Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 443: Overtaken!

A metal disc, two spike-shaped pointers, three points, evenly thin in the middle, the two pointers stopped at one moment and moved, the shorter one moved slowly, the longer one moved quickly.

There was nothing on the dial, but it was possible to feel the elemental fluctuations leaked from the operation of the alchemy magic circle inside.

The corners of Witt's mouth twitched.

This is a watch for timing!

Before this, he was going to make one, and now a dragon put the finished product in front of him.

Of course, there are other uses, but the possibility is very small.


"Timer, used to measure time!"


Witt was silent, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

This was preempted by the dragon!

Seeing that Witt didn't speak, Candice thought he was thinking about the principle of the timer, so she took the initiative to explain: "In the past, when I was doing alchemical experiments, I always felt the passage of time.

Every time I finished the experiment, I had a rather vague guess about the time, and I didn't know how much time had passed until I asked Scott.

It's nothing, after all, I'm used to it.

But, in alchemical experiments, sometimes you need to strictly control the time. If you keep watching, Not only is it tiring, but it is also extremely accurate.

I thought, I should create an alchemical item that shows the progress of time.

What is time?

It is too profound for me to understand. I know that the sunset and the sunrise are called a day!

So, how long is a day?

I thought of counting regularly, and then I started to calculate the number of days in this way.

I even forgot how many times I tried.

Finally, I determined a number, 84,000, which I counted again and again. Finally, a number that can show how long a day is.

But this number is a bit large, and it is too complicated to make a counter.

I started thinking about how to reduce this number, so I referred to a concept known to dragons, that is, there are four magic hours in a day!

After calculation, this number is just enough to be averaged by four magic hours.

But the number is still too large, so I started to try again, and finally, I found a number that is easiest to remember and understand, !

A magic Hours, one hour, one number.

So, how to put these numbers on the timer became the next question, and then the streets of the Sky City gave me inspiration.

The Sky City is roughly circular, with three main streets evenly distributed. If there are three more points between each street, then there will be exactly one point.

Finally, this timer was presented. I tested it and it was still accurate! "

Witt looked at Candice blankly.

He had the common sense of another world left to him by his father, and he had the time rune himself, so he dared to make a watch.

But Candice actually developed a timer without these. Compared with alchemy, this guy's brain is the best.


"You must have studied this thing for five years!"

Candice shook her head.

"Of course, I studied it for seven years. In fact, it was already a finished product five years ago, but I used four points for that finished product.

After testing it for three times, I always felt something was strange, so I made a timer with four points based on the main streets of the Sky City, and tested it again.

Now the test is completed, I think my alchemical work is enough to bring the concept of time to the entire Sky City!"

After a pause, Candice looked at Witt.

"The item for cooperation is this timer. As for the way of cooperation, my idea is to choose one or even more alchemists in each block to cooperate.

I will provide the production method, and I need to pay 20% of the profit from the sale, and I will charge it once every time!

Are you interested?"

Witt thought about it and looked at Candice with some doubts: "Are you sure you can continue this business?

In addition, just listening to your explanation, I am confident that I can replicate an identical timer. I think other alchemists are not much different.

In addition, the material of the timer is also a problem.

If you choose good materials, it is no problem to use a timer for hundreds of dollars. Although the selling price will definitely be high, it is similar to a one-time deal.

If you choose inferior materials, it will only cost a hundred or eighty dollars. , the time interval between the first and second purchases is too long.

If the materials are worse, then there is a quality problem.

In addition, you also need to consider some channels hidden in the dark. For example, I rejected you openly, but I know the principle of your timer.

I can make it myself and then provide goods to some vendors standing in the gray area.

This channel will inevitably impact your open sales.

Are you sure you have considered these? "

After a pause, Witt continued: "In addition, you run a store by yourself, so I ask you, will you record the cost and selling price of a product in detail?

If you don't record these, then how should you collect the 20% of the profit?

I'm afraid you will laugh at me. "

As he said, Witt patted the counter.

"I 늀놊 know how many empty coins are inside, I 놙 need to know, it 놆becomes more and more!"

Hearing this, Candice smiled confidently.

"I have already considered what you said. I want you to agree to cooperate. Of course I know how to solve these problems. I am also a three-year-old baby dragon. How can I consider this!"

Witte looked at Candace curiously and asked, "In Block No. 뀖, who were you planning to work with?"

"Antasha, Ilaya, Reddock and you, I have just found Reddock, you are the 괗, although you are the last one.

After all, what you sell in your store are magic circles and potions, but no alchemy items. "

Werther nodded, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Okay, I agree. Yes, you can try it at Antasha's place. You can use it at Ilaya's place. She's here." ”

Seeing that Witte agreed, Candice had a smile on her face.

"Well, happy working together!

As for the follow-up matter, 늀놆Scott talked to you. There is one thing that will be sent over after I finish it. By then, 늀놆cooperation will officially begin.

Also, this timer stays with you.

No matter you make subsequent improvements or changes in shape, you are free. After all, the aesthetics of dragons and dragons are the same. "

With that said, Candice turned to look at Scott.

"If you have something to discuss with Werther, I'll go to the other side to discuss the business. You can go over there later."

After saying that, Candice nodded towards Witt, then turned and left.

Chiara 놙놆, who had remained silent, nodded and followed Candice away...

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