Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 449 Different types of abyssal beasts!

"Don't you think the topic is biased?"

Hearing this, Werther and the others suddenly fell silent.

After a moment, Witte said calmly: "Ilaya, please mention the matter of searching for dragon eggs to Boredia. Let's move on to the next question."

With that said, Werther turned to look at 깊Clothier.

"You just said that you thought they were weird-looking dragon beasts at first. Now that you think about it, the appearance of this kind of abyssal beast should have the characteristics of a dragon. Can you describe it in detail?"

Closier glanced at Werther, but didn't say anything else. After thinking about it for a moment, he said: "Dragon head, triangle, and two big horns protruding from the back of the head, twisting upward.

There is also a single horn on the nose.

There are also two upper back molars that are like horns, protruding from the corners of the mouth and curving downward.

The eyes are covered with scales, and the eyes are revealed from the slender rhombus-shaped hollows, showing blood red.

The body is, uh... like a dragon's tail, with front claws but no hind limbs.

Starting from the single horn on the nose, along the spine to the tail, there are horn-like spike-shaped protrusions. There is a dorsal fin on the back like a dragon's wing, which opens and closes up and down.

There is a fan-shaped wing membrane at the tail with a huge eye on it.

When you look into that eye, you will be slightly confused, which probably contains a mental attack.

In addition, the giant eye can also launch beam attacks. After being attacked, the mind will obviously become dizzy, and it can also launch mental attacks.

There are no wings on its back, but it can float in the air and move quickly, just like an aquatic dragon beast swimming in the water. "

Vittor nodded, and then took out a metal book from the reverse space.

Written on it were the words "creatures of the abyss".

Closier and the others looked over curiously. When Werther opened it, they discovered that there were two pages inside.

On one of the pages, there was a depiction of an ugly, disgusting creature on all fours.

Under the picture, there is a name marked - Abyss Beast Rotten Wolf!

There is a long introduction below.

It includes appearance, ability, fighting style, and a number of unknown meaning, three.

Another page showed a huge, bipedal, weird creature with one eye on its face.

Under the picture, 뀘놆 has another name - Abyss Follower Cyclops.

Then the same introduction, and the number six, in addition, there is a question mark after six.

Antasha asked curiously: "This is the abyss creature you saw in that ruins. Did you name it?"

In addition, what do those two numbers represent? "

Vittor nodded, pointed to the first page of the metal book and said, "I did give him the name. Have you ever seen this rotten wolf in its entirety?

None of those who died under my claws were intact, and Boredia was even more cruel, electrocuted directly into ashes.

As for this three, it represents their strongest strength that I have ever seen.

One represents black iron, two represents bronze, three represents silver, and so on.

During my battle with them, these rot wolves were able to quickly increase their own strength by devouring the flesh and blood of their dead companions. After they reached the silver level, they stopped devouring them.

So, I guess, silver is their limit.

And this cyclops' strength has reached the level of 깊Amethyst, so 놆6, but I'm not sure about their racial limit, so there's a 놆 question mark on the back.

Regarding this issue, I have already made comments before.

In addition, the abyssal beast represents an abyssal creature that has no intelligence and only relies on energy like a dragon beast.

Abyss believers are abyssal creatures who possess wisdom but believe in the power of the abyss.

From the experience in that ruins, and from Closier's description just now, it can be judged that the abyss believers have a certain ability to command the abyss beasts.

I will add this to the front later. "

After saying that, Werther turned over a new page and started digging at it with his paws.

Soon, an introduction similar to the previous one appeared on the metal book, with a missing picture.

"Abyssal Beast Horntooth Yu?"

Closier looked at the name written by Witte with a strange look on his face.

Victor nodded.

"According to your description, it has horns and teeth and can swim in the air. I call it horn-tooth swimming. Is there any problem?"

Antasha grinned.

It’s really a simple and crude naming style, but it’s really easy to understand.

After writing down some characteristics, Werther turned to another page, and then looked up at Closier.

Closier was not stupid, so he naturally understood what Werther meant, and continued: "The abyss creature that injured me has an overall shape similar to the Cyclops in front of me.

However, his body shape is very good, and he has..."

Closier stretched out his paw to make a gesture, and then continued: "놙 is a little over two meters tall, but he is very strong, with amethyst-level strength.

There are two claws, each claw has three fingers, which are very long, about one meter.

There are horns on the head, which are in the shape of a spiral disk and are very large compared to the head.

The hind limbs look like some kind of beast, with the knee joints being long and strange, and the hind limbs have no claws.

In addition, he also has a very thin and long tail. The tip of the tail is like an arrow. When chasing me, the arrow-shaped tail can easily crush boulders.

Yes, he is wearing metal armor like the Cyclops. "

Witt nodded, then lowered his head to write.

But he couldn't help but think, why does this thing look so much like a demon?

However, it seems quite normal for the abyss to have demons.

Thinking of this, he wrote down the name of Abyss Believer·Demon in the name column.

Antasha asked curiously: "Why Demon?"

Witt said as a matter of course: "He is more than two meters tall, but has claws of about one meter. Doesn't he look like a demon? Calling him Demon, there's nothing wrong with that!"

Sanlong was speechless, and he liked this simple and crude naming method again.

Ileya looked at Witt who was busy writing the introduction, and couldn't help asking: "What are you doing here? "

Vette said with a smile: "Knowing yourself and the enemy, you can win every battle. Not every dragon has seen abyssal creatures, but it is hard to say whether these things will not spread in the future.

Then, it is quite necessary to organize the information of these guys.

In addition, I have a hunch that the abyss must not have these four creatures. Recording them will be beneficial and harmless. "


Antasha commented.

"Most dragons will regard the abyssal beasts recorded in your book as imaginary creatures!"

Vette smiled indifferently.

"Even if they are regarded as imaginary creatures, there will be relevant information stored in their memories. When they really encounter these things, I think they should not mind trying to believe this information. "


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