Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 433 He wants to take me as his student!

Chapter 433: You want to accept me as your student!

Watching Werther and Celine leave, Scott felt an unreal feeling, and even raised his paw to hit his forehead.

"It turned out to be true. Apart from snatching away a hundred empty coins and causing my mental stress to increase dramatically, this guy actually didn't take any diamonds from me!"

Hearing this, the original 녤 was still in Yuyu's spiritual flame, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Scott, you are also a dragon after all, and you are so much bigger than 놛, why are you so afraid of 놛?"

Hearing this, Scott rushed in front of Ling Yan, grabbed 놛's mouth with his claws, glanced in the direction of the library, and saw that Witte had no intention of looking back, so he pulled Ling Yan's mouth and looked towards Fly towards Block 12.

Feeling that the library was almost there, Scott let go of Ling Yan, who had been struggling.

"Speak louder, don't take me with you if you are looking for a fight. Moreover, if you provoke me, the guy will most likely use me to vent his anger.

As for why you are so afraid of 놛...

Let's put it this way, no dragon in the 꾫Long Gang is 놛's opponent, and 놛 is still just a young dragon.

Don't ask me why there are such big baby dragons, and don't ask me why I can't defeat them. People are just like that. What can we do?

If you don’t believe it, ask Candace when you get back.

Aren't Oti and Nasha very arrogant with their magical talents? Let them try to find that guy.

If they cast a spell, from now on, my name will be called backwards. "

Ling Yan was shocked.

"Is it really that powerful?"

"That is, you don't know, back then..."

As he spoke, Scott recounted the events of that year in detail, and what he said was so exciting.

"So, if they go to find that guy, they will definitely fail miserably!"

Hearing this, Ling Yan nodded excitedly, then suddenly realized something and looked at Scott with a strange expression.

"By the way, since you were beaten so badly back then, is it really appropriate for you to tell me about it now with a happy and excited look on your face?"


Scott's face froze, he was silent for a moment, and said quietly: "Did I say something just now?"

"Of course, you said..."

When Ling Yan looked at Scott's threatening gaze, 놛 hesitated for a moment, and then said against his will: "Okay, you didn't say anything."

Scott nodded with satisfaction.

"I want to find 놛, even if there is only one skeleton left!"

"Okay, okay, I will definitely accompany you to find it!"

As he said that, Witte looked at his own shop not far away, his face full of helplessness.

A similar conversation started right after we came out of the library and continued until we came back.

Celine was really angry.

If Werther hadn't acted quickly at that time, the luminous atomic breath would have landed on the book.

Speaking of the book, Witte was also surprised. The first time he saw it, it was in the magic area, and the second time he saw it, it was in the alchemy area.

When 놛 went to look for her this time, 꺗 was not there.

After a long search, I found it in the magic circle area on the second floor.

Fortunately, the book is special and looks very thin. When looking for it, just look for a thin book.

However, 놛 now regrets taking Celine to satisfy her curiosity.

Now her curiosity was satisfied, but her temper was aroused. Celine insisted on raising Vergo's ashes.

There was no other way, Werther just followed her temper.

Finally seeing his own store, Werther couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as she comes back, she will naturally push Celine to Antavana due to her busy schedule.

Just as Werther was thinking this, he suddenly noticed that Celine did not follow.

Turning around, she saw Celine staring intently at Boredia's shop.

Witte turned his head to look at Boredia's shop in confusion, only to see a familiar dragon looking over here.

It's the Annihilation Dragon!

Witte hesitated for a moment, then walked towards the dragon.

Seeing this, Celine frowned, but followed her.


"My name is Clothier!"

Before Werther could finish speaking, Closier said calmly, his eyes constantly looking at Werther's body.

"Are you a silver dragon?"

Werther shook his head.

"My name is Witte. As for whether it's a silver dragon or not, if I have to say it, I can barely say it. However, the official name is Starry Sky Dragon."

As he said this, a flash of helplessness flashed in Werther's eyes.

The original handsome name was changed to the home address, no matter how you say it, it became twisted.


Celine said coldly, she would not forget the murderous intention that the other party had towards her just because she gave him a harsh lesson once.

Closier didn't pay any attention to Celine's intention, and didn't even bother to give her a look.

She just looked at Werther, a complicated look flashed in her eyes.

"I was once saved by a silver dragon. Although 놛 did not know that he saved me, I will always remember it in my heart. Your back looks very similar to 놛."

Werther laughed dryly.

"The silver dragons look alike. To be honest, when the two young silver dragons stand together, I can't even recognize which one is my teacher just by looking at their backs."

After a pause, Werther glanced at Boredia's shop.

"Speaking of which, why are you here?"

Clothier raised his head toward the northwest.

"The city's top officials seem to be paying great attention to the situation there. Boredia went there to investigate, and the place I know was given second priority by them.

However, it seems that the Boredians are taking some big action against the place I know.

That's not what I care about anymore.

I am only responsible for leading the way.

As for why I stay here...

Boredia wants to accept me as a student and teach me potions... although I have no interest in that.

However, between staying here and learning from an old dragon, or returning to the wild and facing the cruel competition for survival, which one do you think I would choose? "

Witte was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Closier in surprise.

Boredia actually took the initiative to accept him as his student, which was really strange.

When Boredia comes back, I must ask 놛 what he thinks. As for now...

"So, we can be considered neighbors from now on."

As he spoke, Werther suddenly noticed a cold feeling coming from behind him, and then hurriedly said: "Since we are neighbors, I hope we can get along well in the future.

There is something else going on in the store, so I won’t say more. Celine, let’s go back! "

With that said, Werther turned to look at Celine.

Celine nodded, took a deep look at Closier, then turned and left.

Werther hurried after him.

After walking far away, Werther said helplessly: "Celine, are you angry?"


"Just smile when you're not angry?"


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