he doesn't want to remind Ilaiya of the painful past.

"By the way, there seems to be progress in Boredia, do you want to get involved?"


Witt looked at Antasa in confusion.

"What progress?"

"Or something else, caves, ruins and other places around the Sky Plains."

Hearing this, Witt began to think.

"I have to think about it!"


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