Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 444 Scott's Purpose!

Chapter 444 Scott!

Watching Candace and the others leave, Witte's eyes immediately turned to Scott, and then a playful smile appeared on his face.

"Are you here to sell me diamonds?"

When Scott heard this, his whole body trembled, and he subconsciously took a few steps back, but then he realized that Werther was joking with him!

If the other party really wanted the diamond on his body, he would have done it long ago.

Thinking of this, Scott laughed dryly.

"This joke is not funny at all. Let's get down to business first. Um... How do I put it? What do you think of Sky City's treatment of the giant dragon and the young dragon?"

Although Witt didn't know why Scott suddenly said this, he still nodded.

"It's pretty good. Except for the exemption of hunting income tax from the beginning, and the exclusive hunting license for young dragons, regulations on the protection and assistance of young dragons were not introduced fifty years ago.

For a young dragon that has no special skills, it is friendly but not friendly.

It's just a matter of raising young dragons directly. "

Scott nodded, with a little more emotion on his face.

"That is to say, Sky City is becoming more and more friendly to young dragons. If Candace and I had implemented these support policies when we came to Sky City, we probably wouldn't have had the Dragon Gang."

After sighing, Scott changed the subject.

“Although the starting point of the baby dragon support policy is good, some problems will inevitably arise.

After the policy came, even if the young dragons had nothing to do all day long and did not go hunting, they would be fine. However, when some dragons were idle, many things would happen out of thin air.

There is no pressure, and the young dragons start to wander around, looking at each other, and they are inseparable, and they will dislike each other and start to argue.

It's rare to see them openly, but secretly, the fights between young dragons are far more frequent than before.

Especially when we discover some loopholes in the management of Sky City..."

Having said this, Scott couldn't help but glance at Witte. When he met Witte for the first time, the other party noticed that there were loopholes in management.

"In short, some of their behaviors are either difficult for managers to discover, or even if they are discovered, managers have no way to punish them accordingly.

This makes some stronger dragons gradually become more and more unscrupulous.

They began to study the management regulations of Sky City carefully, looking for loopholes in management, and then carried out targeted revenge and bullying against its dragons.

What's more, this kind of behavior is a sign of spreading to adolescence. "

Having said this, Scott's tone gradually became tougher, and he was no longer as submissive as he was when facing Werther.

"Some dragons even began to feel complacent about provoking managers, but in my opinion, their behavior is so stupid!

The city in the sky belongs to that king.

It was like this in the past, it is like this now, and it will still be like this in the future!

Judging from the current atmosphere of 놅City in the Sky, who likes 놅 to be free, to fight with 놂, and 땤 not to be filled with 깊violent atmosphere.

Their behavior is completely contrary to the management model of Sky City.

Now, the scale is still small, and Sky City 녦땣 will not care.

However, when the young dragon starts to get involved and affects the later 놅龙놅 who joins in, it will inevitably cause resentment in Sky City.

At that time, the Sky City only needs a decree to make all these dragons roll away from the Sky City.

This is an obvious impact.

Secretly, their behavior will make Sky City regard the giant dragon baby dragon as the source of chaos, which will affect their attitude towards the baby dragon.

Regarding their behavior, I can only comment on this behavior in four words, which is extremely short-sighted! "

Werther looked at Scott with some surprise.

"You actually want to get down to business!"

Scott had been speaking righteously just now, but when he heard Werther's words, he immediately stepped down.

"I've been thinking about serious things!"

After a pause, Scott sighed.

"Candice and I have experienced a long and difficult time living, and it is easy to imagine what kind of situation the young dragon will face when the senior officials of Sky City begin to hate the young dragon.

녦땣It’s empathy, I don’t want things to eventually develop to that point.

Therefore, I plan to use the Dragon Gang as the foundation to establish a baby dragon management association to restrain the excessive behavior of some baby dragons.

Of course, it’s better to clear it than to block it!

Forcing restrictions will sooner or later cause a backlash, so the management association is essentially an arena.

Conflicts, excessive energy, and other problems that require fighting to be resolved can be vented through formal channels in accordance with the Sky City Management Regulations.

As long as this concept is established, the management of young dragons will be much easier.

It will not arouse the resentment of the senior officials of Sky City. "

Witte thought about it and said doubtfully: "Then you should go to the senior management of Sky City to discuss the establishment of the Management Association. For such things that are beneficial to the public security of Sky City, it is easy to pass. What are you doing to come to me? ?”

Scott scratched his head in embarrassment.

"When the Management Association was first established, it was easy for some young dragons and even young dragons to resent it. After all, no dragon likes to be restrained.

This is true. When the Management Association was first established, it was necessary to use strong means to establish the right to speak between the young dragons and the young dragons.

The best way is to fight, and the winner decides everything!

In addition, when the Management Association was first established, some powerful dragons would also have ideas.

My goal is to let the young dragons live in peace in the Sky City, but who knows what other dragons think.

So, if the Management Association wants power, I will definitely hold it in my hands.

Among the dragons I know, you are the only one who can help me. Now, I am more convinced of this! "

Speaking of this, Scott looked at Witt's chest.

It was not like this the last time we met.

Normally, a dragon's body will not change so much during its growth.

Unless it is breaking through some major realms, awakening and mastering some special powers, a breakthrough in a major realm means that this guy has left the young dragon stage!

If Witt has not left the young dragon stage, he can dominate the world. After the young dragon stage, who knows how much this guy's strength will increase.

Thinking of this, Scott couldn't help but get excited.

If this thing can be done successfully, the Dragon Gang will become the focus of all young dragons and young dragons.

The Dragon Gang will be there!

Witt looked at Scott curiously, who was excited.

"Don't be too happy yet. Why do you think I will help you with this matter?"

Scott smiled confidently.

"I will convince you!"


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